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Disabled buttons in Adapt #446

StuartNicholls opened this issue May 26, 2023 · 15 comments

Disabled buttons in Adapt #446

StuartNicholls opened this issue May 26, 2023 · 15 comments


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StuartNicholls commented May 26, 2023

Subject of the enhancement

Suggestion for change of how disabled buttons are handled in Adapt.


  • A disabled buttons that are a greyed version of a non-grey colour can be confusing.
  • A greyed buttons can look like a normal button especially if client brand colours are similar or are lighter shade colours making the ‘disabled’ button look more prominent
  • It can be difficult to select the correct grey

Disabled buttons

Disabling buttons can be fairly contentious and web practitioners can have differing views on this topic.

Generally speaking, in UI/UX there are special cases where it may be beneficial to NOT disable buttons at all, but as Adapt already works by disabling, I haven’t addressed this here as see no need for a change. As a point of interest, you can find contrasting opinions on this here

Additionally, for completeness, two main approaches of handling disabled buttons are detailed here, but it is thought that continuing to disable buttons rather than hiding them strikes the best balance for Adapt. Historically, there have been implementation inconstancies in Adapt, so detailing these here if there are any non-contrib plug-ins still functioning like this.


Seen in Adapt in the MCQ component.

Advantages of disabling:

  • Users always find the same control in the same place

Disadvantages of disabling:

  • If there are many controls and most of them are disabled, it may cost more effort for learners to find those controls that are enabled.
  • If the disabled controls are input controls such as text boxes or checkboxes, users may perceive them as read-only rather than irrelevant.

Fortunately, there are remedies for the shortcomings:

  • Increase the contrast between enabled and disabled to help users find those that are enabled.
  • Add tooltips for those disabled items.


Historically seen in Adapt (e.g. Narrative) although this has been addressed in contrib plug-ins.

Advantages of hiding:

  • Remove irrelevant items so users can focus on those relevant items, removing noise from the UI.

Disadvantages of hiding:

  • Different components may require different layouts as some buttons will be dynamically hidden.


Where we need to disable buttons, buttons should be reduced in opacity and not greyed out. This is to strike a balance of complex issues. Although greyed buttons have been used for some time, greyed buttons can look like a normal button and often don't look 'disabled', especially if the colour ways (brand colours/palettes) are similar or lighter colours making the ‘disabled’ button look more prominent. This is mainly a workflow issue as carefully selected greys can be fine, but we can automate this fiddly issue if we opacity the button in the theme. Especially relevant now as this will help with theming in AAT.

It might seem that changing the opacity of buttons would have implications for accessibility but according to WCAG, disabled buttons don’t have to adhere to AA colour contrast requirements, see here, and here. A nice analysis of these points can be found here.

For best practise (not required by WCAG) to account for usability/accessibility issues, disabled buttons could have a tooltip explaining that its disabled and the reason for the disabled state. Although my feeling is, this could be optional on a project by project basis or not needed at all.


In terms of actioning this, should we decide this is a good idea, there are some quirks in the theme that may need addressing.

Expected behaviour

Changing the less variable to an opacity changes all UI disabled buttons in Adapt.

Actual behaviour

Some buttons change but buttons like the next and previous in the narrative component are coloured as 'items'. Some rationalisation of what is a button and what constitutes an item may be required.


Example of what a disabled button might look like:

Screenshot 2023-05-26 at 15 13 11 1
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I am in favour of the change but I see this change as part of a larger piece of work to organise buttons with Adapt.

Overview of thoughts:

  • Categorise buttons in Adapt into sections and separate them out
    • navigation (nav bar / menu item) / question (submit / feedback / items) / ui (notify / drawer / component) etc
  • Normalise styles through out Adapt to introduce consistency
    • Potential use of mixins for each category
  • Retain a disabled style
    • Client branding often states specific disabled state styles (default can inherit static state)
  • Add disabled button opacity support

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oliverfoster commented May 30, 2023


Counter arguments:
The comments section of the main article provide a good teardown of using faded instead of greyed to represent inactive/disabled buttons.

