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dynamicSecretCreateK8s is a command that creates k8s dynamic secret


Name Type Description Notes
delete_protection str Protection from accidental deletion of this object [true/false] [optional]
description str Description of the object [optional]
json bool Set output format to JSON [optional] [default to False]
k8s_allowed_namespaces str Comma-separated list of allowed K8S namespaces for the generated ServiceAccount (relevant only for k8s-service-account-type=dynamic) [optional]
k8s_cluster_ca_cert str K8S cluster CA certificate [optional]
k8s_cluster_endpoint str K8S cluster URL endpoint [optional]
k8s_cluster_name str K8S cluster name [optional]
k8s_cluster_token str K8S cluster Bearer token [optional]
k8s_namespace str K8S Namespace where the ServiceAccount exists. [optional]
k8s_predefined_role_name str The pre-existing Role or ClusterRole name to bind the generated ServiceAccount to (relevant only for k8s-service-account-type=dynamic) [optional]
k8s_predefined_role_type str Specifies the type of the pre-existing K8S role [Role, ClusterRole] (relevant only for k8s-service-account-type=dynamic) [optional]
k8s_rolebinding_yaml_def str Path to yaml file that contains definitions of K8S role and role binding (relevant only for k8s-service-account-type=dynamic) [optional]
k8s_service_account str K8S ServiceAccount to extract token from. [optional]
k8s_service_account_type str K8S ServiceAccount type [fixed, dynamic]. [optional]
name str Dynamic secret name
producer_encryption_key_name str Dynamic producer encryption key [optional]
secure_access_allow_port_forwading bool Enable Port forwarding while using CLI access [optional]
secure_access_bastion_issuer str Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion [optional]
secure_access_cluster_endpoint str The K8s cluster endpoint URL [optional]
secure_access_dashboard_url str The K8s dashboard url [optional]
secure_access_enable str Enable/Disable secure remote access [true/false] [optional]
secure_access_web bool Enable Web Secure Remote Access [optional] [default to False]
secure_access_web_browsing bool Secure browser via Akeyless Web Access Bastion [optional] [default to False]
secure_access_web_proxy bool Web-Proxy via Akeyless Web Access Bastion [optional] [default to False]
tags list[str] Add tags attached to this object [optional]
target_name str Target name [optional]
token str Authentication token (see `/auth` and `/configure`) [optional]
uid_token str The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication [optional]
use_gw_service_account bool Use the GW's service account [optional]
user_ttl str User TTL [optional] [default to '60m']

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