ArmorLab is a software for PBR texture authoring - check out the manual.
Note 1: This repository is aimed at developers and may not be stable. Distributed binaries are paid to help with the project funding. All of the development is happening here in order to make it accessible to everyone. Thank you for support!
Note 2: If you are compiling git version of ArmorLab, then you need to have a compiler (Visual Studio with clang tools - Windows, clang + dependencies - Linux, Xcode - macOS / iOS, Android Studio - Android) and git installed.
git clone
cd armortools/armorlab
# Unpack `` from into `assets/models` using 7-Zip - Extract Here
Windows (x64)
..\armorcore\make --graphics direct3d11
# Open generated Visual Studio project at `build\ArmorLab.sln`
# Build and run
Linux (x64) wip - cpu only
../armorcore/make --graphics opengl --run
macOS (arm64)
../armorcore/make --graphics metal
# Open generated Xcode project at `build/ArmorLab.xcodeproj`
# Build and run
Android (arm64) wip
iOS (arm64) wip