The main issues appear to be:

  • It doesn't solve for partially sighted or visually impaired users as the visual language is still ambiguous
  • It doesn't solve the issue of the initial indistinction between an enabled and disabled button when either state is absent
  • Greyed buttons are effectively, the standard
  • There are other ways of overcoming the confusion of clicking a disabled button accidentally, rather than preventing a click initially
  • Faded buttons don't solve the contrast issue

It seems that switching the visual metaphor for representing the disabled state between greyed and faded, retains mostly the same issues.

WCAG contrast requirements on inactive buttons:
While the section of the WCAG docs Understanding SC 1.4.11 does say that contrast accessibility requirements have been removed from inactive buttons, it does gives rationale as to why (that it's too difficult to provide a generic solution) and a future direction, both of which do not really support this proposal in spirit (the word inactive also has some contention).


When we consider [aria-disabled] buttons as opposed to [disabled] buttons, the former are unclickable but focusable and readable, the latter are unclickable, unfocusable and unreadable. As such, the [aria-disabled] buttons will still need to be appropriately visible as an accessible UI component, as they are available to screen reader and keyboard accessible users. Meaning we probably should strive for good contrast on disabled buttons where possible.

Unavoidable downsides of faded/greyed:
The references in this article discuss at length the different user groups impacted by disabled buttons (SR, various visual impairment, general axioms) and how the different solutions all have unavoidable downsides, mostly on the lines of:

  • It doesn't solve for partially sighted or visually impaired users as the visual language is still ambiguous
  • It doesn't solve the issue of the initial indistinction between an enabled and disabled button when either state is absent
  • If a button isn't disabled it should instead display a warning

With specific reference to contrast on disabled buttons w3c/wcag21#805 and w3c/wcag#922
With specific reference to the Submit button being disabled before interaction fulfillment w3c/wcag#1512 for which we already have

There are a few suggestions the author has that we've not yet considered:

  • Using the disabled mouse cursor on desktops on hover state for disabled buttons.
  • Using recessing, or inner borders
  • Inverting the text colour

I quite like adding the disabled mouse cursor.

Disabling vs hiding:

Advantages of disabling:
Users always find the same control in the same place
Advantages of hiding:
Remove irrelevant items so users can focus on those relevant items, removing noise from the UI.
This doesn't quite encapsulate the issue for me as the advantage and disadvantage seem more relevant for e-commerce sites, as can be seen in the above reference, where there can be many related and changing user interface components. In Adapt we very rarely have so many changeable controls.

Advantages of visible [aria-disabled] buttons:

When using a screen reader as a non-sighted user, UI changes, such as when buttons become shown or hidden or rearranged, are not alerted to the user. The unannounced introduction or removal of UI has the potential to disrupt a user's sense of object permanence and their orientation in the material, which introduces unnecessary cognitive load and potential confusion. This can be especially acute when hiding and introducing controls whilst navigating through a list of items.

Secondarily to object permanence, and this applies to sighted users as well, are the possible affordances to a user from an [aria-disabled] button. Narrative back buttons are always initially [aria-disabled], by having an [aria-disabled] back button and an enabled next button, it is possible to infer that; I am at the beginning of a list, I can't go back, I can go forward.

If the narrative back button were initially hidden, it would not be possible for the non-sighted screen reader user to infer that a back button should appear later, that a list is beginning or that the list must be navigated via next/back controls. None of those affordances would be immediately available but they would appear after the user had experienced the first content item, when the back button would be shown and later found. By hiding the back button in this use-case, we'd effectively be teaching the user about the user interface during the essential material and not, as is ideal, before it, where allowing them to learn the UI, then use it to navigate and focus on the content seems the most efficient use of time.

