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How to create your ud-viz based application

What you will get (for the impatient)

This repository provides the resulting files that this tutorial helps you to build step by step. You can examine those files and also run the resulting application with the following commands

git clone
npm install 
npx webpack --config webpack.config.js
node ./bin/server.js
firefox http://localhost:8000

Skills recommended for building your demo

In order to go through this tutorial you will need to be acquainted with:


You will need to install the following tools

Basic (npm) project configuration

First setup your npm environnement, that is a set of configuration files assembled together to form/define your application

  • Create a new directory folder (for example named my-demo), in order to hold all the files constituting your new web application:

    mkdir my-demo
  • Connect to that directory

    cd my-demo
  • Initialize your npm project with the help of the npm init scaffolding command. You should obtain a default package.json file:

    npm init -y
  • Install (still with the help of the 'npm' command) the webpack and webpack-cli utilities. The --save-dev flags will update your newly created package.json with a devDependencies entry. This goes

    npm install webpack webpack-cli --save-dev
  • Edit the package.json file and

  • Create an index.html (blank template) file with the following content

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Title of the document</title>
    Content of the document......

Start providing the application JS code

  • Create a src sub-directory as placeholder for your JavaScript code.

    mkdir my-demo/src
  • Provide JS code to the src sub-directory. For this you can start constructing your own code by taking some inspiration out of the ud-viz examples provided with the ud-viz library.

    In the following we shall extract the bare content out of the ud-viz/examples/point_cloud_visualizer.html.

    You should first create an empty index.js file within the src sub-directory. Then copy the content of the <script type="text/javascript"> section out of the ud-viz/examples/point_cloud_visualizer.html file and paste it to the newly created index.js` file.

  • Modify index.js in the following manner:

    • Suppress the udviz variable: this is because the udviz variable is only useful when ud-viz is imported as a bundle in the context of the library example. You then need to further edit the index.js file in order to remove all the udviz. prefixes occurrences. For example the initial udviz.loadMultipleJSON(...) should simply become loadMultipleJSON(...) and udviz.itowns.Extent(...) should become itowns.Extent(...).
    • Because many function or classes were previously imported by the ud-viz bundle, you must now import those function or classes through the standard ES6 Module. You should do this for all the following function classes:
      • loadMultipleJSON
      • proj4
      • PointCloudVisualizer
      • LayerChoice
      • Bookmark
      • ColoLayer, Extent, WMSSource, ElevationLayer, STRATEGY_DICHOTOMY

    You should obtain an index.js looking like this.

  • A couple remarks about the content of the resulting index.js:

    • import xxx from 'xxx' is used to import modules (=code, assets ...). The notion of module is very important in Javascript I advise you to read the MDN doc guide.

    • document is a variable that is part of your browser's web API, it allows you to add / retrieve / delete / create (html elements) in your DOM. To see the contents of this variable go to your browser's console on the web page of your choice and type document.

    • The document.body contains the HTML body element of your DOM. It corresponds to the <body> tag of the index.html. The function takes as parameters:

    • FIXME LIGNE 16 a config in the form of a javascript object

    • FIXEME LIGNE 57 app.itownsView, an iTowns.View provided by iTowns, creates the html element that contains the 3D scene (camera, renderer...). See itowns doc.

    • FIXME LIGNE 22 an itowns.Extent. The geographical boundaries. See itowns doc.

    • You may notice that you don't have to create the PlanarView and Extent since they are already built into your app instance FIXME LIGNE 32 of the PointCloudVisualizer class. You might want to check out the source of PointCloudVisualizer in order to get a better understanding of what is implicitly provided under the hood.

