Describe the bug
onedrive-1 | # Running container as user: onedrive
onedrive-1 | # Base Args: --monitor
onedrive-1 | # We are being verbose
onedrive-1 | # Adding --verbose
onedrive-1 | # We are synchronizing in download-only mode
onedrive-1 | # Adding --download-only
onedrive-1 | # We are cleaning up local files that are not present online
onedrive-1 | # Adding --cleanup-local-files
onedrive-1 | # Changing ownership permissions on /onedrive/data and /onedrive/conf to onedrive:onedrive
onedrive-1 | # Launching 'onedrive' as onedrive via gosu
onedrive-1 | Reading configuration file: /onedrive/conf/config
onedrive-1 | Configuration file successfully loaded
onedrive-1 | Using 'user' configuration path for application config and state data: /onedrive/conf
onedrive-1 | Using IPv4 and IPv6 (if configured) for all network operations
onedrive-1 | Attempting to contact Microsoft OneDrive Login Service
onedrive-1 | Successfully reached Microsoft OneDrive Login Service
onedrive-1 | Checking Application Version ...
onedrive-1 | Attempting to initialise the OneDrive API ...
onedrive-1 | Configuring Global Azure AD Endpoints
onedrive-1 | The OneDrive API was initialised successfully
onedrive-1 | Opening the item database ...
onedrive-1 |
onedrive-1 | WARNING: Application has been configured to cleanup local files that are not present online.
onedrive-1 | WARNING: Local data loss MAY occur in this scenario if you are expecting data to remain archived locally.
onedrive-1 |
onedrive-1 | Application Version: onedrive v2.5.3
onedrive-1 | Account Type: personal
onedrive-1 | Default Drive ID: <REDACTED>
onedrive-1 | Default Root ID: <REDACTED>
onedrive-1 | Remaining Free Space: 673.80 GB (723487241011 bytes)
onedrive-1 | Sync Engine Initialised with new Onedrive API instance
onedrive-1 | All application operations will be performed in the configured local 'sync_dir' directory: /onedrive/data
onedrive-1 | OneDrive synchronisation interval (seconds): 300
onedrive-1 | Attempting to contact Microsoft OneDrive Login Service
onedrive-1 | Successfully reached Microsoft OneDrive Login Service
onedrive-1 | Starting a sync with Microsoft OneDrive
onedrive-1 | Attempting to perform a database vacuum to optimise database
onedrive-1 | Database vacuum is complete
onedrive-1 | std.utf.UTFException@/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/utf.d(1556): Invalid UTF-8 sequence (at index 2)
onedrive-1 | ----------------
onedrive-1 | /usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/utf.d:1665 pure dchar std.utf.decodeImpl!(true, 0, const(char)[]).decodeImpl(ref const(char)[], ref ulong) [0x5618a77e552d]
onedrive-1 | /usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/utf.d:1186 pure @trusted dchar std.utf.decode!(0, const(char)[]).decode(scope ref const(char)[], ref ulong) [0x5618a77e5399]
onedrive-1 | /usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/internal/ir.d:808 pure @trusted bool std.regex.internal.thompson.ThompsonMatcher!(char,!(char).Input) [0x5618a7826298]
onedrive-1 | /usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/internal/thompson.d:948 pure @trusted int std.regex.internal.thompson.ThompsonMatcher!(char,!(char).Input).ThompsonMatcher.match(!(ulong).Group[]) [0x5618a7835f95]
onedrive-1 | /usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/package.d:759 [0x5618a78425aa]
onedrive-1 | /usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/internal/ir.d:1103 pure void!(!(ulong).Group, 3u).SmallFixedArray.mutate(scope void delegate(!(ulong).Group[]) pure) [0x5618a783e152]
onedrive-1 | /usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/package.d:759 [0x5618a7842509]
onedrive-1 | /usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/package.d:997 [0x5618a7772acc]
onedrive-1 | src/util.d:556 [0x5618a7777e8a]
onedrive-1 | src/itemdb.d:728 [0x5618a777a11e]
onedrive-1 | src/itemdb.d:519 [0x5618a7779e8d]
onedrive-1 | src/sync.d:6629 [0x5618a77a9d0b]
onedrive-1 | src/sync.d:6633 [0x5618a77a9dac]
onedrive-1 | src/sync.d:6633 [0x5618a77a9dac]
onedrive-1 | src/sync.d:6962 [0x5618a7793d1f]
onedrive-1 | src/sync.d:1160 [0x5618a778a877]
onedrive-1 | src/sync.d:613 [0x5618a778841b]
onedrive-1 | src/main.d:1282 [0x5618a784e7a6]
onedrive-1 | src/main.d:1067 [0x5618a784c01f]
onedrive-1 | ??:? void rt.dmain2._d_run_main2(char[][], ulong, extern (C) int function(char[][])*).runAll() [0x7f6dbf2c3b7b]
onedrive-1 | ??:? _d_run_main2 [0x7f6dbf2c3995]
onedrive-1 | ??:? _d_run_main [0x7f6dbf2c37ed]
onedrive-1 | /usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/core/internal/entrypoint.d:42 [0x5618a787ee21]
onedrive-1 | ??:? [0x7f6dbef20249]
onedrive-1 | ??:? __libc_start_main [0x7f6dbef20304]
onedrive-1 | ??:? [0x5618a774d140]
Operating System Details
# uname -a
Linux myserver 5.15.0-124-generic #134-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 27 20:20:17 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
# lsb_release -a
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy
# docker --version
Docker version 26.1.4, build 5650f9b
# Onedrive docker image tag
Client Installation Method
From Distribution Package
OneDrive Account Type
What is your OneDrive Application Version
onedrive v2.5.3
What is your OneDrive Application Configuration
$ docker run -it --name onedrive \
-v /apps/onedrive/config:/onedrive/conf \
-v "/zfsdata/backup/2024-11-25-onedrive-backup:/onedrive/data" \