The case of the submit button is much the same as the narrative back button, in both regards. Having it readable+visible but disabled, signifies that it may become enabled. The instruction text, interaction description and UI all hint at the rules for its enablement.


For best practise (not required by WCAG) to account for usability/accessibility issues, disabled buttons could have a tooltip explaining that its disabled and the reason for the disabled state. Although my feeling is, this could be optional on a project by project basis or not needed at all.

Which disabled buttons would they apply to? Which user-groups would this solve for?


Button Disabled tooltip
Submit Select x number of options and click submit to continue
Narrative back You cannot go backwards because you are at the beginning of the list
Locked menu This item is locked, please complete etc

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  • It doesn't solve for partially sighted or visually impaired users as the visual language is still ambiguous

For this reason, I think we shouldn't rely on colour alone (or opacity) to distinguish states (to be looked at as part of adaptlearning/adapt-contrib-core#386). For example, we could use the padlock icon for locked disabled buttons. Issue raised here for Tutor but a global approach to locked buttons in Adapt would make sense.

  • It doesn't solve the issue of the initial indistinction between an enabled and disabled button when either is absent

I'm in favour of disabling buttons rather than hiding.

  • Greyed buttons are effectively, the standard

Although this is true, I think the initial issues raised around needing to theme to any branding/colour palette still needs addressing and many brands do include, clash or too similar to grey. I'd be in favour of having an opacity as a standard disabled state in Adapt. Whilst maintaining flexibility to support more complex styles for those brands where a disabled state is defined in brand guidelines (to be looked at as part of adaptlearning/adapt-contrib-core#386).

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oliverfoster commented May 31, 2023

@kirsty-hames I like the option of being able to use opacity.

Opacity example:

There's a really good example highlighted in the reference w3c/wcag21#805 (comment) which links directly to the disabled button spec .

image have only described the one "primary button" style here, with the distinct green etc. They are using disabled="disabled" though, which makes the button unclickable and unfocusable, and recommend an error message to explain why the button is disabled. So this has use-case ambiguity again, the error message cannot be associated with a button click as a button click isn't possible. But, they are definitely not recommending to hide the button.

  • use the aria-disabled attribute for older screen readers's point on using aria-disabled only for older screen readers is a bit wrong for us. So that it's possible to tab to a disabled button (keyboard a11y) and arrow to it (screen reader a11y) and so that it'll read as disabled in all scenarios (keyboard tab + screen reader) and display as disabled with styling, along with javascript to stop any click behaviour, we kind of use aria-disabled as described in this excerpt from mdn article on aria-disabled

In fairness do go on to explain the two use-cases where they expect a disabled button might be used:

  • an example of a useful disabled option is a calendar with greyed out days where no bookings are available
  • provide another way for the user to continue, add an error message or text to explain why the button is disabled

Which is an unclickable list item with no children (calendar date with no booking, accordion item with no body, etc) and a continue button that requires further fulfillment (submit button on an mcq, locked menu button, etc).

Icons for disabled state:

For example, we could use the padlock icon for locked disabled buttons.

There are other mentions of using icons to indicate disabled states w3c/wcag21#805 (comment) . The "locked" state of plp, menu items and trickle are particularly good examples where there is a generic icon that represents why the button is disabled. Finding a similar uniform icon for the narrative back and question submit buttons might prove a little more difficult in the same way that trying to write tooltips for them is difficult.

Perhaps something similar to the disabled cursor icon may work?

Icons and tooltips:

Disabled button Disabled tooltip Disabled icon Note
Submit Select x number of options and click submit to continue ? Repeated instruction text which can be displayed with instructionError if necessary
Narrative back You cannot go backwards because you are at the beginning of the list ? Tooltip should read "Back" as it's an icon only button.
Locked menu/trickle/plp This item is locked, please complete etc Padlock Finding a specific tooltip text may prove a little difficult for menu items as locking requirements vary wildly but an icon should suffice. Trickle has aria text that could be used as a tooltip, but it will have an icon. Plp won't need a tooltip as the icon will be present along with the item text.

