›Add Project Folder‹ leads to crash #20570
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Atom just crashes when I want to add a project folder.
Steps to Reproduce
- Start Atom
- Click on ›Add Project Folder‹
- Most of the time, but not always, Atom crashes without message.
Expected behavior:
Opening Dialog to add the project folder.
Actual behavior:
It crashes. Most of the time. Sometimes it works.
After using Atom in safe-mode and using the normal mode again, it seem to work for a while, before crashing again.
Reproduces how often:
But so far not in safe-mode.
OS is NixOS 20.09pre217537.d96bd3394b7 (Nightingale)
Atom : 1.42.0
Electron: 4.2.7
Chrome : 69.0.3497.128
Node : 10.11.0
apm 2.4.3
npm 6.2.0
node 10.2.1 x64
atom 1.42.0
python 3.7.6
git 2.25.1
I did not had this bug, dunno, 2 months ago? But I have this issue even after restart of the PC now.
Additional Information
I currently have 11 Project Folders opened.
I use Wayland.
You probably do not reproduce this bug and I have no idea which conditions have to met to cause this behavior, but maybe I am not alone with this? There was another now closed issue of the same or similar problem, but this was on windows and 3 years ago now.
Update: Reproduced in safe-mode.