# Google Personal/Shared Drive Index [![](https://data.jsdelivr.com/v1/package/gh/ParveenBhadooOfficial/Bhadoo-Drive-Index/badge)](https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/gh/ParveenBhadooOfficial/Bhadoo-Drive-Index) * Supports Both My and Team/Shared Drives with Dark Mode. * Development Paused due to busy schedule. [![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ParveenBhadooOfficial/Bhadoo-Drive-Index/master/images/beta-light-screenshot.png)](https://github.com/ParveenBhadooOfficial/Bhadoo-Drive-Index) [![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ParveenBhadooOfficial/Bhadoo-Drive-Index/master/images/beta-dark-screenshot.png)](https://github.com/ParveenBhadooOfficial/Bhadoo-Drive-Index) `Note: The Changes in your workers config can effect later due to cache. Use incognito mode everytime to open the worker URL to overcome that issue.` ## Project Website * [gdi.js.org](https://gdi.js.org) by [js.org](https://js.org) ## Demo Sites * [light-demo.ve.workers.dev](https://light-demo.ve.workers.dev) * [dark-demo.ve.workers.dev](https://dark-demo.ve.workers.dev) * [password-demo.ve.workers.dev](https://password-demo.ve.workers.dev) id and password are `admin` and `admin` ## How to * Current Version `2.0.8` * Beta Version (Latest) - [generator.driveindex.ga](https://generator.driveindex.ga) (Dark Theme Available) * If you want to deploy main drive leave the option ROOT as it is. * If you want to deploy your Team Drive/Shared Drive/Folder then copy the ID and replace it with ROOT. * Eg. if you open this shared drive `https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0AOM2i7MQiuWIUk9PVA` - `0AOM2i7MQiuWIUk9PVA` is its ID. * Authenticate and copy the code from Google and paste it into Authorization Code Box. * Click on Get Code to Generate Code and Copy it for later use. * Now Create Cloudflare account and verify email or login with existing account. * Find Workers and Open it. * Create your sub-domain or continue if already done. * Select the Free Plan. * Click on Create a Worker. * You can rename the workers at top of the page. * Now paste the code you copied before. * Click on Save and Deploy. * Done. (May take time for some users due to new account or cache issues) * [Watch Video](https://youtu.be/v3qNwHAWVKs) ## Basic Config ```` "roots": [{ "id": "root", // shared drive id or folder id "name": "Cloud Zero", // name for drive "user": "admin", // username for id pass "pass": "admin", // password for id pass (works also if their is no username, keep blank if no auth is needed. "protect_file_link": true // protects the direct links when true. }], ```` ## Multiple ID Config ```` "roots": [{ "id": "root", // shared drive id or folder id "name": "Cloud Zero", // name for drive "user": "admin", // username for id pass "pass": "admin", // password for id pass (works also if their is no username, keep blank if no auth is needed. "protect_file_link": true // protects the direct links when true. }, { "id": "root", // shared drive id or folder id "name": "Cloud Zero", // name for drive "user": "admin", // username for id pass "pass": "admin", // password for id pass (works also if their is no username, keep blank if no auth is needed. "protect_file_link": true // protects the direct links when true. } ], ```` ## Brand Customization and Dark Mode * In Latest Release, you can rebrand the Index as per your needs. * Line 57 will help you select light or dark theme where false is light and true will be dark theme. * After that each line has its own custom feature. Edit as per your needs. * You can remove credit option but we request you not to. * See Below code to understand Customization. ```` const uiConfig = { "theme": "bhadoo_bootstrap", // Change doesn't works "dark_mode": true, // switch between light or dark themes "version": "2.0.8", // don't touch this one. get latest code using generator at https://github.com/ParveenBhadooOfficial/Bhadoo-Drive-Index "logo_image": true, // true if you're using image link in next option. "logo_height": "", // only if logo_image is true "logo_width": "100px", // only if logo_image is true "logo_link_name": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jscdn/[email protected]/bhadoo-cloud-logo-white.svg", // if logo is true then link otherwise just text for name "contact_link": "https://t.telegram.ind.in/BhadooCloud", // Link to Contact Button on Menu "copyright_year": "2050", // year of copyright, can be anything like 2015 - 2020 or just 2020 "company_name": "Bhadoo Cloud", // Name next to copyright "company_link": "https://t.telegram.ind.in/BhadooCloud", // link of copyright name "credit": true, // Set this to true to give us credit "display_size": true, // Set this to false to hide display file size "display_time": false, // Set this to false to hide display modified time for folder and files "disable_player": false, // Set this to true to hide audio and video players "jsdelivr_cdn_src": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/ParveenBhadooOfficial/Google-Drive-Index" }; ```` ## Search Limitations * Search only works if you use Shared Drive ID or root. * Search won't work or the bar won't appear if you're using Folder ID inside from root or Shared Drive. ## Known Bugs * Light Mode Text Hover Underline needs to be fixed. ## Upcoming Changes * Clear Path to Navigate inside Previous Folders (currenty shows inside menu). * Icons from other Index for better view. * Adding Links to other Indexes. * Adding More Features from other Indexes. * Click to Copy Download Button ## Other Indexes * [Edited Version](https://gist.github.com/ParveenBhadooOfficial/52ffbfcfa24e53f8afad4851618307fc) based on [goindex-theme-acrou](https://github.com/Achrou/goindex-theme-acrou) ## Credits * Source: [maple3142](https://github.com/maple3142/GDIndex) * Source: [yanzai](https://github.com/yanzai/goindex) * New Design: [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com) * Cloudflare: Workers ## Disclaimer * These Index's are written by someone else, possibly by donva and [maple3142](https://github.com/maple3142/GDIndex). * Beta Version is redesigned using Bootstrap from Alpha Version by @ParveenBhadooOfficial. * This Repo was imported from [yanzai](https://github.com/yanzai/goindex) and then modified for personal use. After requests from many users made compatible with user requirements. ## Support this Project [![Support](https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/v2/default-white.png)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/bhadoo)