-e "ONEDRIVE_UID=1000" \
-e "ONEDRIVE_GID=1000" \
# Running container as user: onedrive
# Base Args: --monitor
# We are being verbose
# Adding --verbose
# We are synchronizing in download-only mode
# Adding --download-only
# We are cleaning up local files that are not present online
# Adding --cleanup-local-files
# We are printing the application running configuration at application startup
# Adding --display-running-config
# Changing ownership permissions on /onedrive/data and /onedrive/conf to onedrive:onedrive
# Launching 'onedrive' as onedrive via gosu
Reading configuration file: /onedrive/conf/config
Configuration file successfully loaded
Using 'user' configuration path for application config and state data: /onedrive/conf
--------------- Application Runtime Configuration ---------------
Application version = onedrive v2.5.3
Compiled with = LDC 2100
Curl version = libcurl/8.10.1 OpenSSL/3.0.15 zlib/1.2.13 brotli/1.0.9 zstd/1.5.4 libidn2/2.3.3 libpsl/0.21.2 libssh2/1.10.0 nghttp2/1.52.0 librtmp/2.3 OpenLDAP/2.5.13
User Application Config path = /onedrive/conf
System Application Config path = /etc/onedrive
Applicable Application 'config' location = /onedrive/conf/config
Configuration file found in config location = true - using 'config' file values to override application defaults
Applicable 'sync_list' location = /onedrive/conf/sync_list
Applicable 'items.sqlite3' location = /onedrive/conf/items.sqlite3
Config option 'drive_id' =
Config option 'sync_dir' = /onedrive/data
Config option 'enable_logging' = false
Config option 'log_dir' = /var/log/onedrive
Config option 'disable_notifications' = false
Config option 'skip_dir' =
Config option 'skip_dir_strict_match' = false
Config option 'skip_file' = ~*|.~*|*.tmp|*.swp|*.partial
Config option 'skip_dotfiles' = false
Config option 'skip_symlinks' = false
Config option 'monitor_interval' = 300
Config option 'monitor_log_frequency' = 12
Config option 'monitor_fullscan_frequency' = 12
Config option 'read_only_auth_scope' = false
Config option 'dry_run' = false
Config option 'upload_only' = false
Config option 'download_only' = true
Config option 'local_first' = false
Config option 'check_nosync' = false
Config option 'check_nomount' = false
Config option 'resync' = false
Config option 'resync_auth' = false
Config option 'cleanup_local_files' = true
Config option 'classify_as_big_delete' = 1000
Config option 'disable_upload_validation' = false
Config option 'disable_download_validation' = false
Config option 'bypass_data_preservation' = false
Config option 'no_remote_delete' = false
Config option 'remove_source_files' = false
Config option 'sync_dir_permissions' = 700
Config option 'sync_file_permissions' = 600
Config option 'space_reservation' = 52428800
Config option 'application_id' = d50ca740-c83f-4d1b-b616-12c519384f0c
Config option 'azure_ad_endpoint' =
Config option 'azure_tenant_id' =
Config option 'user_agent' = ISV|abraunegg|OneDrive Client for Linux/v2.5.3
Config option 'force_http_11' = false
Config option 'debug_https' = false
Config option 'rate_limit' = 0
Config option 'operation_timeout' = 3600
Config option 'dns_timeout' = 60
Config option 'connect_timeout' = 10
Config option 'data_timeout' = 60
Config option 'ip_protocol_version' = 0
Config option 'threads' = 8
Config option 'max_curl_idle' = 120
Compile time option --enable-notifications = false
Selective sync 'sync_list' configured = false
Config option 'sync_business_shared_items' = false
Config option 'webhook_enabled' = false
Config option 'force_children_scan' = false
Using IPv4 and IPv6 (if configured) for all network operations
Attempting to contact Microsoft OneDrive Login Service
Successfully reached Microsoft OneDrive Login Service
Checking Application Version ...
Attempting to initialise the OneDrive API ...
Configuring Global Azure AD Endpoints
The OneDrive API was initialised successfully
Opening the item database ...
WARNING: Application has been configured to cleanup local files that are not present online.
WARNING: Local data loss MAY occur in this scenario if you are expecting data to remain archived locally.
Application Version: onedrive v2.5.3
Account Type: personal
Default Drive ID: <REDACTED>
Default Root ID: <REDACTED>
Remaining Free Space: 673.80 GB (723487241011 bytes)
Sync Engine Initialised with new Onedrive API instance
All application operations will be performed in the configured local 'sync_dir' directory: /onedrive/data
OneDrive synchronisation interval (seconds): 300
Attempting to contact Microsoft OneDrive Login Service
Successfully reached Microsoft OneDrive Login Service
Starting a sync with Microsoft OneDrive
Attempting to perform a database vacuum to optimise database
Database vacuum is complete
std.utf.UTFException@/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/utf.d(1556): Invalid UTF-8 sequence (at index 2)
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/utf.d:1665 pure dchar std.utf.decodeImpl!(true, 0, const(char)[]).decodeImpl(ref const(char)[], ref ulong) [0x55d30df6752d]
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/utf.d:1186 pure @trusted dchar std.utf.decode!(0, const(char)[]).decode(scope ref const(char)[], ref ulong) [0x55d30df67399]
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/internal/ir.d:808 pure @trusted bool std.regex.internal.thompson.ThompsonMatcher!(char,!(char).Input) [0x55d30dfa8298]
