🚴 Call stack profiler for Python. Shows you why your code is slow!
Github Flavored Markdown Back-End for Org Export Engine
Fast library for rendering HTML in Clojure
A minimalistic ClojureScript interface to React.js
Emacs package to trigger kbd events
The fastest buffer-jumping Emacs lisp package around
Emacs major and minor modes for Racket: edit, REPL, check-syntax, debug, profile, packages, and more.
hydra-posframe is a hydra extension which shows hydra hints on posframe.
Window list with app grouping and thumbnails for Cinnamon
Collaborative Collection of C++ Best Practices. This online resource is part of Jason Turner's collection of C++ Best Practices resources. See for more information.
Spacemacs-esque major mode leader key powered by Hydra
Counsel (Ivy) interface for org-clock
ivy-posframe is a ivy extension, which let ivy use posframe to show its candidate menu, ivy-posframe is a **GNU ELPA** package.
Ferret is a free software lisp implementation for real time embedded control systems.
Tramp ivy interface for ssh and docker and vagrant
🌿 📡 An ivy interface to
TRAMP integration for docker containers
Add programmable bash completion to Emacs shell-mode
A cheatsheet of modern C++ language and library features.
ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore