Repository of software project for my Ph.D. dissertation research. Implements reproducible research framework for data collection, analysis and reporting results, using R
statistical language and environment.
Related information can be found in the repository's wiki at
Installation Notes
Path to the project's home directory, where it's installed should be specified in R environment file, either system-wide (requires corresponding permissions), or, better, local (file ".Renviron" in user's home directory), as follows:
DISS_FLOSS_HOME = <path to project home directory>
Successful import of open source software repositories' data and startup companies data requires specifying corresponding data sources' credentials as values of environment variables. This also should be done via R environment file, preferably the same ".Renviron" file, as above:
# SourceForge Research Data Archive (SRDA)
SRDA_USER = <SRDA user name>
SRDA_PASS = <SRDA password>
# CrunchBase
CB_API_KEY = <CrunchBase API key>