Generally I think using tooltips to display disabled state is a cumbersome idea that we shouldn't implement.

Disabled buttons, existing use-cases and recommendations:

All disabled buttons should be aria-disabled=true not disabled="disabled" and have the class is-disabled. The attribute and class allows the button to be styled as disabled and to read in keyboard and screen reader accessibility.

We definitely have some use-cases for disabled buttons now:

  • Locked
    • Visually disabled
    • Padlock icon and optional item text
    • Aria should prepend the Locked. globals equivalent to the item text, "unavailable" will be added by the screen reader
  • List start/end (can be mixed with next locking)
    • Visually disabled
    • Left and right icon or back and next text
    • Aria should read "Back" or "Next" globals equivalent or otherwise the back and next text button text, "unavailable" will be added by the screen reader
  • Form/question submit
    • Visually disabled
    • Submit text and an optional error reiterating the instructions
    • Aria should read the submit text, "unavailable" will be added by the screen reader

"Visually disabled" = greyed / faded, disabled mouse cursor

Current narrative back button:

Current submit button:

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oliverfoster commented Jun 7, 2023

@StuartNicholls any thoughts?

I think we just need a pr for the opacity on buttons to resolve this issue? Could we keep greyed as the standard and supply opacity as an option?

The classes alignment (button type groupings), locked icons, disabled mouse cursor, etc can happen on different tickets.

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Counter arguments: The comments section of the main article provide a good teardown of using faded instead of greyed to represent inactive/disabled buttons. image image image image image image image image

Yep, I purposely included that link with the counter arguments. I don't really see any of those as that much of an issue. The main reason I think the Opacity is a good idea for Adapt is that it goes some way to make configuring in AAT easier, its only really a suggestion from a workflow perspective, balancing all of the issues we have - which is more complex from say a standard website.

The main issues appear to be:

  • It doesn't solve for partially sighted or visually impaired users as the visual language is still ambiguous
  • It doesn't solve the issue of the initial indistinction between an enabled and disabled button when either state is absent
  • Greyed buttons are effectively, the standard
  • There are other ways of overcoming the confusion of clicking a disabled button accidentally, rather than preventing a click initially
  • Faded buttons don't solve the contrast issue

It seems that switching the visual metaphor for representing the disabled state between greyed and faded, retains mostly the same issues.

Yes, absolutely agree. I'm not sure its even solvable for all users. It will alway be a balance of requirements as requirements are often in conflict.

WCAG contrast requirements on inactive buttons: While the section of the WCAG docs Understanding SC 1.4.11 does say that contrast accessibility requirements have been removed from inactive buttons, it does gives rationale as to why (that it's too difficult to provide a generic solution) and a future direction, both of which do not really support this proposal in spirit (the word inactive also has some contention).

I'm not sure I agree it doesn't support a future direction in spirit! As I say, this is very much a balance of considerations. Personally, I don't think adding an icon is a good solution, as it adds visual clutter, so again, we've fixing one thing and breaking another. So, really, all it comes down to is balancing the solution in a different way.


When we consider [aria-disabled] buttons as opposed to [disabled] buttons, the former are unclickable but focusable and readable, the latter are unclickable, unfocusable and unreadable. As such, the [aria-disabled] buttons will still need to be appropriately visible as an accessible UI component, as they are available to screen reader and keyboard accessible users. Meaning we probably should strive for good contrast on disabled buttons where possible.

Agree we should not [disabled] buttons. I also agree buttons need to be visible, I don't like the idea of hiding them. Personally, I think we'd have the same problems with contrast whether faded or greyed. Unless the greyed button is always contrasty regardless of branding, but then we have other issues.

