Salam Language, inspired by the Persian and Arabic roots of the word "salam", which means "peace", is a programming language crafted for simplicity and accessibility within the Iranian and Arabic-speaking communities. Serving as the first Persian and Arabic programming language, Salam Language is designed to provide an intuitive and user-friendly experience, specifically tailored for users, students, and developers familiar with Persian or Arabic. Embracing the cultural and linguistic richness of the region, Salam Language aims to empower a diverse range of individuals, making programming more approachable and fostering a sense of ease and collaboration in the local coding community.
$ ./salam
Welcome to Salam Programming Language!
Salam is the first Persian/Iranian computer scripting language.
salam <filename> # Execute a Salam script
salam my_script.salam # Run the Salam script 'my_script.salam'
Feel free to explore and create using Salam!
For more information, visit:
Salam is being developed by Max Base and John Bampton.