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/internal/thompson.d:948 pure @trusted int std.regex.internal.thompson.ThompsonMatcher!(char,!(char).Input).ThompsonMatcher.match(!(ulong).Group[]) [0x55d30dfb7f95]
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/package.d:759 [0x55d30dfc45aa]
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/internal/ir.d:1103 pure void!(!(ulong).Group, 3u).SmallFixedArray.mutate(scope void delegate(!(ulong).Group[]) pure) [0x55d30dfc0152]
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/package.d:759 [0x55d30dfc4509]
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/package.d:997 [0x55d30def4acc]
src/util.d:556 [0x55d30def9e8a]
src/itemdb.d:728 [0x55d30defc11e]
src/itemdb.d:519 [0x55d30defbe8d]
src/sync.d:6629 [0x55d30df2bd0b]
src/sync.d:6633 [0x55d30df2bdac]
src/sync.d:6633 [0x55d30df2bdac]
src/sync.d:6962 [0x55d30df15d1f]
src/sync.d:1160 [0x55d30df0c877]
src/sync.d:613 [0x55d30df0a41b]
src/main.d:1282 [0x55d30dfd07a6]
src/main.d:1067 [0x55d30dfce01f]
??:? void rt.dmain2._d_run_main2(char[][], ulong, extern (C) int function(char[][])*).runAll() [0x7f6b5c937b7b]
??:? _d_run_main2 [0x7f6b5c937995]
??:? _d_run_main [0x7f6b5c9377ed]
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/core/internal/entrypoint.d:42 [0x55d30e000e21]
??:? [0x7f6b5c594249]
??:? __libc_start_main [0x7f6b5c594304]
??:? [0x55d30decf140]
What is your 'curl' version
libcurl/8.10.1 OpenSSL/3.0.15 zlib/1.2.13
Where is your 'sync_dir' located
What are all your system 'mount points'
zfsdata/backup/2024-11-25-onedrive-backup on /zfsdata/backup/2024-11-25-onedrive-backup type zfs (rw,xattr,noacl)
/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv on / type ext4 (rw,relatime)
What are all your local file system partition types
loop0 squashfs 4.0 0 100% /snap/core20/2434
loop1 squashfs 4.0 0 100% /snap/snapd/23258
loop2 squashfs 4.0 0 100% /snap/core20/2379
loop3 squashfs 4.0 0 100% /snap/lxd/29351
loop4 squashfs 4.0 0 100% /snap/snapd/21759
loop6 squashfs 4.0 0 100% /snap/lxd/31333
sda zfs_member 5000 zfsdata <REDACTED>
├─sdb1 zfs_member 5000 zfsdata <REDACTED>
sdc zfs_member 5000 zfsdata <REDACTED>
sdd zfs_member 5000 zfsdata <REDACTED>
├─sde2 ext4 1.0 <REDACTED> 1.5G 12% /boot
└─sde3 LVM2_member LVM2 001 <REDACTED>
└─ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv ext4 1.0 <REDACTED> 79.1G 14% /
How do you use 'onedrive'
First run
docker run -it --name onedrive \
-v /apps/onedrive/config:/onedrive/conf \
-v "/zfsdata/backup/2024-11-25-onedrive-backup:/onedrive/data" \
-e "ONEDRIVE_UID=1000" \
-e "ONEDRIVE_GID=1000" \
image: driveone/onedrive:2.5-debian
restart: unless-stopped
- /apps/onedrive/config:/onedrive/conf
- /zfsdata/backup/2024-11-25-onedrive-backup:/onedrive/data
Steps to reproduce the behaviour
- Run onedrive via docker run and connect to Onedrive account.
- Let the Docker container download all files
- After 'Database vaccum' an utf-8 error is triggered
- When running the docker-compose.yml, the same error is triggered after the 'Database vacuum' step
Complete Verbose Log Output
$ docker run -it --name onedrive \
-v /apps/onedrive/config:/onedrive/conf \
-v "/zfsdata/backup/2024-11-25-onedrive-backup:/onedrive/data" \
-e "ONEDRIVE_UID=1000" \
-e "ONEDRIVE_GID=1000" \
# Running container as user: onedrive
# Base Args: --monitor
# We are performing debug output
# Adding --verbose --verbose
# We are synchronizing in download-only mode
# Adding --download-only
# We are cleaning up local files that are not present online
# Adding --cleanup-local-files
# We are printing the application running configuration at application startup
# Adding --display-running-config
# Changing ownership permissions on /onedrive/data and /onedrive/conf to onedrive:onedrive
# Launching 'onedrive' as onedrive via gosu
DEBUG: Application started
DEBUG: Process ID: 7F83A1F6CA00
DEBUG: User UID: 1000
DEBUG: User GID: 1000
DEBUG: User Name: onedrive
DEBUG: Application Version: onedrive v2.5.3
DEBUG: Application Compiled With: LDC 2100
DEBUG: Passed in 'cliArgs': ["/usr/local/bin/onedrive", "--display-running-config", "--cleanup-local-files", "--download-only", "--monitor", "--syncdir", "/onedrive/data"]
DEBUG: Note: --confdir and --verbose are not listed in 'cliArgs' array
DEBUG: Passed in --confdir if present: /onedrive/conf
DEBUG: Passed in --verbose count if present: 2
DEBUG: runtime_environment: HOME environment variable detected, expansion of '~' should be possible
DEBUG: runtime_environment: Calculated defaultHomePath: /home/onedrive
DEBUG: configDirName: CLI override to set configDirName to: /onedrive/conf
DEBUG: refreshTokenFilePath = /onedrive/conf/refresh_token
DEBUG: deltaLinkFilePath = /onedrive/conf/delta_link
DEBUG: databaseFilePath = /onedrive/conf/items.sqlite3
DEBUG: databaseFilePathDryRun = /onedrive/conf/items-dryrun.sqlite3
DEBUG: uploadSessionFilePath = /onedrive/conf/session_upload
DEBUG: userConfigFilePath = /onedrive/conf/config
DEBUG: syncListFilePath = /onedrive/conf/sync_list
DEBUG: systemConfigFilePath = /etc/onedrive/config
DEBUG: configBackupFile = /onedrive/conf/.config.backup
DEBUG: configHashFile = /onedrive/conf/.config.hash
DEBUG: syncListHashFile = /onedrive/conf/.sync_list.hash
DEBUG: Reading configuration file: /onedrive/conf/config
DEBUG: Configuration file successfully loaded
DEBUG: Configuring Client Side Filtering (Selective Sync)
DEBUG: Configuring skip_dir ...
