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This directory contains examples code that uses hudi.

To run the demo:

  1. Configure your SPARK_MASTER env variable, yarn-cluster mode by default.

  2. For hudi write client demo and hudi data source demo, just use spark-submit as common spark app

  3. For hudi streamer demo of custom source, run bin/

  4. For hudi streamer demo of dfs source:

    4.1 Prepare dfs data, we have provided hudi-examples-spark/src/main/resources/-streamer-config/dfs/source-file.json for test

    4.2 Run bin/

  5. For hudi streamer demo of dfs source:

    5.1 Start Kafka server

    5.2 Configure your Kafka properties, we have provided hudi-examples-spark/src/main/resources/streamer-config/kafka/ for test

    5.3 Run bin/

    5.4 Continuously write source data to the Kafka topic your configured with hoodie.streamer.source.kafka.topic in

  6. Some notes streamer demo:

    6.1 The configuration files we provided is just the simplest demo, you can change it according to your specific needs.

    6.2 You could also use IntelliJ IDEA to run the example directly by configuring parameters as "Program arguments"