I’m currently a PhD Student at the Medical Image Computing department of the german cancer research center. My work can be split in three main parts:
- 🔬 Representational Similarity: My primary project during my PhD was about quantifying and understanding if different models learn similar things.
- 🔧 Methodological Deep learning: More recently, in a more applied/methodological side of things, I am working on SSL methods and Interactive Segmentation for 3D medical image segmentation.
- 🧠 Clinical work: As side-project I have been working on developing deep learning models for brain metastases segmentation in MRI images with University Heidelberg medical doctors. Aside from these I regularly participate in a variety of challenges in the MICCAI community:
- 🏆 MICCAI 2022: I was part of the winning team of the AMOS2022 challenge
- 🏆 MICCAI 2023: I was part of the winning team of the LNQ2023 challenge
Most of my research contributions can be found via my Website. I also also give talks at events and workshops. If you are interested in my work, feel free to reach out to me. I am always happy to discuss my work and collaborate on new projects.
Some more miscallenous infos about me:
- 🎤 I am an organizing member of HeidelbergAI,
- 💻 maintainer and contributor to the famous nnU-Net framework,