# ######################################################################## # Copyright (C) 2016-2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell cop- # ies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished # to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IM- # PLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR # COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNE- # CTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # ######################################################################## cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.16.8 ) # This has to be initialized before the project() command appears # Set the default of CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to be release, unless user specifies with -D. MSVC_IDE does not use CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE if( NOT DEFINED CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES AND NOT DEFINED CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ) set( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." ) endif() # ROCM_BUILD_ID is added to the package name by rocm-cmake ROCMSetupVersion unset(ENV{ROCM_BUILD_ID}) project( rocblas LANGUAGES CXX ) # Append our library helper cmake path and the cmake path for hip (for convenience) list( APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake ) include(build-options) # library and client include(toolchain-options) set(THREADS_PREFER_PTHREAD_FLAG ON) find_package(Threads REQUIRED) if(NOT python) find_package(Python3 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Interpreter) set(python "${Python3_EXECUTABLE}") endif() # ######################################################################## # Main # ######################################################################## # This finds the rocm-cmake project, and installs it if not found # rocm-cmake contains common cmake code for rocm projects to help setup and install set( PROJECT_EXTERN_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/extern ) find_package( ROCM 0.7.3 CONFIG QUIET PATHS ${ROCM_PATH} /opt/rocm ) if( NOT ROCM_FOUND ) set( rocm_cmake_tag "master" CACHE STRING "rocm-cmake tag to download" ) file( DOWNLOAD https://github.com/RadeonOpenCompute/rocm-cmake/archive/${rocm_cmake_tag}.zip ${PROJECT_EXTERN_DIR}/rocm-cmake-${rocm_cmake_tag}.zip STATUS status LOG log) list(GET status 0 status_code) list(GET status 1 status_string) if(NOT status_code EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "error: downloading 'https://github.com/RadeonOpenCompute/rocm-cmake/archive/${rocm_cmake_tag}.zip' failed status_code: ${status_code} status_string: ${status_string} log: ${log} ") endif() message(STATUS "downloading... done") execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar xzvf ${PROJECT_EXTERN_DIR}/rocm-cmake-${rocm_cmake_tag}.zip WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_EXTERN_DIR} ) execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${PROJECT_EXTERN_DIR}/rocm-cmake . WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_EXTERN_DIR}/rocm-cmake-${rocm_cmake_tag} ) execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build rocm-cmake-${rocm_cmake_tag} --target install WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_EXTERN_DIR}) find_package( ROCM 0.7.3 REQUIRED CONFIG PATHS ${PROJECT_EXTERN_DIR}/rocm-cmake ) endif( ) # rocm-cmake helpers include( ROCMSetupVersion ) include( ROCMCreatePackage ) include( ROCMInstallTargets ) include( ROCMPackageConfigHelpers ) include( ROCMInstallSymlinks ) include( ROCMCheckTargetIds ) include( ROCMHeaderWrapper ) include( ROCMClients ) include (os-detection) get_os_id(OS_ID) message (STATUS "OS detected is ${OS_ID}") # Versioning via rocm-cmake set ( VERSION_STRING "4.5.0" ) rocm_setup_version( VERSION ${VERSION_STRING} ) # Users may override HIP path by specifying their own in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH # NOTE: workaround until llvm & hip cmake modules fixes symlink logic in their config files; remove when fixed list( APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${ROCM_PATH}/llvm ${ROCM_PATH} ${ROCM_PATH}/hip /opt/rocm/llvm /opt/rocm /opt/rocm/hip ) # setting target list based on ROCm version if (NOT BUILD_ADDRESS_SANITIZER) set( TARGET_LIST_ROCM_5.6 "gfx803;gfx900;gfx906:xnack-;gfx908:xnack-;gfx90a:xnack+;gfx90a:xnack-;gfx1010;gfx1012;gfx1030;gfx1100;gfx1101;gfx1102") set( TARGET_LIST_ROCM_5.7 "gfx803;gfx900;gfx906:xnack-;gfx908:xnack-;gfx90a:xnack+;gfx90a:xnack-;gfx940;gfx941;gfx942;gfx1010;gfx1012;gfx1030;gfx1100;gfx1101;gfx1102") set( TARGET_LIST_ROCM_6.0 "gfx900;gfx906:xnack-;gfx908:xnack-;gfx90a:xnack+;gfx90a:xnack-;gfx940;gfx941;gfx942;gfx1010;gfx1012;gfx1030;gfx1100;gfx1101;gfx1102") set( TARGET_LIST_ROCM_6.3 "gfx900;gfx906:xnack-;gfx908:xnack-;gfx90a;gfx942;gfx1010;gfx1012;gfx1030;gfx1100;gfx1101;gfx1102;gfx1151;gfx1200;gfx1201") else() set( TARGET_LIST_ROCM_5.6 "gfx908:xnack+;gfx90a:xnack+") set( TARGET_LIST_ROCM_5.7 "gfx908:xnack+;gfx90a:xnack+;gfx942:xnack+") set( TARGET_LIST_ROCM_6.0 "gfx908:xnack+;gfx90a:xnack+;gfx942:xnack+") set( TARGET_LIST_ROCM_6.3 "gfx908:xnack+;gfx90a:xnack+;gfx942:xnack+") endif() if(ROCM_PLATFORM_VERSION) if(${ROCM_PLATFORM_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 5.7.0) set(SUPPORTED_TARGETS "${TARGET_LIST_ROCM_5.6}") elseif(${ROCM_PLATFORM_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 6.0.0) set(SUPPORTED_TARGETS "${TARGET_LIST_ROCM_5.7}") elseif(${ROCM_PLATFORM_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 6.3.0) set(SUPPORTED_TARGETS "${TARGET_LIST_ROCM_6.0}") else() set(SUPPORTED_TARGETS "${TARGET_LIST_ROCM_6.3}") endif() message(STATUS "ROCM Platform Version: ${ROCM_PLATFORM_VERSION} default supported gfx list") else() message(STATUS "ROCM Platform Version: ${ROCM_PLATFORM_VERSION} is not set, using latest supported gfx list") set(SUPPORTED_TARGETS "${TARGET_LIST_ROCM_6.3}") endif() if( AMDGPU_TARGETS AND NOT GPU_TARGETS ) message( DEPRECATION "AMDGPU_TARGETS use is deprecated. Use GPU_TARGETS." ) set( GFX_LIST ${AMDGPU_TARGETS} ) elseif( GPU_TARGETS ) set( GFX_LIST ${GPU_TARGETS} ) else () set( GFX_LIST "all" ) # default if not set endif() # gpu arch configuration. GFX_LIST is ignored if already set by -DGPU_TARGETS set( GPU_TARGETS ${GFX_LIST} CACHE STRING "List of GPUs (gfx targets) to support") set_property(CACHE GPU_TARGETS PROPERTY STRINGS all ${SUPPORTED_TARGETS}) # Detect if target ID syntax if supported for default all GPU_TARGETS list # Sets the GPU_TARGETS with backward compatibility if (GPU_TARGETS STREQUAL "all") rocm_check_target_ids(target_list TARGETS "${SUPPORTED_TARGETS}") else() rocm_check_target_ids(target_list TARGETS "${GPU_TARGETS}") endif() # if 