{ "version": 3, "cmakeMinimumRequired": { "major": 3, "minor": 22, "patch": 0 }, "configurePresets": [ { "name": "develop", "description": "enable tests and examples", "hidden": true, "binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/build/${presetName}", "cacheVariables": { "alpaka_BUILD_EXAMPLES": "ON", "BUILD_TESTING": "ON" } }, { "name": "cpu-serial", "description": "enable serial back-end", "inherits": "develop", "cacheVariables": { "alpaka_ACC_CPU_B_SEQ_T_SEQ_ENABLE": "ON" } }, { "name": "cpu-omp2b", "description": "enable OpenMP 2 Grid Block back-end", "inherits": "develop", "cacheVariables": { "alpaka_ACC_CPU_B_OMP2_T_SEQ_ENABLE": "ON" } }, { "name": "cpu-omp2t", "description": "enable OpenMP 2 Block Thread back-end", "inherits": "develop", "cacheVariables": { "alpaka_ACC_CPU_B_SEQ_T_OMP2_ENABLE": "ON" } }, { "name": "cpu-stdthreads", "description": "enable std::thread back-end", "inherits": "develop", "cacheVariables": { "alpaka_ACC_CPU_B_SEQ_T_THREADS_ENABLE": "ON" } }, { "name": "cpu-tbb", "description": "enable Intel TBB back-end", "inherits": "develop", "cacheVariables": { "alpaka_ACC_CPU_B_TBB_T_SEQ_ENABLE": "ON" } }, { "name": "cpu-all", "description": "enable all cpu back-ends (serial, OpenMP 2 Grid Block and Block Thread, std::thread and Intel TBB back-end", "inherits": "develop", "cacheVariables": { "alpaka_ACC_CPU_B_SEQ_T_SEQ_ENABLE": "ON", "alpaka_ACC_CPU_B_OMP2_T_SEQ_ENABLE": "ON", "alpaka_ACC_CPU_B_SEQ_T_OMP2_ENABLE": "ON", "alpaka_ACC_CPU_B_SEQ_T_THREADS_ENABLE": "ON", "alpaka_ACC_CPU_B_TBB_T_SEQ_ENABLE": "ON" } }, { "name": "gpu-hip", "description": "use HIP back-end on AMD GPUs", "inherits": "develop", "cacheVariables": { "alpaka_ACC_CPU_B_SEQ_T_SEQ_ENABLE": "ON", "alpaka_ACC_GPU_HIP_ENABLE": "ON" } }, { "name": "gpu-sycl-intel", "description": "use Sycl back-end on Intel GPUs", "inherits": "develop", "cacheVariables": { "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER": "icpx", "alpaka_ACC_CPU_B_SEQ_T_SEQ_ENABLE": "ON", "alpaka_ACC_SYCL_ENABLE": "ON", "alpaka_SYCL_ONEAPI_GPU": "ON", "alpaka_SYCL_ONEAPI_GPU_DEVICES": "spir64" } }, { "name": "gpu-cuda-nvcc", "description": "use cuda back-end on Nvidia GPUs with nvcc device compiler", "inherits": "develop", "cacheVariables": { "alpaka_ACC_CPU_B_SEQ_T_SEQ_ENABLE": "ON", "alpaka_ACC_GPU_CUDA_ENABLE": "ON" } }, { "name": "gpu-cuda-clang", "description": "use cuda back-end on Nvidia GPUs with clang++ device compiler", "inherits": "develop", "cacheVariables": { "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER": "clang++", "CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER": "clang++", "alpaka_ACC_CPU_B_SEQ_T_SEQ_ENABLE": "ON", "alpaka_ACC_GPU_CUDA_ENABLE": "ON" } } ], "buildPresets": [ { "name": "cpu-serial", "configurePreset": "cpu-serial" }, { "name": "cpu-omp2b", "configurePreset": "cpu-omp2b" }, { "name": "cpu-omp2t", "configurePreset": "cpu-omp2t" }, { "name": "cpu-stdthreads", "configurePreset": "cpu-stdthreads" }, { "name": "cpu-tbb", "configurePreset": "cpu-tbb" }, { "name": "cpu-all", "configurePreset": "cpu-all" }, { "name": "gpu-hip", "configurePreset": "gpu-hip" }, { "name": "gpu-sycl-intel", "configurePreset": "gpu-sycl-intel" }, { "name": "gpu-cuda-nvcc", "configurePreset": "gpu-cuda-nvcc" }, { "name": "gpu-cuda-clang", "configurePreset": "gpu-cuda-clang" } ], "testPresets": [ { "name": "cpu-serial", "configurePreset": "cpu-serial" }, { "name": "cpu-omp2b", "configurePreset": "cpu-omp2b" }, { "name": "cpu-omp2t", "configurePreset": "cpu-omp2t" }, { "name": "cpu-stdthreads", "configurePreset": "cpu-stdthreads" }, { "name": "cpu-tbb", "configurePreset": "cpu-tbb" }, { "name": "cpu-all", "configurePreset": "cpu-all" }, { "name": "gpu-hip", "configurePreset": "gpu-hip" }, { "name": "gpu-sycl-intel", "configurePreset": "gpu-sycl-intel" }, { "name": "gpu-cuda-nvcc", "configurePreset": "gpu-cuda-nvcc" }, { "name": "gpu-cuda-clang", "configurePreset": "gpu-cuda-clang" } ] }