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createRotatedSecret is a command that creates a rotated secret [Deprecated: Use rotated-secret-create commands]


Name Type Description Notes
provider_type str [optional]
api_id str API ID to rotate (relevant only for rotator-type=api-key) [optional]
api_key str API key to rotate (relevant only for rotator-type=api-key) [optional]
application_id str ApplicationId (used in azure) [optional]
authentication_credentials str The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds [optional] [default to 'use-user-creds']
auto_rotate str Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation [true/false] [optional]
aws_region str Aws Region (relevant only for aws) [optional] [default to 'us-east-2']
custom_payload str Secret payload to be sent with rotation request (relevant only for rotator-type=custom) [optional]
delete_protection str Protection from accidental deletion of this object [true/false] [optional]
description str Description of the object [optional]
gcp_key str Base64-encoded service account private key text [optional]
gcp_service_account_email str The email of the gcp service account to rotate [optional]
gcp_service_account_key_id str The key id of the gcp service account to rotate [optional]
grace_rotation str Create a new access key without deleting the old key from AWS for backup (relevant only for AWS) [true/false] [optional]
host_provider str Host provider type [explicit/target], Default Host provider is explicit, Relevant only for Secure Remote Access of ssh cert issuer, ldap rotated secret and ldap dynamic secret [optional]
json bool Set output format to JSON [optional] [default to False]
key str The name of a key that used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protectionKey key will be used) [optional]
metadata str Deprecated - use description [optional]
name str Secret name
password_length str The length of the password to be generated [optional]
rotate_after_disconnect str Rotate the value of the secret after SRA session ends [true/false] [optional] [default to 'false']
rotated_password str rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password) [optional]
rotated_username str username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate it's own password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be use to rotate the rotated-password (relevant only for rotator-type=password) [optional]
rotation_hour int The Hour of the rotation in UTC. Default rotation-hour is 14:00 [optional]
rotation_interval str The number of days to wait between every automatic key rotation (1-365) [optional]
rotator_creds_type str [optional]
rotator_custom_cmd str Custom rotation command (relevant only for ssh target) [optional]
rotator_type str Rotator Type
same_password str Rotate same password for each host from the Linked Target (relevant only for Linked Target) [optional]
secure_access_allow_external_user bool Allow providing external user for a domain users (relevant only for rdp) [optional] [default to False]
secure_access_aws_account_id str The AWS account id (relevant only for aws) [optional]
secure_access_aws_native_cli bool The AWS native cli [optional]
secure_access_bastion_issuer str Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion [optional]
secure_access_db_name str The DB name (relevant only for DB Dynamic-Secret) [optional]
secure_access_db_schema str The db schema (relevant only for mssql or postgresql) [optional]
secure_access_disable_concurrent_connections bool Enable this flag to prevent simultaneous use of the same secret [optional]
secure_access_enable str Enable/Disable secure remote access [true/false] [optional]
secure_access_host list[str] Target servers for connections (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers) [optional]
secure_access_rdp_domain str Required when the Dynamic Secret is used for a domain user (relevant only for RDP Dynamic-Secret) [optional]
secure_access_rdp_user str Override the RDP Domain username (relevant only for rdp) [optional]
secure_access_url str Destination URL to inject secrets [optional]
secure_access_web bool Enable Web Secure Remote Access [optional] [default to False]
secure_access_web_browsing bool Secure browser via Akeyless Web Access Bastion (relevant only for aws or azure) [optional] [default to False]
secure_access_web_proxy bool Web-Proxy via Akeyless Web Access Bastion (relevant only for aws or azure) [optional] [default to False]
ssh_password str Deprecated: use RotatedPassword [optional]
ssh_username str Deprecated: use RotatedUser [optional]
storage_account_key_name str The name of the storage account key to rotate [key1/key2/kerb1/kerb2] (relevat to azure-storage-account) [optional]
tags list[str] Add tags attached to this object [optional]
target list[str] A list of linked targets to be associated, Relevant only for Secure Remote Access for ssh cert issuer, ldap rotated secret and ldap dynamic secret, To specify multiple targets use argument multiple times [optional]
target_name str Target name
token str Authentication token (see `/auth` and `/configure`) [optional]
uid_token str The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication [optional]
user_attribute str LDAP User Attribute, Default value "cn" [optional] [default to 'cn']
user_dn str LDAP User Base DN [optional]

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