Unavoidable downsides of faded/greyed: The references in this article discuss at length the different user groups impacted by disabled buttons (SR, various visual impairment, general axioms) and how the different solutions all have unavoidable downsides, mostly on the lines of:

  • It doesn't solve for partially sighted or visually impaired users as the visual language is still ambiguous
  • It doesn't solve the issue of the initial indistinction between an enabled and disabled button when either state is absent
  • If a button isn't disabled it should instead display a warning

With specific reference to contrast on disabled buttons w3c/wcag21#805 and w3c/wcag#922 With specific reference to the Submit button being disabled before interaction fulfillment w3c/wcag#1512 for which we already have

Yep, I like this plug-in, in someways this could be rolled in to Adapt.

There are a few suggestions the author has that we've not yet considered:

  • Using the disabled mouse cursor on desktops on hover state for disabled buttons.
  • Using recessing, or inner borders
  • Inverting the text colour

I quite like adding the disabled mouse cursor.

Yep, as I say, opacity-ing the buttons doesn't seek to fix these specific issues. But, I don't like the idea of the cursor as its just a icon os ambiguous, its not really the right icon. A circle with a line though it indicates 'NO' as in no spoking etc. Plus more visual clutter. Personally, I'd rather not do this.

Disabling vs hiding:

Advantages of disabling:
Users always find the same control in the same place
Advantages of hiding:
Remove irrelevant items so users can focus on those relevant items, removing noise from the UI. This doesn't quite encapsulate the issue for me as the advantage and disadvantage seem more relevant for e-commerce sites, as can be seen in the above reference, where there can be many related and changing user interface components. In Adapt we very rarely have so many changeable controls.

Advantages of visible [aria-disabled] buttons:

When using a screen reader as a non-sighted user, UI changes, such as when buttons become shown or hidden or rearranged, are not alerted to the user. The unannounced introduction or removal of UI has the potential to disrupt a user's sense of object permanence and their orientation in the material, which introduces unnecessary cognitive load and potential confusion. This can be especially acute when hiding and introducing controls whilst navigating through a list of items.

Secondarily to object permanence, and this applies to sighted users as well, are the possible affordances to a user from an [aria-disabled] button. Narrative back buttons are always initially [aria-disabled], by having an [aria-disabled] back button and an enabled next button, it is possible to infer that; I am at the beginning of a list, I can't go back, I can go forward.

If the narrative back button were initially hidden, it would not be possible for the non-sighted screen reader user to infer that a back button should appear later, that a list is beginning or that the list must be navigated via next/back controls. None of those affordances would be immediately available but they would appear after the user had experienced the first content item, when the back button would be shown and later found. By hiding the back button in this use-case, we'd effectively be teaching the user about the user interface during the essential material and not, as is ideal, before it, where allowing them to learn the UI, then use it to navigate and focus on the content seems the most efficient use of time.

The case of the submit button is much the same as the narrative back button, in both regards. Having it readable+visible but disabled, signifies that it may become enabled. The instruction text, interaction description and UI all hint at the rules for its enablement.


For best practise (not required by WCAG) to account for usability/accessibility issues, disabled buttons could have a tooltip explaining that its disabled and the reason for the disabled state. Although my feeling is, this could be optional on a project by project basis or not needed at all.

Which disabled buttons would they apply to? Which user-groups would this solve for?


Button Disabled tooltip
Submit Select x number of options and click submit to continue
Narrative back You cannot go backwards because you are at the beginning of the list
Locked menu This item is locked, please complete etc

Submit, form like buttons, I like the idea of having a tooltip, so its behaves like the 'instructionError plug-in only, it gives immediate feedback before having to press the button. I'm. to previous about this though. Just thought it was a nice feature.

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  • It doesn't solve for partially sighted or visually impaired users as the visual language is still ambiguous

For this reason, I think we shouldn't rely on colour alone (or opacity) to distinguish states (to be looked at as part of adaptlearning/adapt-contrib-core#386). For example, we could use the padlock icon for locked disabled buttons. Issue raised here for Tutor but a global approach to locked buttons in Adapt would make sense.

