To build aretext, you will first need to install go.
Next, install development tools:
make install-devtools
To build aretext, format code, and run tests:
To only run tests:
make test
To format Go and Markdown files:
make fmt
Some files in the project are created by go generate and checked into the git repository. This includes the state machine compiled from commands in input/commands.go. If you add a new command there, you should regenerate the state machine by running:
make generate
Please see the Makefile for all available targets.
You can tell aretext to log debug information to a file like this:
aretext -log debug.log
You can then tail the log file in a separate terminal session to see what aretext is doing:
tail -f debug.log
First, you will need to install dlv.
Then build aretext with debug symbols:
make build-debug
You can then start aretext and attach a debugger:
# Start aretext in one terminal.
# Switch to another terminal and attach a debugger.
# If there are multiple aretext processes running,
# replace `pgrep aretext` with the exact process ID.
dlv attach `pgrep aretext`
You can tell aretext to profile its CPU usage like this:
aretext -cpuprofile
This will create a pprof profile that you can analyze using go tool pprof