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688 lines (471 loc) · 58.8 KB
ZRC Title Status Type Author Created (yyyy-mm-dd) Updated (yyyy-mm-dd)
6 Non-Fungible Token Standard Implemented Standard Neuti Yoo
[email protected]
Jun Hao Tan
[email protected]
2021-10-01 2022-03-09

Table of Contents

I. What are NFTs and NFT royalties?

An NFT, or Non-Fungible Token is a digital asset. Unlike fungible tokens, each token is unique and non-interchangeable.

NFT royalties give an NFT creator or rights holder a percentage of the sale price each time the NFT is sold or re-sold.

II. Abstract

ZRC-6 defines a new minimum interface of an NFT smart contract while improving upon ZRC-1.

The main advantages of this standard are:

  1. ZRC-6 standardizes royalty information retrieval with a percentage-based royalty fee model and unit-less royalty payments to a single address. Funds will be paid for secondary sales only if a marketplace chooses to implement royalty payments. Marketplace contracts should transfer the actual funds.

  2. ZRC-6 includes base URI to support token URI with the concatenation of base URI and token ID. A token URI is an IPFS, HTTP, or data URL. This URL must return a JSON blob of data with the metadata for the NFT when queried. ZRC-7 covers metadata and token URI in detail.

  3. ZRC-6 is designed for remote state read (x <- & c.f) such that logic to get data from a ZRC-6 contract is straightforward. ZRC-6 exposes immutable parameters via mutable fields and includes only transitions that mutate the state of the contract.

  4. ZRC-6 is designed for failure. Therefore minting, burning, and token transfers are pausable.

  5. ZRC-6 features batch operations for minting, burning and token transfers such that only a single transaction is required.

  6. ZRC-6 features a single transition for token transfer with destination validation. The transition can be called by a token owner, a spender, or an operator. ZRC-6 prevents transferring tokens to the zero address or the address of a ZRC-6 contract.

  7. ZRC-6 is compatible with ZRC-X since every callback name is prefixed with ZRC6_.

III. Motivation

  1. Many of the largest NFT marketplaces have implemented incompatible royalty payment solutions.

  2. The concatenated token URI can reduce gas cost and is more optimal for contract state.

  3. Using callbacks to get data can complicate the logic easily. Unlike immutable parameters, mutable fields are available for remote state read.

  4. Without an emergency stop mechanism, it's hard to respond to bugs and vulnerabilities gracefully.

  5. Without batch operations, it can be very inefficient to transfer or mint multiple tokens with multiple transactions.

  6. ZRC-1 includes Transfer and TransferFrom for the token transfer. The two transitions have the same type signature and the only difference is the access control. This has added unnecessary complexity. ZRC-1 does not validate the destination for token transfer and it is not safe.

  7. The ZRC-1 and ZRC-2 contracts can share the same callback names. Contracts must have unique names for callback transitions.

IV. Specification

A. Immutable Parameters

Name Type Description
initial_contract_owner ByStr20 Address of contract owner. It must not be the zero address i.e., 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
initial_base_uri String Base URI. e.g.
name String NFT name. It must not be an empty string.
symbol String NFT symbol. It must not be an empty string.

B. Mutable Fields

Name Type Description Required
is_paused Bool True if the contract is paused. Otherwise, False. is_paused defaults to False.
contract_owner ByStr20 Address of the contract owner. contract_owner defaults to initial_contract_owner.
royalty_recipient ByStr20 Address to send royalties to. royalty_recipient defaults to initial_contract_owner.
royalty_fee_bps Uint128 Royalty fee BPS. For example, 1 = 0.01%, 10000 = 100%. royalty_fee_bps ranges from 1 to 10000 and defaults to 1000.

When calculating the royalty amount, you must only use division to avoid integer overflow.

royalty amount = sale price ÷ ( 10000 ÷ royalty fee bps )

For example, if royalty_fee_bps is 1000 (10%) and sale price is 999, royalty amount is 99.
base_uri String Base URI. For example, if base_uri is and token_id is 1, token URI is

If there is no specific token URI for a token in token_uris, the concatenated token URI is the token URI.

If every token has its own token URI, base_uri can be an empty string.

base_uri defaults to initial_base_uri. This field must not be mutated unless there is a strong reason.
token_uris Map Uint256 String Mapping from token ID to its specific token URI. When it is required to set a specific token URI per token, use this field.

If there is a specific token URI for a token in token_uris, the URI is the token URI.