DEBUG: skip_dir:
DEBUG: Selective Sync Directory Mask: Regex!char("^$", "i")
DEBUG: Configuring skip_dir_strict_match ...
DEBUG: skip_dir_strict_match: false
DEBUG: Configuring skip_dotfiles ...
DEBUG: skip_dotfiles: false
DEBUG: Configuring skip_file ...
DEBUG: skip_file: ~*|.~*|*.tmp|*.swp|*.partial
DEBUG: Selective Sync File Mask: Regex!char("^~.*$|^\\.~.*$|^.*\\.tmp$|^.*\\.swp$|^.*\\.partial$", "i")
DEBUG: sync_dir: Setting runtimeSyncDirectory from config value 'sync_dir'
DEBUG: sync_dir: Using configured 'sync_dir' path as-is as however SHELL or USER environment variable configuration detected - should be placed in USER home directory
DEBUG: use 'sync_dir' as is - no touch
DEBUG: sync_dir: runtimeSyncDirectory set to: /onedrive/data
DEBUG: --------------- Application Runtime Configuration ---------------
DEBUG: Application version = onedrive v2.5.3
DEBUG: Compiled with = LDC 2100
DEBUG: Curl version = libcurl/8.10.1 OpenSSL/3.0.15 zlib/1.2.13 brotli/1.0.9 zstd/1.5.4 libidn2/2.3.3 libpsl/0.21.2 libssh2/1.10.0 nghttp2/1.52.0 librtmp/2.3 OpenLDAP/2.5.13
DEBUG: User Application Config path = /onedrive/conf
DEBUG: System Application Config path = /etc/onedrive
DEBUG: Applicable Application 'config' location = /onedrive/conf/config
DEBUG: Configuration file found in config location = true - using 'config' file values to override application defaults
DEBUG: Applicable 'sync_list' location = /onedrive/conf/sync_list
DEBUG: Applicable 'items.sqlite3' location = /onedrive/conf/items.sqlite3
DEBUG: Config option 'drive_id' =
DEBUG: Config option 'sync_dir' = /onedrive/data
DEBUG: Config option 'enable_logging' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'log_dir' = /var/log/onedrive
DEBUG: Config option 'disable_notifications' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'skip_dir' =
DEBUG: Config option 'skip_dir_strict_match' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'skip_file' = ~*|.~*|*.tmp|*.swp|*.partial
DEBUG: Config option 'skip_dotfiles' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'skip_symlinks' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'monitor_interval' = 300
DEBUG: Config option 'monitor_log_frequency' = 12
DEBUG: Config option 'monitor_fullscan_frequency' = 12
DEBUG: Config option 'read_only_auth_scope' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'dry_run' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'upload_only' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'download_only' = true
DEBUG: Config option 'local_first' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'check_nosync' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'check_nomount' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'resync' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'resync_auth' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'cleanup_local_files' = true
DEBUG: Config option 'classify_as_big_delete' = 1000
DEBUG: Config option 'disable_upload_validation' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'disable_download_validation' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'bypass_data_preservation' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'no_remote_delete' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'remove_source_files' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'sync_dir_permissions' = 700
DEBUG: Config option 'sync_file_permissions' = 600
DEBUG: Config option 'space_reservation' = 52428800
DEBUG: Config option 'application_id' = d50ca740-c83f-4d1b-b616-12c519384f0c
DEBUG: Config option 'azure_ad_endpoint' =
DEBUG: Config option 'azure_tenant_id' =
DEBUG: Config option 'user_agent' = ISV|abraunegg|OneDrive Client for Linux/v2.5.3
DEBUG: Config option 'force_http_11' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'debug_https' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'rate_limit' = 0
DEBUG: Config option 'operation_timeout' = 3600
DEBUG: Config option 'dns_timeout' = 60
DEBUG: Config option 'connect_timeout' = 10
DEBUG: Config option 'data_timeout' = 60
DEBUG: Config option 'ip_protocol_version' = 0
DEBUG: Config option 'threads' = 8
DEBUG: Config option 'max_curl_idle' = 120
DEBUG: Compile time option --enable-notifications = false
DEBUG: Selective sync 'sync_list' configured = false
DEBUG: Config option 'sync_business_shared_items' = false
DEBUG: Config option 'webhook_enabled' = false
DEBUG: --------------------DEVELOPER_OPTIONS----------------------------
DEBUG: Config option 'force_children_scan' = false
DEBUG: -----------------------------------------------------------------
DEBUG: Configuring default new folder permissions as: 700
DEBUG: Configuring default new file permissions as: 600
DEBUG: Creating a backup of the applicable config file
DEBUG: Updating applicable config file hash
DEBUG: Using IPv4 and IPv6 (if configured) for all network operations
DEBUG: Testing network to ensure network connectivity to Microsoft OneDrive Service
DEBUG: Attempting to contact Microsoft OneDrive Login Service
DEBUG: Successfully reached Microsoft OneDrive Login Service
DEBUG: applicationVersion: 2.5.3
DEBUG: latestVersion: 2.5.3
DEBUG: publishedDate: 2024-Nov-15 21:37:46Z
DEBUG: currentTime: 2024-Nov-27 09:50:58Z
DEBUG: releaseGracePeriod: 2024-Dec-15 21:37:46Z
DEBUG: CurlEngine getCurlInstance() called
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool current size: 0
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool is empty - constructing a new CurlEngine instance
DEBUG: Created new CurlEngine instance id: ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl
DEBUG: Configuring Global Azure AD Endpoints
DEBUG: Authorised State: true
DEBUG: Configured clientId d50ca740-c83f-4d1b-b616-12c519384f0c
DEBUG: Configured userAgent ISV|abraunegg|OneDrive Client for Linux/v2.5.3
DEBUG: Configured authScope: &scope=Files.ReadWrite%20Files.ReadWrite.All%20Sites.ReadWrite.All%20offline_access&response_type=code&prompt=login&redirect_uri=
DEBUG: Configured authUrl:
DEBUG: Configured redirectUrl:
DEBUG: Configured tokenUrl:
DEBUG: Configured driveUrl:
DEBUG: Configured driveByIdUrl:
DEBUG: Configured sharedWithMeUrl:
DEBUG: Configured itemByIdUrl:
DEBUG: Configured itemByPathUrl:
DEBUG: Configured siteSearchUrl:
DEBUG: Configured siteDriveUrl:
DEBUG: OneDrive API releaseCurlEngine() Called
DEBUG: CurlEngine releaseEngine() called on instance id: ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool size before release: 0
DEBUG: Release Timestamp for CurlEngine ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl: 2024-Nov-27 09:50:58.4195424Z
DEBUG: CurlEngine cleanup() called on instance id: ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool size after release: 1
DEBUG: SQLite Threadsafe database value: 1
DEBUG: Initialised TaskPool worker with threads: 8
DEBUG: WARNING: Application has been configured to cleanup local files that are not present online.