'target_list' is empty, then compile does not support the gpu arch passed as an argument. if(target_list STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported target ${GPU_TARGETS} by compiler, List of supported targets: ${SUPPORTED_TARGETS}") endif() # set GPU_TARGETS and AMDGPU_TARGETS before any find_package( hip ...), via tensile or in this file # to set --offload-arch flags via hip-config.cmake hip::device dependency set( GPU_TARGETS "${target_list}" CACHE STRING "List of GPUs (gfx targets) to support" FORCE ) set( AMDGPU_TARGETS "${GPU_TARGETS}" CACHE STRING "List of GPUs (gfx targets) to support" FORCE ) # for old hip cmake files backward compatibility option( BUILD_WITH_HIPBLASLT "Build with HipBLASLt" ON ) set( hipblaslt_path "/opt/rocm" CACHE PATH "Use local HipBLASLt directory" ) set( HIPBLASLT_VERSION 0.10 CACHE STRING "The version of HipBLASLt to be used" ) if( WIN32 OR NOT BUILD_WITH_TENSILE OR NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ) set( BUILD_WITH_HIPBLASLT OFF ) endif() if( NOT SKIP_LIBRARY ) if(BUILD_WITH_HIPBLASLT) # don't wait until after Tensile to find hipblaslt if enabled find_package( hipblaslt ${HIPBLASLT_VERSION} REQUIRED CONFIG PATHS ${hipblaslt_path} ${ROCM_PATH}) message(STATUS "FOUND hipBLASLt, INCLUDE_DIR: ${HIPBLASLT_INCLUDE_DIR}") endif() endif() function(list_replace list old new) foreach( i ${${list}} ) if( i STREQUAL ${old} ) list( APPEND new_list ${new} ) else( ) list( APPEND new_list ${i} ) endif( ) set( ${list} ${new_list} PARENT_SCOPE ) endforeach( ) endfunction( ) if(NOT SKIP_LIBRARY) if( BUILD_WITH_TENSILE ) # we will have expanded "all" for tensile to ensure consistency as we have local rules set( Tensile_ARCHITECTURE "${GPU_TARGETS}" CACHE STRING "Tensile to use which architecture?" FORCE) list_replace( Tensile_ARCHITECTURE "gfx90a" "gfx90a:xnack+\;gfx90a:xnack-") set( TENSILE_VERSION 4.43.0 CACHE STRING "The version of Tensile to be used") if(BUILD_WITH_PIP) if (WIN32) set( Tensile_ROOT "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/virtualenv/Lib/site-packages/Tensile" ) endif() set( Tensile_TEST_LOCAL_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Use local Tensile directory instead of fetching a GitHub branch" ) include(virtualenv) if (Tensile_TEST_LOCAL_PATH) virtualenv_install(${Tensile_TEST_LOCAL_PATH}) message (STATUS "using local Tensile from ${Tensile_TEST_LOCAL_PATH}, copied to ${Tensile_ROOT}") else() # Use the virtual-env setup and download package from specified repo: set( tensile_fork "ROCmSoftwarePlatform" CACHE STRING "Tensile fork to use" ) file (STRINGS "tensile_tag.txt" read_tensile_tag) set( tensile_tag ${read_tensile_tag} CACHE STRING "Tensile tag to download" ) virtualenv_install("git+https://github.com/${tensile_fork}/Tensile.git@${tensile_tag}") message (STATUS "using GIT Tensile fork=${tensile_fork} from branch=${tensile_tag}") endif() message(STATUS "Adding ${VIRTUALENV_HOME_DIR} to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH") list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${VIRTUALENV_HOME_DIR}) endif() find_package(Tensile ${TENSILE_VERSION} EXACT REQUIRED HIP LLVM) endif() endif() message(STATUS "Using GPU_TARGETS: ${GPU_TARGETS}") # Find HIP dependencies if( CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang" ) find_package( hip REQUIRED CONFIG PATHS ${HIP_DIR} ${ROCM_PATH} /opt/rocm ) endif( ) # setup rocblas defines used for both the library and clients if( BUILD_WITH_TENSILE ) list(APPEND TENSILE_DEFINES BUILD_WITH_TENSILE) if( Tensile_SEPARATE_ARCHITECTURES ) list(APPEND TENSILE_DEFINES ROCBLAS_TENSILE_SEPARATE_ARCH=1) else() list(APPEND TENSILE_DEFINES ROCBLAS_TENSILE_SEPARATE_ARCH=0) endif() if( Tensile_LAZY_LIBRARY_LOADING ) list(APPEND TENSILE_DEFINES ROCBLAS_TENSILE_LAZY_LOAD=1) else() list(APPEND TENSILE_DEFINES ROCBLAS_TENSILE_LAZY_LOAD=0) endif() endif() if( BUILD_WITH_HIPBLASLT ) list( APPEND HIPBLASLT_DEFINES BUILD_WITH_HIPBLASLT ) rocm_package_add_dependencies(DEPENDS "hipblaslt >= ${HIPBLASLT_VERSION}") endif() if( BUILD_CLIENTS_SAMPLES OR BUILD_CLIENTS_TESTS OR BUILD_CLIENTS_BENCHMARKS ) if(NOT CLIENTS_OS) rocm_set_os_id(CLIENTS_OS) string(TOLOWER "${CLIENTS_OS}" CLIENTS_OS) rocm_read_os_release(CLIENTS_OS_VERSION VERSION_ID) endif() message(STATUS "OS: ${CLIENTS_OS} ${CLIENTS_OS_VERSION}") set(OPENMP_RPM "libgomp") set(OPENMP_DEB "libomp-dev") set(GFORTRAN_RPM "libgfortran4") set(GFORTRAN_DEB "libgfortran4") if(CLIENTS_OS STREQUAL "centos" OR CLIENTS_OS STREQUAL "rhel") if(CLIENTS_OS_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "8") set(GFORTRAN_RPM "libgfortran") endif() elseif(CLIENTS_OS STREQUAL "ubuntu" AND CLIENTS_OS_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "20.04") set(GFORTRAN_DEB "libgfortran5") elseif(CLIENTS_OS STREQUAL "sles") set(OPENMP_RPM "libgomp1") elseif(CLIENTS_OS STREQUAL "mariner" OR CLIENTS_OS STREQUAL "azurelinux") set(GFORTRAN_RPM "gfortran") endif() set( BUILD_CLIENTS ON ) rocm_package_setup_component(clients) rocm_package_setup_client_component( clients-common ) if(BUILD_CLIENTS_TESTS) rocm_package_setup_client_component( tests DEPENDS COMPONENT clients-common DEB "${OPENMP_DEB}" RPM "${OPENMP_RPM}" ) endif() if(BUILD_CLIENTS_BENCHMARKS) rocm_package_setup_client_component( benchmarks DEPENDS COMPONENT clients-common DEB "${OPENMP_DEB}" RPM "${OPENMP_RPM}" ) endif() if(BUILD_CLIENTS_SAMPLES) rocm_package_setup_client_component( samples DEPENDS COMPONENT clients-common DEB "${OPENMP_DEB}" RPM "${OPENMP_RPM}" ) endif() if(BUILD_FORTRAN_CLIENTS) rocm_package_add_rpm_dependencies(COMPONENT tests DEPENDS "${GFORTRAN_RPM}") rocm_package_add_deb_dependencies(COMPONENT tests DEPENDS "${GFORTRAN_DEB}") rocm_package_add_rpm_dependencies(COMPONENT benchmarks DEPENDS "${GFORTRAN_RPM}") rocm_package_add_deb_dependencies(COMPONENT benchmarks DEPENDS "${GFORTRAN_DEB}") endif() endif() if( NOT SKIP_LIBRARY ) add_subdirectory( library ) endif() # Build clients of the library if( BUILD_CLIENTS ) add_subdirectory( clients ) endif( ) # The following code is setting variables to control the behavior of CPack to generate our if( WIN32 ) set( CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR "ZIP" ) set( CPACK_GENERATOR "ZIP" ) endif( ) # Package specific CPACK vars # As of ROCm 3.8, HIP_RUNTIME has been changed from "ROCclr" to "rocclr" # As of ROCm 3.8, HIP_RUNTIME has been changed from "cuda" to "cudart" if( HIP_RUNTIME MATCHES ".*cuda.