[aliases] test = pytest [tool:pytest] # disable-pytest-warnings should be removed once we rewrite tests # using yield with parametrize doctest_optionflags = NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ELLIPSIS testpaths = sklearn addopts = --doctest-modules --disable-pytest-warnings --color=yes # Activate the plugin explicitly to ensure that the seed is reported # correctly on the CI when running `pytest --pyargs sklearn` from the # source folder. -p sklearn.tests.random_seed -rN filterwarnings = ignore:the matrix subclass:PendingDeprecationWarning [flake8] # max line length for black max-line-length = 88 target-version = ['py37'] # Default flake8 3.5 ignored flags ignore= E24, # check ignored by default in flake8. Meaning unclear. E121, # continuation line under-indented E123, # closing bracket does not match indentation E126, # continuation line over-indented for hanging indent E203, # space before : (needed for how black formats slicing) E226, # missing whitespace around arithmetic operator E704, # multiple statements on one line (def) E731, # do not assign a lambda expression, use a def E741, # do not use variables named âlâ, âOâ, or âIâ W503, # line break before binary operator W504 # line break after binary operator exclude= .git, __pycache__, dist, sklearn/externals, doc/_build, doc/auto_examples, doc/tutorial, build # It's fine not to put the import at the top of the file in the examples # folder. per-file-ignores = examples/*: E402 doc/conf.py: E402 [mypy] ignore_missing_imports = True allow_redefinition = True [check-manifest] # ignore files missing in VCS ignore = sklearn/_loss/_loss.pyx sklearn/linear_model/_sag_fast.pyx sklearn/utils/_seq_dataset.pyx sklearn/utils/_seq_dataset.pxd sklearn/utils/_weight_vector.pyx sklearn/utils/_weight_vector.pxd [codespell] skip = ./.git,./.mypy_cache,./doc/themes/scikit-learn-modern/static/js,./sklearn/feature_extraction/_stop_words.py,./doc/_build,./doc/auto_examples,./doc/modules/generated ignore-words = build_tools/codespell_ignore_words.txt