DEBUG: WARNING: Local data loss MAY occur in this scenario if you are expecting data to remain archived locally.
DEBUG: Using Curl defaults for HTTP operational protocol version (potentially HTTP/2)
DEBUG: CurlEngine getCurlInstance() called
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool current size: 1
DEBUG: CurlEngine ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl time since last use: 176 ms, 672 μs, and 9 hnsecs
DEBUG: CurlEngine was in a valid state - returning existing CurlEngine instance
DEBUG: Using CurlEngine instance ID: ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl
DEBUG: Read token from appConfig
DEBUG: Authorised State: true
DEBUG: CurlEngine getCurlInstance() called
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool current size: 0
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool is empty - constructing a new CurlEngine instance
DEBUG: Created new CurlEngine instance id: hwbRvKijmOEBXI5D
DEBUG: Read token from appConfig
DEBUG: Authorised State: true
DEBUG: Getting Account Default Drive Details
DEBUG: Request URL =
DEBUG: Microsoft OneDrive Access Token has expired. Must generate a new Microsoft OneDrive Access Token
DEBUG: Need to generate a new access token for Microsoft OneDrive
DEBUG: Request URL =
DEBUG: HTTP Response Headers: ["strict-transport-security":"max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains", "x-ms-ests-server":"2.1.19492.3 - WEULR1 ProdSlices", "x-xss-protection":"0", "p3p":"CP=\"DSP CUR OTPi IND OTRi ONL FIN\"", "x-ms-request-id":"5789304d-11db-4ee6-8285-e8e215068203", "x-ms-srs":"1.P", "content-security-policy-report-only":"object-src 'none'; base-uri 'self'; script-src 'self' 'nonce-kyymthOt32IwtJVqwbOe4Q' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* 'report-sample'; img-src 'self' data: https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* 'report-sample'; report-uri", "date":"Wed, 27 Nov 2024 09:50:58 GMT", "x-content-type-options":"nosniff", "content-length":"1710", "set-cookie":"stsservicecookie=estsfd; path=/; secure; samesite=none; httponly", "cache-control":"no-store, no-cache", "expires":"-1", "pragma":"no-cache", "content-type":"application/json; charset=utf-8"]
DEBUG: HTTP Status Line: 200 (2.0)
DEBUG: CurlEngine cleanup() called on instance id: hwbRvKijmOEBXI5D
DEBUG: Updating appConfig.refreshToken with updated refreshToken
DEBUG: Updating refreshToken on disk
DEBUG: Setting file permissions for: /onedrive/conf/refresh_token
DEBUG: HTTP Response Headers: ["strict-transport-security":"max-age=31536000", "x-ms-ags-diagnostic":"{\"ServerInfo\":{\"DataCenter\":\"West Europe\",\"Slice\":\"E\",\"Ring\":\"5\",\"ScaleUnit\":\"010\",\"RoleInstance\":\"AM4PEPF000278FE\"}}", "odata-version":"4.0", "date":"Wed, 27 Nov 2024 09:50:58 GMT", "client-request-id":"26362fb4-97a1-4f85-be93-f8402f0d9adf", "request-id":"26362fb4-97a1-4f85-be93-f8402f0d9adf", "cache-control":"no-store", "content-type":"application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;odata.streaming=true;IEEE754Compatible=false;charset=utf-8"]
DEBUG: HTTP Status Line: 200 (2.0)
DEBUG: CurlEngine cleanup() called on instance id: hwbRvKijmOEBXI5D
DEBUG: OneDrive Account Default Drive Details: {"@odata.context":"https:\/\/\/v1.0\/$metadata#drives\/$entity","driveType":"personal","id":"<REDACTED>","owner":{"user":{"displayName":"<REDACTED>","id":"<REDACTED>"}},"quota":{"deleted":20376,"remaining":723487241011,"state":"normal","storagePlanInformation":{"upgradeAvailable":false},"total":1104880336896,"used":381393095885}}
DEBUG: CurlEngine getCurlInstance() called
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool current size: 0
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool is empty - constructing a new CurlEngine instance
DEBUG: Created new CurlEngine instance id: elSZhfoMWINk1r2K
DEBUG: Read token from appConfig
DEBUG: Authorised State: true
DEBUG: Seeking available quota for this drive id: <REDACTED>
DEBUG: Request URL =<REDACTED>/?select=quota
DEBUG: Existing Microsoft OneDrive Access Token Expires: 2024-Nov-27 10:50:58.9153067
DEBUG: HTTP Response Headers: ["strict-transport-security":"max-age=31536000", "x-ms-ags-diagnostic":"{\"ServerInfo\":{\"DataCenter\":\"West Europe\",\"Slice\":\"E\",\"Ring\":\"5\",\"ScaleUnit\":\"003\",\"RoleInstance\":\"AM1PEPF00010594\"}}", "odata-version":"4.0", "date":"Wed, 27 Nov 2024 09:50:58 GMT", "client-request-id":"0c300fd1-4200-4a4d-94cf-29024ef284a1", "request-id":"0c300fd1-4200-4a4d-94cf-29024ef284a1", "cache-control":"no-store", "content-type":"application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;odata.streaming=true;IEEE754Compatible=false;charset=utf-8"]
DEBUG: HTTP Status Line: 200 (2.0)
DEBUG: CurlEngine cleanup() called on instance id: elSZhfoMWINk1r2K
DEBUG: OneDrive API releaseCurlEngine() Called
DEBUG: CurlEngine releaseEngine() called on instance id: elSZhfoMWINk1r2K
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool size before release: 0