If every token does not have its own token URI, token_uris can be an empty map.
minters Map ByStr20 Bool Set of minters.
token_owners Map Uint256 ByStr20 Mapping from token ID to its owner.
spenders Map Uint256 ByStr20 Mapping from token ID to a spender.
operators Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Bool) Mapping from token owner to set of operators.
token_id_count Uint256 The total number of tokens minted. Defaults to 0.
balances Map ByStr20 Uint256 Mapping from token owner to the number of existing tokens.
total_supply Uint256 The total number of existing tokens. Defaults to 0.
token_name String Token name. Defaults to name. This field is for remote state read. This field must not be mutated.
token_symbol String Token symbol. Defaults to symbol. This field is for remote state read. This field must not be mutated.
contract_ownership_recipient ByStr20 Address of the contract ownership recipient. Defaults to zero address.

C. Roles

Name Description Required
contract_owner The contract owner can:
  • pause/unpause the contract
  • set contract ownership recipient
  • set royalty recipient
  • set royalty fee BPS
  • set base URI
  • add/remove a minter
royalty_recipient The royalty recipient gets a royalty amount each time the NFT is sold or re-sold. Initially, the royalty recipient is the contract owner.
minter A minter can mint tokens. Initially, the contract owner is a minter.
token_owner Each token has an token owner. A token owner can:
  • transfer a token
  • burn a token
  • add/remove a spender of a token
  • add/remove an operator
spender On behalf of the token owner, a spender can transfer a token. There can only be one spender per token at any given time.
operator On behalf of the token owner, an operator can:
  • transfer a token
  • burn a token (optional)
  • add/remove a spender of a token (optional)
An operator is not bound to a single token, unlike a spender.
contract_ownership_recipient If the contract owner wants to transfer contract ownership to someone, the contract owner can set the person as the contract ownership recipient. The contract ownership recipient can accept the contract ownership and become the new contract owner.
Transition contract_owner minter token_owner spender operator contract_ownership_recipient

D. Error Codes

The NFT contract must define the following constants for use as error codes for the Error exception.

Name Type Code Description Required
NotPausedError Int32 -1 Emit when the contract is not paused.
PausedError Int32 -2 Emit when the contract is paused.
SelfError Int32 -3 Emit when the address is self.
NotContractOwnerError Int32 -4 Emit when the address is not a contract owner.
NotTokenOwnerError Int32 -5 Emit when the address is not a token owner.
NotMinterError Int32 -6 Emit when the address is not a minter.
NotOwnerOrOperatorError Int32 -7 Emit when the address is neither a token owner nor a token operator.
MinterNotFoundError Int32 -8 Emit when the minter is not found.
MinterFoundError Int32 -9 Emit when the minter is found.
SpenderFoundError Int32 -10 Emit when the spender is found.
OperatorNotFoundError Int32 -11 Emit when the operator is not found.
OperatorFoundError Int32 -12 Emit when the operator is found.
NotAllowedToTransferError Int32 -13 Emit when _sender is not allowed to transfer the token.
TokenNotFoundError Int32 -14 Emit when the token is not found.
InvalidFeeBPSError Int32 -15 Emit when the fee bps does not range from 1 to 10000.
ZeroAddressDestinationError Int32 -16 Emit when the destination is the zero address.
ThisAddressDestinationError Int32 -17 Emit when the destination is _this_address.
NotContractOwnershipRecipientError Int32 -18 Emit when the address is not a contract ownership recipient.

E. Transitions

Transition Required
1 Pause()
2 Unpause()
3 SetRoyaltyRecipient(to: ByStr20)
4 SetRoyaltyFeeBPS(fee_bps: Uint128)
5 SetBaseURI(uri: String)
6 Mint(to: ByStr20, token_uri: String)
7 BatchMint(to_token_uri_pair_list: List (Pair ByStr20 String)
8 Burn(token_id: Uint256)
9 BatchBurn(token_id_list: List Uint256)
10 AddMinter(to: ByStr20)
11 RemoveMinter(to: ByStr20)
12 SetSpender(to: ByStr20, token_id: Uint256)
13 AddOperator(to: ByStr20)
14 RemoveOperator(to: ByStr20)
15 TransferFrom(to: ByStr20, token_id: Uint256)
16 BatchTransferFrom(to_token_id_pair_list: List (Pair ByStr20 Uint256)
17 SetContractOwnershipRecipient(to: ByStr20)
18 AcceptContractOwnership()

1. Pause (Optional)

Pauses the contract. Use this only if things are going wrong ('circuit breaker').


  • The contract must not be paused. Otherwise, it must throw PausedError.
  • _sender must be the contract owner. Otherwise, it must throw NotContractOwnerError.


