[tox] isolated_build = true envlist = py37-django32,{38,39,310}-django{22,32,40,41},report [testenv] deps = django22: Django>=2.2,<2.3 django32: Django>=3.2,<3.3 django40: Django>=4.0,<4.1 django41: Django>=4.1,<4.2 whitelist_externals = poetry bash grep pip pytest passenv = DATABASE_URL skip_install = true commands = bash -c 'poetry export --dev --without-hashes -f requirements.txt | grep -v "^[dD]jango==" | pip install -q --no-deps -r /dev/stdin' pip install -q --no-deps --no-build-isolation -e . pytest --cov --cov-fail-under=0 --cov-append --cov-config pyproject.toml pgtrigger/ # There are some tests that must run independently of the original test suite because of making # dynamic models pytest --cov --cov-fail-under=0 --cov-append --cov-config pyproject.toml -m independent pgtrigger/ [testenv:report] whitelist_externals = coverage skip_install = true depends = py37-django32,{38,39,310}-django{22,32,40,41} parallel_show_output = true commands = coverage report --fail-under 100 coverage erase