DEBUG: Release Timestamp for CurlEngine elSZhfoMWINk1r2K: 2024-Nov-27 09:50:59.4552792Z
DEBUG: CurlEngine cleanup() called on instance id: elSZhfoMWINk1r2K
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool size after release: 1
DEBUG: Quota Details: {"@odata.context":"https:\/\/\/v1.0\/$metadata#drives\/$entity","quota":{"deleted":20376,"remaining":723487241011,"state":"normal","storagePlanInformation":{"upgradeAvailable":false},"total":1104880336896,"used":381393095885}}
DEBUG: Reported Available Online Quota for driveID '<REDACTED>': 723487241011
DEBUG: onlineDriveDetails: ["<REDACTED>":const(DriveDetailsCache)("<REDACTED>", false, true, 723487241011)]
DEBUG: appConfig.accountType = personal
DEBUG: appConfig.defaultDriveId = <REDACTED>
DEBUG: cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRemaining = 723487241011
DEBUG: cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaAvailable = true
DEBUG: cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRestricted = false
DEBUG: OneDrive API releaseCurlEngine() Called
DEBUG: CurlEngine releaseEngine() called on instance id: hwbRvKijmOEBXI5D
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool size before release: 1
DEBUG: Release Timestamp for CurlEngine hwbRvKijmOEBXI5D: 2024-Nov-27 09:50:59.4595545Z
DEBUG: CurlEngine cleanup() called on instance id: hwbRvKijmOEBXI5D
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool size after release: 2
DEBUG: CurlEngine getCurlInstance() called
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool current size: 2
DEBUG: CurlEngine hwbRvKijmOEBXI5D time since last use: 3 ms and 272 μs
DEBUG: CurlEngine was in a valid state - returning existing CurlEngine instance
DEBUG: Using CurlEngine instance ID: hwbRvKijmOEBXI5D
DEBUG: Read token from appConfig
DEBUG: Authorised State: true
DEBUG: Getting Account Default Root Details
DEBUG: Request URL =
DEBUG: Existing Microsoft OneDrive Access Token Expires: 2024-Nov-27 10:50:58.9153067
DEBUG: HTTP Response Headers: ["strict-transport-security":"max-age=31536000", "x-ms-ags-diagnostic":"{\"ServerInfo\":{\"DataCenter\":\"West Europe\",\"Slice\":\"E\",\"Ring\":\"5\",\"ScaleUnit\":\"010\",\"RoleInstance\":\"AM4PEPF000278FE\"}}", "odata-version":"4.0", "date":"Wed, 27 Nov 2024 09:50:59 GMT", "client-request-id":"1c6830c3-5ba8-470e-8f9b-0b2ac421531e", "request-id":"1c6830c3-5ba8-470e-8f9b-0b2ac421531e", "cache-control":"private", "content-type":"application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;odata.streaming=true;IEEE754Compatible=false;charset=utf-8"]
DEBUG: HTTP Status Line: 200 (2.0)
DEBUG: CurlEngine cleanup() called on instance id: hwbRvKijmOEBXI5D
DEBUG: OneDrive Account Default Root Details: {"@odata.context":"https:\/\/\/v1.0\/$metadata#users('[email protected]')\/drive\/root\/$entity","cTag":"adDo3Rjg5NkYzQzk5OTRDOTchMTIwLjYzODY4Mjk2MjA5NzEwMDAwMA","createdBy":{"user":{"displayName":"<REDACTED>","id":"<REDACTED>"}},"createdDateTime":"2012-01-17T20:51:19.263Z","eTag":"aN0Y4OTZGM0M5OTk0Qzk3ITEyMC44NQ","fileSystemInfo":{"createdDateTime":"2012-01-17T20:51:19.263Z","lastModifiedDateTime":"2023-05-15T15:34:06.633Z"},"folder":{"childCount":9,"view":{"sortBy":"name","sortOrder":"ascending","viewType":"thumbnails"}},"id":"<REDACTED>!120","lastModifiedBy":{"application":{"displayName":"OneDrive website","id":"44048800"},"user":{"displayName":"<REDACTED>","id":"<REDACTED>"}},"lastModifiedDateTime":"2024-11-27T09:23:29.71Z","name":"root","parentReference":{"driveId":"<REDACTED>","driveType":"personal"},"root":{},"size":377998141078,"webUrl":"https:\/\/\/?cid=<REDACTED>"}
DEBUG: appConfig.defaultRootId = <REDACTED>!120
DEBUG: saveItem - creating DB item from this JSON: {"@odata.context":"https:\/\/\/v1.0\/$metadata#users('[email protected]')\/drive\/root\/$entity","cTag":"adDo3Rjg5NkYzQzk5OTRDOTchMTIwLjYzODY4Mjk2MjA5NzEwMDAwMA","createdBy":{"user":{"displayName":"<REDACTED>","id":"<REDACTED>"}},"createdDateTime":"2012-01-17T20:51:19.263Z","eTag":"aN0Y4OTZGM0M5OTk0Qzk3ITEyMC44NQ","fileSystemInfo":{"createdDateTime":"2012-01-17T20:51:19.263Z","lastModifiedDateTime":"2023-05-15T15:34:06.633Z"},"folder":{"childCount":9,"view":{"sortBy":"name","sortOrder":"ascending","viewType":"thumbnails"}},"id":"<REDACTED>!120","lastModifiedBy":{"application":{"displayName":"OneDrive website","id":"44048800"},"user":{"displayName":"<REDACTED>","id":"<REDACTED>"}},"lastModifiedDateTime":"2024-11-27T09:23:29.71Z","name":"root","parentReference":{"driveId":"<REDACTED>","driveType":"personal"},"root":{},"size":377998141078,"webUrl":"https:\/\/\/?cid=<REDACTED>"}
DEBUG: Flagging object as a directory
DEBUG: Updating DB Item object with correct values as this is a 'root' object
DEBUG: ROOT JSON Item HAS parentReference .... setting item.driveId = jsonItem['parentReference']['driveId'].str
DEBUG: OneDrive API releaseCurlEngine() Called
DEBUG: CurlEngine releaseEngine() called on instance id: hwbRvKijmOEBXI5D
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool size before release: 1
