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sish installation

sish is an open source serveo/ngrok alternative that can be used to open a tunnel to localhost that is accessible to the open internet using only SSH. sish implements an SSH server that can handle multiplexing of HTTP(S), TCP, and TCP Aliasing (more about this can be found in the README)

This tutorial will teach you how to:

  • Setup an instance in Google Cloud using the free tier
  • Add and modify authentication for users
  • Access sish from a remote computer

Project selection

You first need to select a project to host the resources created in this tutorial. I'd suggest creating a new project at this time where your sish instance will live.

Access Google Cloud Shell

Create the instance running the container

Here is a command to create the instance running the sish container. This will start the container on a hardened Container Optimized OS and start the service. This is just a starting command that runs sish on port 2222, 80, and 443. If you accept the Let's Encrypt TOS, you can enable automatic SSL cert loading. This command does NOT include authentication and it is up to you to properly tune these parameters based on the documentation here. Make sure to update YOURDOMAIN to the actual domain you own. You will also need to setup the DNS records as described below. Also feel free to change the --zone used for these commands.

gcloud compute instances create-with-container sish \
    --zone="us-central1-a" \
    --tags="sish" \
    --container-mount-host-path="host-path=/mnt/stateful_partition/sish/ssl,mount-path=/ssl" \
    --container-mount-host-path="host-path=/mnt/stateful_partition/sish/keys,mount-path=/keys" \
    --container-mount-host-path="host-path=/mnt/stateful_partition/sish/pubkeys,mount-path=/pubkeys" \
    --container-image="antoniomika/sish:latest" \
    --machine-type="e2-micro" \
    --container-arg="--domain=YOURDOMAIN" \
    --container-arg="--ssh-address=:2222" \
    --container-arg="--http-address=:80" \
    --container-arg="--https-address=:443" \
    --container-arg="--https=true" \
    --container-arg="--https-certificate-directory=/ssl" \
    --container-arg="--authentication-keys-directory=/pubkeys" \
    --container-arg="--private-keys-directory=/keys" \
    --container-arg="--bind-random-ports=false" \
    --container-arg="--bind-random-subdomains=false" \
    --container-arg="--bind-random-aliases=false" \
    --container-arg="--tcp-aliases=true" \
    --container-arg="--service-console=true" \
    --container-arg="--log-to-client=true" \
    --container-arg="--admin-console=true" \
    --container-arg="--verify-ssl=false" \
    --container-arg="--https-ondemand-certificate=false" \
    --container-arg="--https-ondemand-certificate-accept-terms=false" \
    --container-arg="--https-ondemand-certificate-email=certs@YOURDOMAIN" \
    --container-arg="--idle-connection=false" \

Network Setup

Open the firewall to allow access to all instance ports

gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-all-tcp-sish \
    --action="allow" \
    --direction="ingress" \
    --rules="tcp" \
    --source-ranges="" \
    --priority="1000" \

Adding a DNS record

Get the external IP address of your machine and create two DNS records

  • An A record for YOURDOMAIN pointing it to the output below
  • An A record for *.YOURDOMAIN pointing it to the output below
gcloud compute instances describe sish \
    --zone="us-central1-a" \

To confirm that the DNS records were created appropriately, you can run:
dig @ abcxyz.YOURDOMAIN and dig @ YOURDOMAIN. Both should get an answer with status: NOERROR.

Using sish

Try using SSH to connect to the sish service

ssh -p 2222 -R YOURDOMAIN

Access the address sish gave you

curl -vvv http://foo.YOURDOMAIN/anything

Advanced usage

Login into your new machine

gcloud compute ssh sish --zone="us-central1-a"

Adding SSH keys for when you enable auth

echo "ssh_public_key_here" >> /mnt/stateful_partition/sish/pubkeys/your_user.keys

Tear it down

First the instance

gcloud compute instances delete sish \

Then the firewall rule

gcloud compute firewall-rules delete allow-all-tcp-sish