Optional module.
This library adds ability to “AppMetrica SDK” to handle native crashes on Android. It is based on Crashpad library and redistribute it in binary form. All changes in Crashpad code are indicated by the notice “//change for AppMetrica”. You can find Crashpad license here
Maven: io.appmetrica.analytics:analytics-ndk-crashes:${VERSION}
- cmake version 3.10.2
- NDK version 21.1.6352462
- Crashpad Prerequisites
./gradlew :ndkcrashes:assembleRelease -Pndkcrashes.native.enabled=true
./gradlew :ndkcrashes:publishReleasePublicationToMavenLocal -Pndkcrashes.native.enabled=true
./gradlew :ndkcrashes:testReleaseUnitTest :ndkcrashes:generateReleaseJacocoReport
./gradlew :ndkcrashes:lint :ndkcrashes:ktlint :ndkcrashes:checkstyleRelease
./gradlew :ndkcrashes:aarCheck
./gradlew :ndkcrashes:aarDump