""" Configuration for torch hub usage """ from typing import Callable, Dict, Any import torch dependencies = ['torch', 'trecover'] def add_available_versions_to_docstring(handler: Callable[..., Callable]) -> Callable: from trecover.config import var handler.__doc__ += '\n'.join([f'\t* {version}' for version in var.CHECKPOINT_URLS.keys()]) return handler @add_available_versions_to_docstring def trecover(device: torch.device = torch.device('cpu'), version: str = 'latest'): """ Load the TRecover model via torch.hub. Parameters ---------- device : torch.device, default=torch.device('cpu') Device on which to allocate the model. version : str, default='latest' Model weights' version. Returns ------- model : TRecover Model with specified weights' version. Examples -------- Show the docstring with available versions for the TRecover model: >>> print(torch.hub.help(github='alex-snd/TRecover', model='trecover')) Load the TRecover model: >>> torch.hub.load('alex-snd/TRecover', model='trecover', device=torch.device('cpu'), version='latest') Available Versions ------------------ """ import json from urllib.request import urlopen from trecover.config import var from trecover.model import TRecover if version not in var.CHECKPOINT_URLS: version = 'latest' with urlopen(var.CHECKPOINT_URLS[version]['config']) as url: config = json.loads(url.read().decode()) model = TRecover(token_size=config['token_size'], pe_max_len=config['pe_max_len'], num_layers=config['num_layers'], d_model=config['d_model'], n_heads=config['n_heads'], d_ff=config['d_ff'], dropout=config['dropout']) model.load_state_dict(torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(url=var.CHECKPOINT_URLS[version]['model'], progress=False, map_location=device)) return model def collab_args() -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Load collaborative training base arguments. Returns ------- Dict[str, Any] : Collaborative training base arguments. """ return { 'initial_peers': [ '/ip4/', ], 'experiment_prefix': 'trecover', 'target_batch_size': 4096, 'min_noise': 0, 'max_noise': 1, # TODO model params }