Name Description Callback Parameters
_tag ZRC6_PauseCallback Provide the sender a boolean for whether the contract is paused or not. is_paused : Bool
True if paused, otherwise False


Name Description Event Parameters
_eventname Pause The contract has been paused.
  • is_paused : Bool
    True if paused, otherwise False

2. Unpause (Optional)

Unpauses the contract.


  • The contract must be paused. Otherwise, it must throw NotPausedError.
  • _sender must be the contract owner. Otherwise, it must throw NotContractOwnerError.


Name Description Callback Parameters
_tag ZRC6_UnpauseCallback Provide the sender a boolean for whether the contract is paused or not. is_paused : Bool
True if paused, otherwise False


Name Description Event Parameters
_eventname Unpause The contract has been unpaused.
  • is_paused : Bool
    True if paused, otherwise False

3. SetRoyaltyRecipient (Optional)

Sets to as the royalty recipient.


Name Type Description
to ByStr20 Address that royalties are sent to.


  • _sender must be the contract owner. Otherwise, it must throw NotContractOwnerError.
  • to must not be the zero address. Otherwise, it must throw ZeroAddressDestinationError.
  • to must not be _this_address. Otherwise, it must throw ThisAddressDestinationError.


Name Description Callback Parameters
_tag ZRC6_SetRoyaltyRecipientCallback Provide the sender the address of royalty recipient. to : ByStr20
Address of the royalty recipient


Name Description Event Parameters
_eventname SetRoyaltyRecipient Royalty recipient has been updated.
  • to : ByStr20
    Address of the royalty recipient

4. SetRoyaltyFeeBPS (Optional)

Sets fee_bps as royalty fee bps.


Name Type Description
fee_bps Uint128 Royality fee BPS. e.g. 1 = 0.01%, 10000 = 100%.


  • _sender must be the contract owner. Otherwise, it must throw NotContractOwnerError.
  • fee_bps must range from 1 to 10000. Otherwise, it must throw InvalidFeeBPSError.


Name Description Callback Parameters
_tag ZRC6_SetRoyaltyFeeBPSCallback Provide the sender the royalty fee BPS. royalty_fee_bps : Uint128
Royalty Fee BPS


Name Description Event Parameters
_eventname SetRoyaltyFeeBPS Royalty fee BPS has been updated.
  • royalty_fee_bps : Uint128
    Royalty Fee BPS

5. SetBaseURI (Optional)

Sets uri as the base URI. Use this only if there is a strong reason to change the base_uri.


Name Type Description
uri String Base URI.


  • _sender must be the contract owner. Otherwise, it must throw NotContractOwnerError.


Name Description Callback Parameters
_tag ZRC6_SetBaseURICallback Provide the sender the base URI. base_uri : String
Base URI


Name Description Event Parameters
_eventname SetBaseURI Base URI has been updated.
  • base_uri : String
    Base URI

6. Mint

Mints a token with a specific token_uri and transfers it to to. Pass empty string to token_uri to use the concatenated token URI. i.e. <base_uri><token_id>.


Name Type Description
to ByStr20 Address of the recipient of the token to be minted.
token_uri String URI of a token.


  • The contract must not be paused. Otherwise, it must throw PausedError.
  • to must not be the zero address. Otherwise, it must throw ZeroAddressDestinationError
  • to must not be _this_address. Otherwise, it must throw ThisAddressDestinationError
  • _sender must be a minter. Otherwise, it must throw NotMinterError.


Name Description Callback Parameters
_tag ZRC6_RecipientAcceptMint Dummy callback to prevent invalid recipient contract.
_tag ZRC6_MintCallback Provide the sender the address of token recipient and token ID.
  • to : ByStr20
    Address of a recipient
  • token_id : Uint256
    Unique ID of a token
  • token_uri : String
    URI of a token


Name Description Event Parameters
_eventname Mint Token has been minted with a specific URI.
  • to : ByStr20
    Address of a recipient
  • token_id : Uint256
    Unique ID of a token
  • token_uri : String
    URI of a token

7. BatchMint (Optional)

Mints multiple tokens with token_uris and transfers them to multiple tos. Pass empty string to token_uri to use the concatenated token URI. i.e. <base_uri><token_id>.


Name Type Description
to_token_uri_pair_list List (Pair ByStr20 String) List of Pair (to, token_uri)

  • to : ByStr20
    Address of a recipient
  • token_uri : String
    URI of a token


  • The contract must not be paused. Otherwise, it must throw PausedError.
  • to_list must not include the zero address. Otherwise, it must throw ZeroAddressDestinationError
  • to_list must not include _this_address. Otherwise, it must throw ThisAddressDestinationError
  • _sender must be a minter. Otherwise, it must throw NotMinterError.