Agreed, we should definitely distinguish locked states with a padlock. PLP for example. Additionally, visited states are now represented with a tick (check mark) so we should make sure they are all aligned also.

  • It doesn't solve the issue of the initial indistinction between an enabled and disabled button when either is absent

I'm in favour of disabling buttons rather than hiding.

  • Greyed buttons are effectively, the standard

Although this is true, I think the initial issues raised around needing to theme to any branding/colour palette still needs addressing and many brands do include, clash or too similar to grey. I'd be in favour of having an opacity as a standard disabled state in Adapt. Whilst maintaining flexibility to support more complex styles for those brands where a disabled state is defined in brand guidelines (to be looked at as part of adaptlearning/adapt-contrib-core#386).

Agree. On balance, my feeling is moving over to opacity as standard is the best option currently. I'm not necessarily fixed on this but my feeling is, in production the first thing we'll do it switch from grey to opacity every project!

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@kirsty-hames I like the option of being able to use opacity.

Opacity example:

There's a really good example highlighted in the reference w3c/wcag21#805 (comment) which links directly to the disabled button spec .

image have only described the one "primary button" style here, with the distinct green etc. They are using disabled="disabled" though, which makes the button unclickable and unfocusable, and recommend an error message to explain why the button is disabled. So this has use-case ambiguity again, the error message cannot be associated with a button click as a button click isn't possible. But, they are definitely not recommending to hide the button.

  • use the aria-disabled attribute for older screen readers's point on using aria-disabled only for older screen readers is a bit wrong for us. So that it's possible to tab to a disabled button (keyboard a11y) and arrow to it (screen reader a11y) and so that it'll read as disabled in all scenarios (keyboard tab + screen reader) and display as disabled with styling, along with javascript to stop any click behaviour, we kind of use aria-disabled as described in this excerpt from mdn article on aria-disabled image

In fairness do go on to explain the two use-cases where they expect a disabled button might be used:

  • an example of a useful disabled option is a calendar with greyed out days where no bookings are available
  • provide another way for the user to continue, add an error message or text to explain why the button is disabled

Which is an unclickable list item with no children (calendar date with no booking, accordion item with no body, etc) and a continue button that requires further fulfillment (submit button on an mcq, locked menu button, etc).

Icons for disabled state:

For example, we could use the padlock icon for locked disabled buttons.

There are other mentions of using icons to indicate disabled states w3c/wcag21#805 (comment) . The "locked" state of plp, menu items and trickle are particularly good examples where there is a generic icon that represents why the button is disabled. Finding a similar uniform icon for the narrative back and question submit buttons might prove a little more difficult in the same way that trying to write tooltips for them is difficult.

Perhaps something similar to the disabled cursor icon may work?

Icons and tooltips:

Disabled button Disabled tooltip Disabled icon Note
Submit Select x number of options and click submit to continue ? Repeated instruction text which can be displayed with instructionError if necessary
Narrative back You cannot go backwards because you are at the beginning of the list ? Tooltip should read "Back" as it's an icon only button.
Locked menu/trickle/plp This item is locked, please complete etc Padlock Finding a specific tooltip text may prove a little difficult for menu items as locking requirements vary wildly but an icon should suffice. Trickle has aria text that could be used as a tooltip, but it will have an icon. Plp won't need a tooltip as the icon will be present along with the item text.
Generally I think using tooltips to display disabled state is a cumbersome idea that we shouldn't implement.

I actually thing tooltips is a great idea here and not cumbersome at all. Icons on the other hand are problematic, as its not clear what they would be, and also adds visual clutter. But as I say, not precious about this, and there is the option of doing this, if say a ba=rand requires it, no? Tooltips support disabled buttons? We're only talking about the default state?

