This document makes a link between configuration files inside this directory and javascript files using this configuration.
Directory / File | Javascript files using it | Description |
layer | itowns.Layer | itowns layer configuration see |
server | x | server configuration see |
widget | x | widget configuration see |
assetManager.json | AssetManager | Sound + RenderData |
crs.json | proj4 | Coordinate referential system unknown of proj4 |
extents.json | itowns.Extent | Array of differerent Extent configuration |
frame3D_planars.json | Planar | Array of different Planar configuration |
File | Javascript files using it | Description |
layer/3DTiles_point_cloud.json | itowns.C3DTilesLayer | Array of different 3DTiles layer (pnts) configuration |
layer/3DTiles_temporal.json | itowns.C3DTilesLayer | Array of different temporal layer (b3dm) configuration |
layer/3DTiles_Lyon.json | itowns.C3DTilesLayer | Array of different 3DTiles layer (b3dm) configuration |
layer/base_maps.json | itowns.ColorLayer | Array of different background color map configuration |
layer/elevation.json | itowns.ElevationLayer | elevation (heightmap) configuration |
layer/geoJSONs.json | itowns.ColorLayer | Array of different color layer with a filesource base on geojson |
layer/labels.json | itowns.LabelLayer | Array of different label layer configuration |
File | Javascript files using it | Description |
server/geocoding_server.json | GeocodingService | Configure how to treat http request with a geocoding service |
server/sparql_server.json | SparqlEndpointService | Configure how to treat http request with a sparql service |
server/spatial_multimedia_db_server.json | DocumentProvider | Configure how to treat http request with a smdb service |
File | Javascript files using it | Description |
widget/slide_show.json | SlideShow | Configure SlideShow widget |
widget/sparql_widget.json | SparqlQueryWindow | Configure SparqlQueryWindow widget |