Name Description Callback Parameters
_tag ZRC6_BatchMintCallback An empty callback.


Name Description Event Parameters
_eventname BatchMint Multiple tokens have been minted with token URIs.
  • to_token_uri_pair_list : List (Pair ByStr20 String)

    List of Pair (to, token_uri)

    • to : ByStr20
      Address of a recipient
    • token_uri : String
      URI of a token

  • start_id : Uint256
    The token ID minted firstly
  • end_id : Uint256
    The token ID minted lastly

    8. Burn (Optional)

    Destroys token_id.


    Name Type Description
    token_id Uint256 Unique ID of an existing token to be destroyed.


    • The contract must not be paused. Otherwise, it must throw PausedError.
    • token_id must exist. Otherwise, it must throw TokenNotFoundError.
    • _sender must be a token owner or an operator. Otherwise, it must throw NotOwnerOrOperatorError.


    Name Description Callback Parameters
    _tag ZRC6_BurnCallback Provide the sender the burn address and token ID.
    • token_owner : ByStr20
      Address of the token owner
    • token_id : Uint256
      Unique ID of a token


    Name Description Event Parameters
    _eventname Burn Token has been burned.
    • token_owner : ByStr20
      Address of the token owner
    • token_id : Uint256
      Unique ID of a token

    9. BatchBurn (Optional)

    Destroys token_id_list.


    Name Type Description
    token_id_list List Uint256 List of unique IDs of the NFT to be destroyed.


    • The contract must not be paused. Otherwise, it must throw PausedError.
    • token_id must exist. Otherwise, it must throw TokenNotFoundError.
    • _sender must be a token owner or an operator. Otherwise, it must throw NotOwnerOrOperatorError.


    Name Description Callback Parameters
    _tag ZRC6_BatchBurnCallback An empty callback.


    Equivalent to multiple Burn events.

    10. AddMinter

    Adds minter.


    Name Type Description
    minter ByStr20 Address to be added as minter.


    • _sender must be the contract owner. Otherwise, it must throw NotContractOwnerError.
    • minter must not be already a minter. Otherwise, it must throw MinterFoundError.


    Name Description Callback Parameters
    _tag ZRC6_AddMinterCallback Provide the sender the address of the minter.
    • minter : ByStr20
      Address that has been added


    Name Description Event Parameters
    _eventname AddMinter Minter has been added.
    • minter : ByStr20
      Address that has been added

    11. RemoveMinter

    Removes minter.


    Name Type Description
    minter ByStr20 Address to be removed from minter.


    • _sender must be the contract owner. Otherwise, it must throw NotContractOwnerError.
    • minter must be already a minter. Otherwise, it must throw MinterNotFoundError.


    Name Description Callback Parameters
    _tag ZRC6_RemoveMinterCallback Provide the sender the address that has been removed.
    • minter : ByStr20
      Address that has been removed


    Name Description Event Parameters
    _eventname RemoveMinter Minter has been removed.
    • minter : ByStr20
      Address that has been removed

    12. SetSpender

    Sets spender for token_id. To remove spender for a token, use zero_address i.e., 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000


    Name Type Description
    spender ByStr20 Address to be set as a spender for a given token.
    token_id Uint256 Unique ID of an existing token.


    • token_id must exist. Otherwise, it must throw TokenNotFoundError.
    • _sender must be a token owner or an operator. Otherwise, it must throw NotOwnerOrOperatorError.
    • _sender must not be spender. Otherwise, it must throw SelfError.
    • spender must not be already a spender. Otherwise, it must throw SpenderFoundError.


    Name Description Callback Parameters
    _tag ZRC6_SetSpenderCallback Provide the sender the address of the spender and token ID.
    • spender : ByStr20
      Address that has been updated
    • token_id : Uint256
      Unique ID of a token


    Name Description Event Parameters
    _eventname SetSpender Spender has been updated.
    • token_owner : ByStr20
      Address of the token owner
    • spender : ByStr20
      Address that has been updated
    • token_id : Uint256
      Unique ID of a token

    13. AddOperator

    Adds operator for _sender.


    Name Type Description
    operator ByStr20 Address to be added as operator.


    • _sender must be the token owner. Otherwise, it must throw NotTokenOwnerError.
    • _sender must not be operator. Otherwise, it must throw SelfError.
    • operator must not be already an operator. Otherwise, it must throw OperatorFoundError.