Disabled buttons, existing use-cases and recommendations:

All disabled buttons should be aria-disabled=true not disabled="disabled" and have the class is-disabled. The attribute and class allows the button to be styled as disabled and to read in keyboard and screen reader accessibility.

We definitely have some use-cases for disabled buttons now:

  • Locked

    • Visually disabled
    • Padlock icon and optional item text
    • Aria should prepend the Locked. globals equivalent to the item text, "unavailable" will be added by the screen reader
  • List start/end (can be mixed with next locking)

    • Visually disabled
    • Left and right icon or back and next text
    • Aria should read "Back" or "Next" globals equivalent or otherwise the back and next text button text, "unavailable" will be added by the screen reader
  • Form/question submit

    • Visually disabled
    • Submit text and an optional error reiterating the instructions
    • Aria should read the submit text, "unavailable" will be added by the screen reader

"Visually disabled" = greyed / faded, disabled mouse cursor

Current narrative back button: image

Current submit button: image


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I am in favour of the change but I see this change as part of a larger piece of work to organise buttons with Adapt.

Overview of thoughts:

  • Categorise buttons in Adapt into sections and separate them out

    • navigation (nav bar / menu item) / question (submit / feedback / items) / ui (notify / drawer / component) etc
  • Normalise styles through out Adapt to introduce consistency

    • Potential use of mixins for each category
  • Retain a disabled style

    • Client branding often states specific disabled state styles (default can inherit static state)
  • Add disabled button opacity support

Yep, agreed. I did want to get this through before bringing up other buttons as this is quite complex in itself, as seen from the discussion! :)

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@StuartNicholls any thoughts?

I think we just need a pr for the opacity on buttons to resolve this issue? Could we keep greyed as the standard and supply opacity as an option?

I'd rather go with the opacity myself mainly because of the workflow and config issue (as WCAG isn't giving a steer and its permissible) so lets not try and guess what will happen here. But I will go with the consensus. I'd only say, if we went with grey default, the first thing we'd do is switch is over for every project!

The classes alignment (button type groupings), locked icons, disabled mouse cursor, etc can happen on different tickets.

Yep, agreed. Although I don't like the cursor idea. :)

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oliverfoster commented Jun 8, 2023

So we're going with:

All disabled buttons should be aria-disabled=true not disabled="disabled" and have the class is-disabled.

  • "Visually disabled" will be faded greyed by default, with the option for greyed faded
  • The framework will still prevent the click action on aria-disabled buttons
  • "unavailable" will be added by the screen reader because of the aria-disabled attribute

Disabled button types:

  • Locked
  • List start/end (can be mixed with next locking)
    • Visually disabled
    • To contain a left and right icon or back and next text
    • Aria should read the "previous" or "next" globals equivalent for icon-only buttons or otherwise the back and next button text
  • Form/question submit
    • Visually disabled
    • To contain submit text
    • Show a tooltip reiterating the instructions (to be created)
    • Aria should read the submit text

Where form/question submit buttons are not visually disabled:

  • Show a notify reiterating the instructions

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This sounds good to me. @guywillis / @kirsty-hames on board?

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All disabled buttons should be aria-disabled=true not disabled="disabled" and have the class is-disabled.

  • "Visually disabled" will be faded by default, with the option for greyed, facilitating AAT simplicity
  • The framework will still prevent the click action on aria-disabled buttons
  • Because of aria-disabled, "unavailable" will be added by the screen reader

Disabled button types:

  • Locked

  • List start/end (can be mixed with next locking)

    • Visually disabled
    • To contain a left and right icon or back and next text
    • Aria should read the "previous" or "next" globals equivalent for icon-only buttons or otherwise the back and next button text
  • Form/question submit

    • Visually disabled
    • To contain submit text
    • Show a tooltip reiterating the instructions (to be created)
    • Aria should read the submit text

Where form/question submit buttons are not visually disabled:

  • Show a notify reiterating the instructions


This sounds good to me. @guywillis / @kirsty-hames on board?

