- 👷 I am the maintainer of Chaos Mesh, the powerful chaos engineering platform based on Kubernetes.
- ✍️ I write blog and build knowledge base.
- 🌱 I am trying to take more efforts on contributing upstream projects like kubernetes and controller-runtime.
- 🤩 I am crazy about these things:
- Serverless
- Cloud Computing
- Full-Stack Development
- 🔭 I love to collect amazing ideas and implement them:
- Serverless GitHub Badges: Useful GitHub Badges and based on serverless!
- Cloudflare Tunnel Ingress Controller: Expose Kubernetes Ingress to Internet directly with Cloudflare Tunnel.
- What Does dodo Say: co-chair committee auditable anonymous forums.
- kubectl image: docker image but for kubernetes.
- Factorio Automata: A robot that could play Factorio without any of human intervention.
- Homelab Cloud Contorller Manager: the simple cloud controller manager for homelab. (Archived, use metallb as instead.)
😜 Keep In Connection!
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- Buy Me a Coffee
- Ethereum: strrl.eth