  • Retrieve all the configuration files loaded by the call to loadMultipleJSON(...), that are located in the examples/assets/config/ subdirectory and place their respective copy in my-demo/assets/. This boils down to the following commands:

    git clone
    export UDVIZ_SRC=`pwd`/UD-Viz
    mkdir -p my-demo/assets/config/layer
    cd my-demo/assets
    cp $(UDVIZ_SRC)/examples/assets/config/extents.json .
    cp $(UDVIZ_SRC)/examples/assets/config/crs.json .
    cp $(UDVIZ_SRC)/examples/assets/config/layer/elevation.json config/layer/
    cp $(UDVIZ_SRC)/examples/assets/config/layer/base_maps.json config/layer/
    cp $(UDVIZ_SRC)/examples/assets/config/layer/3DTiles_point_cloud.json config/layer/
  • Don't forget to npm install --save your npm package dependencies. For example if you considered the ud-viz/examples/point_cloud_visualizer.html as base example (that is deployed here) then you will need to

    npm install @ud-viz/point_cloud_visualizer
    npm install @ud-viz/widget_layer_choice
    npm install @ud-viz/widget_bookmark

    The above instructions should add new entries in the dependencies section of your package.json.

    • Note that itowns and proj4 should be provided automatically as peer dependencies (for example see the point cloud visualizer package.json) and do not need to be installed through npm.

    Troubleshooting the above dependencies installation: when the installation of the dependencies do error, you might consider

    • clearing your npm cache with npm cache clean --force,
    • removing any previous package installations with rm -fr node_modules
    • removing the pinned package versions with rm package-lock.json.

Create the code bundle by providing a webpack.config.js

  • Create first webpack.config.js with the following basic content:

    const path = require('path');
    module.exports = {
      entry: './src/index.js',
      output: {
        filename: 'bundle.js',
        path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
  • Because of an erroneous package resolution (refer to this note together with that note), manually install the buffer package

    npm install buffer
  • As explained below, the point-cloud-visualizer example code imports a (CSS) style. For webpack to be able to deal with that style

    • do install the following loaders
      npm install style-loader css-loader --save-dev
    • Inform webpack.config.js of the existence of those loaders by adding a module entry
      module.exports = {
        output: { [...] },
        module: {
          rules: [
              test: /\.css/,
              use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader'],
  • Eventually create the code bundle with the command

npx webpack --config webpack.config.js

The resulting bundle should now exist in the form of the my-demo/dist/bundle.js file.

Import the application bundle into the index.html and service the app

Create a <script> section in your index.html file in order to allow for the bundle importation:

<script src='./dist/bundle.js'></script>

Define your application (CSS) style

You now need to provide a (CSS) style to your application.

For this you can

  • copy the style related entries of the original example ud-viz/examples/point_cloud_visualizer.html, that is the lines
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/css/examples.css" />
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/css/point_cloud_visualizer.css" />
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/css/widget_layer_choice.css" />
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/css/widget_bookmark.css" />
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/css/loading_screen.css" />
    in order to paste them into the <head> section of newly created index.html file.
  • you then need to copy the corresponding css files out of examples/assets/css of the ud-viz examples, which can be done with the following commands
    cd my-demo
    cp $(UDVIZ_SRC)/examples/assets/css/examples.css assets/css/
    cp $(UDVIZ_SRC)/examples/assets/css/point_cloud_visualizer.css assets/css/
    cp $(UDVIZ_SRC)/examples/assets/css/widget_layer_choice.css assets/css/
    cp $(UDVIZ_SRC)/examples/assets/css/widget_bookmark.css assets/css/
    cp $(UDVIZ_SRC)/examples/assets/css/loading_screen.css assets/css/

Serve your application and access it

Create an http server that will serve the my-demo which be done e.g. with express.

To do this create a file called ./bin/server.js and add the following content to it:

// Code adapted from
const path = require('path');

const express = require('express')
const app = express()

app.use(express.static(path.resolve(__dirname, '../')));


Install express

npm install express --save-dev

To start an express server using this script, run the following code:

node ./bin/server.js

You can now access your web application by web-browsing the URL returned by the above command (http://localhost:8000).

Further UD-Viz material

In order to quickly learn more about of what you can achieve with UD-Viz, you might wish to ead the different examples together with the developers documentation and try to transpose tools, widgets, code snippet to your application.