    Name Description Callback Parameters
    _tag ZRC6_AddOperatorCallback Provide the sender the address of the operator. operator : ByStr20
    Address that has been added


    Name Description Event Parameters
    _eventname AddOperator Operator has been added.
    • token_owner : ByStr20
      Address of the token owner
    • operator : ByStr20
      Address that has been added

    14. RemoveOperator

    Removes operator for _sender.


    Name Type Description
    operator ByStr20 Address to be removed from operator.


    • operator must be already an operator. Otherwise, it must throw OperatorNotFoundError.


    Name Description Callback Parameters
    _tag ZRC6_RemoveOperatorCallback Provide the sender the address that has been removed. operator : ByStr20
    Address that has been removed


    Name Description Event Parameters
    _eventname RemoveOperator Operator has been removed.
    • token_owner : ByStr20
      Address of the token owner
    • operator : ByStr20
      Address that has been removed

    15. TransferFrom

    Transfers token_id from the token owner to to.


    Name Type Description
    to ByStr20 Recipient address of the token.
    token_id Uint256 Unique ID of the token to be transferred.


    • The contract must not be paused. Otherwise, it must throw PausedError.
    • to must not be the zero address. Otherwise, it must throw ZeroAddressDestinationError.
    • to must not be _this_address. Otherwise, it must throw ThisAddressDestinationError.
    • token_id must exist. Otherwise, it must throw TokenNotFoundError.
    • _sender must be a token owner, spender, or operator. Otherwise, it must throw NotAllowedToTransferError.
    • _sender must not be to. Otherwise, it must throw SelfError.


    Name Description Callback Parameters
    _tag ZRC6_RecipientAcceptTransferFrom Dummy callback to prevent invalid recipient contract.
    • from : ByStr20
      Address of the token owner
    • to : ByStr20
      Address of a recipient
    • token_id : Uint256
      Unique ID of a token
    _tag ZRC6_TransferFromCallback Provide the sender the result of the token transfer.
    • from : ByStr20
      Address of the token owner
    • to : ByStr20
      Address of a recipient
    • token_id : Uint256
      Unique ID of a token


    Name Description Event Parameters
    _eventname TransferFrom Token has been transferred.
    • from : ByStr20
      Address of the token owner
    • to : ByStr20
      Address of a recipient
    • token_id : Uint256
      Unique ID of a token

    16. BatchTransferFrom (Optional)

    Transfers multiple token_id to multiple to.


    Name Type Description
    to_token_id_pair_list List (Pair ByStr20 Uint256) List of Pair (to, token_id)

    • to : ByStr20
      Address of a recipient
    • token_id : Uint256
      Unique ID of a token


    • The contract must not be paused. Otherwise, it must throw PausedError.
    • to must not be the zero address. Otherwise, it must throw ZeroAddressDestinationError.
    • to must not be _this_address. Otherwise, it must throw ThisAddressDestinationError.
    • token_id must exist. Otherwise, it must throw TokenNotFoundError.
    • _sender must be a token owner, spender, or operator. Otherwise, it must throw NotAllowedToTransferError.
    • _sender must not be to. Otherwise, it must throw SelfError.


    Name Description Callback Parameters
    _tag ZRC6_BatchTransferFromCallback An empty callback.


    Equivalent to multiple TransferFrom events.

    17. SetContractOwnershipRecipient (Optional)

    Sets to as the contract ownership recipient. To reset contract_ownership_recipient, use zero_address i.e., 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000.


    Name Type Description
    to ByStr20 Address to be set as the contract ownership recipient.


    • _sender must be the contract owner. Otherwise, it must throw NotContractOwnerError.
    • _sender must not be to. Otherwise, it must throw SelfError.


    Name Description Callback Parameters
    _tag ZRC6_SetContractOwnershipRecipientCallback Provide the sender the address of the contract ownership recipient. to : ByStr20
    Address of the contract ownership recipient


    Name Description Event Parameters
    _eventname SetContractOwnershipRecipient The contract ownership recipient has been updated.
    • to : ByStr20
      Address of the contract ownership recipient

    18. AcceptContractOwnership (Optional)

    Sets contract_ownership_recipient as the contract owner.


    • _sender must be the contract ownership recipient. Otherwise, it must throw NotContractOwnershipRecipientError.


    Name Description Callback Parameters
    _tag ZRC6_AcceptContractOwnershipCallback Provide the sender the result of the contract ownership transfer.
    • contract_owner : ByStr20
      Address of the contract owner


    Name Description Event Parameters
    _eventname AcceptContractOwnership Contract ownership has been transferred.
    • contract_owner : ByStr20
      Address of the contract owner

    V. Implementations

    zrc6.scilla - a reference implementation

    VI. References

    VII. Copyright

    Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.