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Scroll Anchoring

Note, Scroll Anchoring is now a CSSWG specification:

Scroll anchoring is an intervention that adjusts the scroll position to reduce visible content "jumps".


Today, users of the web are often distracted by content moving around due to changes that occur outside the viewport. Examples include script inserting an iframe containing an ad, or non-sized images loading on a slow network.

Historically the browser's default behavior has been to preserve the absolute scroll position when such changes occur. This meant that to avoid shifting content, the webpage had to take pains to reserve the correct amount of space on the page for anything that will load after the initial render (for example, by declaring sizes on img tags). This is not always practical, especially with third-party content, and few websites do it consistently.

Scroll anchoring aims to minimize surprising content shifts by scrolling to follow the movement of visible page elements.

Implementation Status

Scroll anchoring is now enabled by default in Chrome 56. Earlier versions of Chrome had a prototype that can be enabled from the "about:flags" page. The implementation is tracked in Issue 558575 and its dependencies. Several videos and test pages have been published demonstrating the difference.

Mozilla has discussed a similar feature in Bug 43114.


We have a draft spec, and have proposed continuing incubation of the design via the WICG (tracked by WICG/interventions#2). The draft specification has been reviewed by the W3C Tag and we hope that the CSSWG will ultimately adopt the proposal for formal standardization.


Scroll anchoring works by selecting a DOM node (the anchor node) whose movement is used to determine the adjustment to the scroll position.

When the anchor node moves, the browser computes its previous location L0 and its new location L1 in the coordinate space of the scrolling content. It then reads the current scroll position S0 and computes a new scroll position S1:

S1 = S0 + (L1 - L0)

By setting the scroll position to S1 at the same time that the anchor node moves to L1, we preserve the location of the anchor node relative to the viewport, and no "jump" is visible.

The anchor node may be either a text node or an element.

Conceptually, a new anchor node is computed whenever the scroll position changes. (As a performance optimization, the implementation may wait until the anchor node is needed before computing it.)

Anchor Node Selection

We aim to select an anchor node that is deep in the DOM and close to the top edge of the viewport. This maximizes the amount of offscreen content whose changes we will successfully compensate for, while avoiding undesired scrolling when important content loads within the viewport (for example, upon clicking a "Read More" link).

The current algorithm to select an anchor node for a scrollable area (either a document or an element with scrollable overflow) is as follows:

  • Walk the DOM within the scrollable area.

  • For each element E encountered by the walk,

    • If E is position: fixed, or if E is position: absolute and E's containing block is an ancestor of the scrollable area, or if E has overflow-anchor: none (see Exclusion API), skip over E and its descendents.

    • Otherwise, compare its bounds to the scrollable area's visible region.

      • If E is fully visible, terminate the walk and use E as the anchor node.

      • If E is fully clipped (not in the viewport), skip over E and its descendents.

      • If E is partially visible, mark it as a "candidate" and descend into its children. If the walk reaches the end of E without finding another anchor node, use E as the anchor node. (We prefer deeper nodes in this case to avoid the failure mode of content being inserted inside the anchor node but outside the viewport.)

    • If E is a containing block for absolute-positioned descendants, and all of its direct DOM children were skipped, examine those descendants before exiting E.


Initial testing revealed that scroll anchoring often performed undesired scroll adjustments in response to changes in the computed style of the anchor node or one of its ancestors. For example, a map panning interface might update a CSS transform in response to mouse movements, or a sticky-header implementation might adjust padding on the body element.

The SANACLAP principle ("suppress if anchor node ancestor changed a layout-affecting property") aims to suppress these undesired scroll anchoring adjustments.

Under the SANACLAP principle, if the anchor node, or any ancestor of the anchor node up to and including the scrollable element (or document), has any of a certain set of CSS properties modified, any scroll anchoring adjustment that would have resulted from that modification is suppressed.

Currently the set of properties that trigger a SANACLAP suppression are:

  • left, top, right, bottom
  • margin and padding properties
  • width, min-width, max-width, height, min-height, max-height
  • position
  • transform

Flow Change Suppression

If the DOM changes made by a scroll event handler alter the position of the anchor node, we may encounter feedback loops in which scroll anchoring and the scroll event handler trigger each other ad infinitum.

A common way in which this occurs is when a header is fixed-position below a scroll offset, and the anchor node (in subsequent content) moves due to the header leaving the normal flow.

(The SANACLAP principle doesn't help here, because the header is not an ancestor of the anchor node.)

To address this case, we suppress any scroll anchoring adjustment arising from a change in the computed position style of any element in the scroller (not just those in the ancestor path) that pulls the element in or out of normal flow.

The values absolute and fixed are considered out-of-flow for this purpose; all others are considered in-flow.

Exclusion / Opt Out API

Scroll anchoring aims to be the default mode of behavior when launched, so that users benefit from it even on legacy content, but we also want to give developers control over the feature if and when they need it.

In particular, developers should be able to use CSS

  • to disable scroll anchoring in part or all of a webpage (opt out), or
  • to exclude portions of the DOM from the anchor node selection algorithm (exclusion).

We propose a CSS property overflow-anchor whose values have the following meaning for some element E:

  • overflow-anchor: auto declares that the DOM subtree rooted at E is eligible to participate in the anchor node selection algorithm for any scrollable area created by E or an ancestor of E. This is the default.

  • overflow-anchor: none declares that the DOM subtree rooted at E should be skipped by the anchor node selection algorithm for any scrollable area created by E or an ancestor of E.

Note the following implications of the above semantics:

  • If overflow-anchor: none is applied to a descendant D of a scroller S, then S will skip over D when selecting an anchor node, but can still perform scroll anchoring adjustments based on anchor nodes outside of D.

  • If overflow-anchor: none is applied to a scroller S, then S will not perform any scroll anchoring adjustments.

  • If overflow-anchor: none is applied to the root element (html), the document-level scrollable area will not perform any scroll anchoring adjustments.

The overflow-anchor property was also proposed (with different values) for CSS Sticky Scrollbars, which was a different feature that shared the notion of adjusting scroll position in response to content changes. However, Sticky Scrollbars has now been superseded.

The overflow-anchor property is not inherited (but the effect of skipping a subtree in the anchor node selection algorithm bears a resemblance to property inheritance).

History Scroll Restoration

The current implementation of scroll anchoring has a known limitation in its interaction with history scroll restoration.

Browsing history entries are stored with (absolute) scroll offsets, which are restored during back/forward navigation. Typically the offset is recorded after everything on the page has finished loading, but the restoration is done before the load completes (since a jump when the load completes would be jarring).

This creates a problem when scroll anchoring makes adjustments during page load, since we may end up at a different offset by the time the load completes.

In the current architecture we have no way to perform correct scroll restoration and also avoid visible jumps during page load.

One way to solve this is for the browsing history entry to store something analogous to a CSS selector for the scroll anchor node, instead of storing an absolute scroll offset.