I am 99% on board, yup.

My only comment would be that I would vote in favour of disabled buttons to be greyed over faded out as it's a 'safer' option. Disabled buttons can be displayed over a multitude of background colours and images within Adapt and having buttons with a solid background would be more defined and easier to distinguish in my mind.

It is, however, not a hill I will die on so if the general consensus is opacity I will go with it (providing the disabled button variables are still in place so that opacity can be switched off and the colour can be changed easily).

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kirsty-hames commented Sep 25, 2023

All disabled buttons should be aria-disabled=true not disabled="disabled" and have the class is-disabled.

  • "Visually disabled" will be faded by default, with the option for greyed, facilitating AAT simplicity
  • The framework will still prevent the click action on aria-disabled buttons
  • Because of aria-disabled, "unavailable" will be added by the screen reader

Disabled button types:

  • Locked

  • List start/end (can be mixed with next locking)

    • Visually disabled
    • To contain a left and right icon or back and next text
    • Aria should read the "previous" or "next" globals equivalent for icon-only buttons or otherwise the back and next button text
  • Form/question submit

    • Visually disabled
    • To contain submit text
    • Show a tooltip reiterating the instructions (to be created)
    • Aria should read the submit text

Where form/question submit buttons are not visually disabled:

  • Show a notify reiterating the instructions


This sounds good to me. @guywillis / @kirsty-hames on board?

I am 99% on board, yup.

My only comment would be that I would vote in favour of disabled buttons to be greyed over faded out as it's a 'safer' option. Disabled buttons can be displayed over a multitude of background colours and images within Adapt and having buttons with a solid background would be more defined and easier to distinguish in my mind.

It is, however, not a hill I will die on so if the general consensus is opacity I will go with it (providing the disabled button variables are still in place so that opacity can be switched off and the colour can be changed easily).

I agree to all proposed and echo Guy's thoughts here. I was initially on board with the opacity so I am doing a 180 here, but after having many projects in recent months with high accessibility requirements I agree we should make sure we provide sufficient contrast for disabled buttons and this is easily done with a solid colour rather than opacity. I think opacity is much cleaner and modern but could be problematic when applying background colours/images etc. As a default, I would be inclined to go with the safer option too, solid grey.

Side note to this, a bugbear for me is we also use grey for visited states. If we are sticking to grey as disabled I think the visited state should be changed. Issue raised in #470

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kirsty-hames commented Mar 12, 2024

Looks like we have consensus on the summary above. Amends will be required across various plugins so I've used the summary provided to create a checklist. Please edit, add links to issues/PRs as and when people pick tasks up.

Global disabled buttons

  • All disabled buttons should be aria-disabled=true not disabled="disabled" and have the class is-disabled.
  • "Visually disabled" will be faded greyed by default, with the option for greyed faded. The default is already grey, faded option to be added. Styles are inherited from .is-disabled class.
  • The framework will still prevent the click action on aria-disabled buttons
  • "unavailable" will be added by the screen reader because of the aria-disabled attribute

Disabled button types:


  • Visually disabled. Styles are inherited from .is-locked class.
  • To contain a padlock icon and optional item text (padlock replaces icon on icon-only button)
  • Aria should have _globals._accessibility._ariaLabels.locked prepended to the item text

Buttons this applies to:

trickle_btn_locked plp_item_locked boxmenu_item_locked

List start/end (can be mixed with next locking)

  • Visually disabled. Styles are inherited
  • To contain a left and right icon or back and next text
  • Aria should read the "previous" or "next" globals equivalent for icon-only buttons or otherwise the back and next button text

Form/question submit

  • Visually disabled
  • To contain submit text
  • Show a tooltip reiterating the instructions (to be created)
  • Aria should read the submit text

Where form/question submit buttons are not visually disabled:

  • Show a notify reiterating the instructions

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