DEBUG: Release Timestamp for CurlEngine hwbRvKijmOEBXI5D: 2024-Nov-27 09:50:59.5850651Z
DEBUG: CurlEngine cleanup() called on instance id: hwbRvKijmOEBXI5D
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool size after release: 2
DEBUG: OneDrive API releaseCurlEngine() Called
DEBUG: CurlEngine releaseEngine() called on instance id: ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool size before release: 2
DEBUG: Release Timestamp for CurlEngine ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl: 2024-Nov-27 09:50:59.5877951Z
DEBUG: CurlEngine cleanup() called on instance id: ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool size after release: 3
DEBUG: OneDrive synchronisation interval (seconds): 300
DEBUG: Disabling Full Scan True Up
DEBUG: ################################################## NEW LOOP ##################################################
DEBUG: Total Run-Time Loop Number: 1
DEBUG: Full Scan Frequency Loop Number: 1
DEBUG: Start Monitor Loop Time: 2024-Nov-27 09:50:59.590217
DEBUG: Allowing initial sync log output
DEBUG: Application run-time thus far: 1 sec, 505 ms, 554 μs, and 7 hnsecs
DEBUG: Attempting to contact Microsoft OneDrive Login Service
DEBUG: Successfully reached Microsoft OneDrive Login Service
DEBUG: Starting a sync with Microsoft OneDrive
DEBUG: Evaluating reset of syncFailures: syncFailures already false.
DEBUG: Freshen Quota Details for this driveId: <REDACTED>
DEBUG: CurlEngine getCurlInstance() called
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool current size: 3
DEBUG: CurlEngine ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl time since last use: 116 ms, 557 μs, and 5 hnsecs
DEBUG: CurlEngine was in a valid state - returning existing CurlEngine instance
DEBUG: Using CurlEngine instance ID: ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl
DEBUG: Read token from appConfig
DEBUG: Authorised State: true
DEBUG: Seeking available quota for this drive id: <REDACTED>
DEBUG: Request URL =<REDACTED>/?select=quota
DEBUG: Existing Microsoft OneDrive Access Token Expires: 2024-Nov-27 10:50:58.9153067
DEBUG: HTTP Response Headers: ["strict-transport-security":"max-age=31536000", "x-ms-ags-diagnostic":"{\"ServerInfo\":{\"DataCenter\":\"West Europe\",\"Slice\":\"E\",\"Ring\":\"5\",\"ScaleUnit\":\"000\",\"RoleInstance\":\"AM1PEPF000105A8\"}}", "odata-version":"4.0", "date":"Wed, 27 Nov 2024 09:50:58 GMT", "client-request-id":"69540ded-aa74-4876-a9d0-39358169a09f", "request-id":"69540ded-aa74-4876-a9d0-39358169a09f", "cache-control":"no-store", "content-type":"application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;odata.streaming=true;IEEE754Compatible=false;charset=utf-8"]
DEBUG: HTTP Status Line: 200 (2.0)
DEBUG: CurlEngine cleanup() called on instance id: ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl
DEBUG: OneDrive API releaseCurlEngine() Called
DEBUG: CurlEngine releaseEngine() called on instance id: ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool size before release: 2
DEBUG: Release Timestamp for CurlEngine ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl: 2024-Nov-27 09:50:59.8935363Z
DEBUG: CurlEngine cleanup() called on instance id: ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool size after release: 3
DEBUG: Quota Details: {"@odata.context":"https:\/\/\/v1.0\/$metadata#drives\/$entity","quota":{"deleted":20376,"remaining":723487241011,"state":"normal","storagePlanInformation":{"upgradeAvailable":false},"total":1104880336896,"used":381393095885}}
DEBUG: Reported Available Online Quota for driveID '<REDACTED>': 723487241011
DEBUG: onlineDriveDetails: ["<REDACTED>":const(DriveDetailsCache)("<REDACTED>", false, true, 723487241011)]
DEBUG: Perform a Full Scan True-Up: false
DEBUG: driveIdToQuery was empty, setting to appConfig.defaultDriveId
DEBUG: driveIdToQuery: <REDACTED>
DEBUG: itemIdToQuery was empty, setting to appConfig.defaultRootId
DEBUG: itemIdToQuery: <REDACTED>!120
DEBUG: Why are we generating a /delta response:
DEBUG: singleDirectoryScope: false
DEBUG: nationalCloudDeployment: false
DEBUG: cleanupLocalFiles: true
DEBUG: sharedFolderName:
DEBUG: CurlEngine getCurlInstance() called
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool current size: 3
DEBUG: CurlEngine ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl time since last use: 3 ms, 412 μs, and 4 hnsecs
DEBUG: CurlEngine was in a valid state - returning existing CurlEngine instance
DEBUG: Using CurlEngine instance ID: ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl
DEBUG: Read token from appConfig
DEBUG: Authorised State: true
DEBUG: Request URL =,name,eTag,cTag,deleted,file,folder,root,fileSystemInfo,remoteItem,parentReference,size
DEBUG: Existing Microsoft OneDrive Access Token Expires: 2024-Nov-27 10:50:58.9153067
