--- layout: base title: Starting a Computer Anonymous ---
If you aren't familiar with git and/or Github, contact the following people to do it for you:
Starting local groups is excellent and highly encouraged, but in order to maintain the integrity of the groups, there are a few things you should keep in mind.
Venues should be chosen with accessibility in mind - be it physical accessibility, financial accessibility, or generally safe places for all people.
Many groups will likely be meeting in pubs and bars, but this certainly isn't mandatory and might not even be desired. It's worth exploring alternatives.
Finding a good time for everyone is difficult, if not impossible, but you should make an attempt to use tools like doodle to find times that work best.
GitHub has worked well for us in planning meetups and answering questions. We've avoided tradtional mailing lists, because of spam, and general lack of moderation. With GitHub, discussions tend to stay on topic, we can close, and reference issues. We've found that creating an account, setting up notices, is just as annoying as a traditional mailing list. We also don't get email on the first of the month.
Git and IRC are great tools for collaboration, but not everyone is familiar with them. We want to include and encourage participation from people with all backgrounds, so knowledge of these systems shouldn't be a prerequisite.
Be available in other mediums so people can get help if they need it.
Remember, everyones safety is a top priority. In order for these groups to survive, people need to be held accountable. Someone should be available to handle problems within the group.
Try to have more than one point of contact, and if possible try to get people from different groups and backgrounds to volunteer. One person may burn out, and the more diverse the volunteers, the better.
We should aim to handle all incidents in a consistent fashion. Let the person know in plain language what they did wrong and what action is being taken to deal with the situation. It is important to make this about the behaviour/words, not the person.
After this point, if possible do not engage with the person who was causing the problem and give them time to cool off. If you do need to engage with them, offer them information without jokes or attacks, and disengage respectfully if it is a lost cause.
Ask the person/s who suffered if they would like further support. Listen to what they say and make sure their needs are feedback to the group so we can all learn and improve. It is vital to let the person reporting know the methods of action you intend to take before taking them. Sometimes they have a different context with the person who has violated the code of conduct - they may worry about their physical/professional/personal safety with the person, so we want to make sure that we respond in a way that does the least harm to the reporter.
If someone engages in behaviour that violates the code of conduct, organisers or designated volunteers may take action. Make sure that people attending the meeting are aware of who to contact (this should be on meeting pages; and made clear at the event).
Our expectation is that if someone is asked to stop a harassing or otherwise inappropriate behaviour, they will do so immediately. If not the organisers may ask them to leave.
We can expect to get some questions such as "can cis white straight guys come to this group without feeling uncomfortable?". Channel mods/tweeters should deal with these by referring to the 101 pages. It is understandable that people will get annoyed by such questions when they have to deal with them on a daily basis so please avoid tone policing people's responses and instead state that our purpose is not education on these issues and redirect to factual information.
Similarly nobody should feel obligated to continually carry out 101-style educationâsuch requests should be referred to our statement of purpose and the 101 links pages.
If an incident occurs such that an individual is banned, this should be logged. If they tweet/email asking about this, reiterate what they did, post the logs and (briefly) why this was problematic.