This repository contains data used in the evaluation of the OnDeT tool. All queries are executed against OnDeT SPARQL endpoint.
Foder prov-o-ontology folder contains the following files:
- extended-prov-o.ttl: Extended the PROV-O ontology.
- all_diff.nq: Axioms that have been changed to the io-extracted ontology.
- semantic-diff-contodiff-iao-extracted.ttl: Individual assertions that desribe differences between two versions of the io-extracted ontology hosted in a GitHub repository. These difference are detected by the COnto-Diff tool.
- differences-between-two-ontology-versions.sprql: A SPARQL query that can be executed against OnDeT SPARQL endpoint. Otherwise, please load the aforementioned TTL and NQ files into your triple store and run this query.
- differences-between-two-ontology-versions-query-rsults.cvs: The reult of the previous SPARQL query.
The ondet-kg-evaluation folder contains SPARQL queries and thier results that are used in the OnDeT KG evaluation. Each SPARQL query in this folder is related to a competency question used in the ONDET KG EVALUATION section.
The ondet-tool-evaluation folder contains the SPARQL queries and their results that are used in the OnDeT tool evaluation. Each SPARQL query in this folder is related to a competency question used in the THE EVALUATION OF THE ONDET TOOL section.
Q: OnDeT SPARQL endpoint is not accessible or requires user name and password.
A: If the OnDeT SPARQL endpoint is not accessible for any reason, please load all data located in the prov-o-ontology folder into your own triple store.