DEBUG: HTTP Response Headers: ["strict-transport-security":"max-age=31536000", "x-ms-ags-diagnostic":"{\"ServerInfo\":{\"DataCenter\":\"West Europe\",\"Slice\":\"E\",\"Ring\":\"5\",\"ScaleUnit\":\"000\",\"RoleInstance\":\"AM1PEPF000105A8\"}}", "odata-version":"4.0", "date":"Wed, 27 Nov 2024 09:50:59 GMT", "client-request-id":"29d9669c-e64d-4cd8-8d0a-2e45fa4fff2d", "request-id":"29d9669c-e64d-4cd8-8d0a-2e45fa4fff2d", "cache-control":"private", "content-type":"application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;odata.streaming=true;IEEE754Compatible=false;charset=utf-8"]
DEBUG: HTTP Status Line: 200 (2.0)
DEBUG: CurlEngine cleanup() called on instance id: ZeK5ID3pLHr7Anhl
DEBUG: Downgrading all children for this searchItem.driveId (<REDACTED>) and (<REDACTED>!120) to an out-of-sync state
DEBUG: Failure scope was called
DEBUG: performSynchronisedExitProcess called by: failureScope
DEBUG: Shutting down Filesystem Monitoring instance
DEBUG: Shutdown of Filesystem Monitoring instance is complete
DEBUG: Shutting down Sync Engine instance
DEBUG: SyncEngine: Waiting for all internal threads to complete
DEBUG: Shutting down processPool in a thread blocking manner
DEBUG: Shutdown Sync Engine instance is complete
DEBUG: CurlEngine releaseAllCurlInstances() called
DEBUG: CurlEngine curlEnginePool size to release: 2
DEBUG: CurlEngine cleanup() called on instance id: elSZhfoMWINk1r2K
DEBUG: CurlEngine shutdownCurlHTTPInstance() called on instance id: elSZhfoMWINk1r2K
DEBUG: HTTP instance still active: elSZhfoMWINk1r2K
DEBUG: HTTP instance isStopped state before http.shutdown(): false
DEBUG: HTTP instance isStopped state post http.shutdown(): true
DEBUG: HTTP instance shutdown and destroyed: elSZhfoMWINk1r2K
DEBUG: CurlEngine destroyed
DEBUG: CurlEngine cleanup() called on instance id: hwbRvKijmOEBXI5D
DEBUG: CurlEngine shutdownCurlHTTPInstance() called on instance id: hwbRvKijmOEBXI5D
DEBUG: HTTP instance still active: hwbRvKijmOEBXI5D
DEBUG: HTTP instance isStopped state before http.shutdown(): false
DEBUG: HTTP instance isStopped state post http.shutdown(): true
DEBUG: HTTP instance shutdown and destroyed: hwbRvKijmOEBXI5D
DEBUG: CurlEngine destroyed
DEBUG: CurlEngine releaseAllCurlInstances() completed
DEBUG: Shutting down Client Side Filtering instance
DEBUG: Shutdown of Client Side Filtering instance is complete
DEBUG: Shutting down Database instance
DEBUG: Merge contents of WAL and SHM files into main database file before shutting down database
DEBUG: Attempting to perform a database checkpoint to merge temporary data
DEBUG: Counting open SQL statements
DEBUG: Database checkpoint is complete
DEBUG: Attempting to perform a database vacuum to optimise database
DEBUG: Counting open SQL statements
DEBUG: Database vacuum is complete
DEBUG: Shutdown of Database instance is complete
DEBUG: Shutting down Application Configuration instance
DEBUG: Shutdown of Application Configuration instance is complete
DEBUG: Application is exiting
DEBUG: Shutting down Application Logging instance
std.utf.UTFException@/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/utf.d(1556): Invalid UTF-8 sequence (at index 2)
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/utf.d:1665 pure dchar std.utf.decodeImpl!(true, 0, const(char)[]).decodeImpl(ref const(char)[], ref ulong) [0x563001c5352d]
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/utf.d:1186 pure @trusted dchar std.utf.decode!(0, const(char)[]).decode(scope ref const(char)[], ref ulong) [0x563001c53399]
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/internal/ir.d:808 pure @trusted bool std.regex.internal.thompson.ThompsonMatcher!(char,!(char).Input) [0x563001c94298]
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/internal/thompson.d:948 pure @trusted int std.regex.internal.thompson.ThompsonMatcher!(char,!(char).Input).ThompsonMatcher.match(!(ulong).Group[]) [0x563001ca3f95]
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/package.d:759 [0x563001cb05aa]
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/internal/ir.d:1103 pure void!(!(ulong).Group, 3u).SmallFixedArray.mutate(scope void delegate(!(ulong).Group[]) pure) [0x563001cac152]
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/package.d:759 [0x563001cb0509]
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/regex/package.d:997 [0x563001be0acc]
src/util.d:556 [0x563001be5e8a]
src/itemdb.d:728 [0x563001be811e]
src/itemdb.d:519 [0x563001be7e8d]
src/sync.d:6629 [0x563001c17d0b]
src/sync.d:6633 [0x563001c17dac]
src/sync.d:6633 [0x563001c17dac]
src/sync.d:6962 [0x563001c01d1f]
src/sync.d:1160 [0x563001bf8877]
src/sync.d:613 [0x563001bf641b]
src/main.d:1282 [0x563001cbc7a6]
src/main.d:1067 [0x563001cba01f]
??:? void rt.dmain2._d_run_main2(char[][], ulong, extern (C) int function(char[][])*).runAll() [0x7f83a215db7b]
??:? _d_run_main2 [0x7f83a215d995]
??:? _d_run_main [0x7f83a215d7ed]
/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/core/internal/entrypoint.d:42 [0x563001cece21]
??:? [0x7f83a1dba249]
??:? __libc_start_main [0x7f83a1dba304]
??:? [0x563001bbb140]
No response
Other Log Information or Details
No response
Additional context
No response