What is the problem?
Creation of CfnDomainNameApiAssociation and CfnDomainName that the previously mentioned object applies to fails, if is being done under the same stack. If I were to separate them into two different stacks, the error would not occur.
Reproduction Steps
- Create GraphqlApi instance.
- Setup domain name using this code snippet:
var certificate = new DnsValidatedCertificate(this, $"XXX-Api-Certificate",
new DnsValidatedCertificateProps
DomainName = props.DnsName,
Region = "us-east-1",
HostedZone = props.HostedZone
var cfnDomainName = new CfnDomainName(this, "XXX-Domain-Name",
new CfnDomainNameProps
CertificateArn = certificate.CertificateArn,
Description = "XXX domain name",
DomainName = props.DnsName,
new CfnDomainNameApiAssociation(this, "XXX-Domain-Name-Api-Association",
new CfnDomainNameApiAssociationProps
ApiId = graphqlApi.ApiId,
DomainName = props.DnsName
new CnameRecord(this, $"XXX-Domain-Name-CNameRecord", new CnameRecordProps
RecordName = props.DnsName,
DomainName = cfnDomainName.AttrAppSyncDomainName,
Zone = props.HostedZone
What did you expect to happen?
AppSync API with a custom domain name and API association would be created.
What actually happened?
XXX | 5/58 | 6:47:13 AM | CREATE_FAILED | AWS::AppSync::DomainNameApiAssociation | XXX (XXX) Resource handler returned message: "Resource of type 'AWS::AppSync::DomainNameApiAssociation' with identifier 'null' was not found." (RequestToken: 7349ad3a-7dda-4af5-90d9-732ecebe1fbf, HandlerErrorCode: NotFound)
CDK CLI Version
Framework Version
Node.js Version
Debian 10
Language Version
.net core 3.1
Other information
Observed the same behavior as well with CDK version 1.138.2. Following separation would not show the above error.
// First stack
var certificate = new DnsValidatedCertificate(this, $"XXX-Api-Certificate",
new DnsValidatedCertificateProps
DomainName = props.DnsName,
Region = "us-east-1",
HostedZone = props.HostedZone
var cfnDomainName = new CfnDomainName(this, "XXX-Domain-Name",
new CfnDomainNameProps
CertificateArn = certificate.CertificateArn,
Description = "XXX domain name",
DomainName = props.DnsName,
// Second stack
new CfnDomainNameApiAssociation(this, "XXX-Domain-Name-Api-Association",
new CfnDomainNameApiAssociationProps
ApiId = graphqlApi.ApiId,
DomainName = props.DnsName
new CnameRecord(this, $"XXX-Domain-Name-CNameRecord", new CnameRecordProps
RecordName = props.DnsName,
DomainName = cfnDomainName.AttrAppSyncDomainName,
Zone = props.HostedZone