For SwiftLint contributors, follow these steps to cut a release:
- Come up with a witty washer- or dryer-themed release name. Past names include:
- Tumble Dry
- FabricSoftenerRule
- Top Loading
- Fresh Out Of The Dryer
- Make sure you have the latest stable Xcode version installed and
ed. - Release new version:
make release "0.2.0: Tumble Dry"
- Wait for the Docker CI job to finish then run:
make zip_linux_release
- Create a GitHub release:
- Specify the tag you just pushed from the dropdown.
- Set the release title to the new version number & release name.
- Add the changelog section to the release description text box.
- Upload the bazel tarball & SHA-256 signature, pkg installer, portable zip, macos artifactbundle zip, and Linux zip you just built to the GitHub release binaries.
- Click "Publish release".
- Publish to Homebrew and CocoaPods trunk:
make publish
- Celebrate. 🎉