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Weather, a React-Redux's Sample

This is a simple web SPA which demonstrate the basic parts of React-Redux such as Reducers, Action, Action creator and also these new things:

  • Action creator for calling API Backend (OpenWeather API) & defined the Action's type as constant.
  • Calling API through using axios library.
  • Using specific redux middleware (redux-promise) for handling Promise object (returned from calling axios's get method) into resolved data and assign the resolved data into the action's payload, automatically.
  • Handling state in reducer by not mutating the state. Instead, we create a new state which takes prior state's data and also current data.
  • Displaying a series of data in a line chart through using components in react-sparklines library.
  • Displaying location-type data in a mini google map through using components in react-google-maps library.
  • Refactoring duplicated markups by moving these markup into a component (WeatherList component) so that the markups can be shared in other area within application.

###Known issues:###

  • Current implementation does not support responsive layout.
  • Returned Error from calling API Backend has not been shown on screen yet.
  • Refreshing the result can only be made through refreshing the page.

Interested in learning Redux?

###Getting Started###

There are two methods for getting started with this repo:

####Familiar with Git?##### Checkout this repo, install dependencies, then start the gulp process with the following:

	> git clone
	> cd udemy-modern-react-with-redux/weather
	> npm install
	> npm start

####Not Familiar with Git?##### Click here then download the .zip file. Extract the contents of the zip file, then open your terminal, change to the project directory, and:

	> npm install
	> npm start

or, if you favor yarn over npm:

	> yarn
	> npm start