*" ) rocm_package_add_dependencies(DEPENDS "hip-nvcc >= 3.5.0") else() if(BUILD_ADDRESS_SANITIZER) set(DEPENDS_HIP_RUNTIME "hip-runtime-amd-asan" ) else() set(DEPENDS_HIP_RUNTIME "hip-runtime-amd" ) endif() set(HIP_RUNTIME_MINIMUM 4.5.0) rocm_package_add_dependencies(SHARED_DEPENDS "${DEPENDS_HIP_RUNTIME} >= ${HIP_RUNTIME_MINIMUM}") ## add dependency on hip runtime for static libraries rocm_package_add_deb_dependencies(STATIC_DEPENDS "hip-static-dev >= ${HIP_RUNTIME_MINIMUM}") rocm_package_add_rpm_dependencies(STATIC_DEPENDS "hip-static-devel >= ${HIP_RUNTIME_MINIMUM}") endif() set( CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/LICENSE.md" ) set( CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_LICENSE "MIT and BSD") if (WIN32) SET( CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "C:/hipSDK" CACHE PATH "Install path" FORCE ) SET( INSTALL_PREFIX "C:/hipSDK" ) SET( CPACK_SET_DESTDIR FALSE ) SET( CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY "C:/hipSDK" ) SET( CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX "" ) set( CPACK_INCLUDE_TOPLEVEL_DIRECTORY OFF ) else() if( NOT CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX ) set( CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX ${ROCM_PATH} ) endif() endif( ) set( CPACK_RPM_EXCLUDE_FROM_AUTO_FILELIST_ADDITION "\${CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX}" ) # work around code object stripping failure if using /usr/bin/strip set( CPACK_RPM_SPEC_MORE_DEFINE "%define __strip ${rocm_bin}/../llvm/bin/llvm-strip") # Give rocblas compiled for CUDA backend a different name if( CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang" ) set( package_name rocblas ) else( ) set( package_name rocblas-alt ) endif( ) set( ROCBLAS_CONFIG_DIR "\${CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}" CACHE PATH "Path placed into ldconfig file" ) rocm_create_package( NAME ${package_name} DESCRIPTION "rocBLAS is the AMD library for BLAS in ROCm. Implemented using the HIP language and optimized for AMD GPUs" MAINTAINER "rocBLAS Maintainer " LDCONFIG LDCONFIG_DIR ${ROCBLAS_CONFIG_DIR} ) # # ADDITIONAL TARGETS FOR CODE COVERAGE if(BUILD_CODE_COVERAGE) # # > make coverage_cleanup (clean coverage related files.) # > make coverage GTEST_FILTER=<> # will run: # > make coverage_analysis GTEST_FILTER=<> (analyze tests) # > make coverage_output (generate html documentation) # # # # Run coverage analysis # add_custom_target(coverage_analysis COMMAND echo Coverage GTEST_FILTER=\${GTEST_FILTER} COMMAND ./clients/staging/rocblas-test --gtest_filter=\"\${GTEST_FILTER}\" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ) add_dependencies(coverage_analysis rocblas) # # Prepare coverage output # This little script is generated because the option '--gcov-tool ' of lcov cannot take arguments. # add_custom_target(coverage_output DEPENDS coverage_analysis COMMAND mkdir -p lcoverage COMMAND echo "\\#!/bin/bash" > llvm-gcov.sh COMMAND echo "\\# THIS FILE HAS BEEN GENERATED" >> llvm-gcov.sh COMMAND printf "exec /opt/rocm/llvm/bin/llvm-cov gcov $$\\@" >> llvm-gcov.sh COMMAND chmod +x llvm-gcov.sh ) # # Generate coverage output. # add_custom_command(TARGET coverage_output COMMAND lcov --directory . --base-directory . --gcov-tool ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/llvm-gcov.sh --capture -o lcoverage/raw_main_coverage.info COMMAND lcov --remove lcoverage/raw_main_coverage.info "'/opt/*'" "'/usr/*'" -o lcoverage/main_coverage.info COMMAND genhtml --ignore-errors source lcoverage/main_coverage.info --output-directory lcoverage ) add_custom_target(coverage DEPENDS coverage_output) # # Coverage cleanup # add_custom_target(coverage_cleanup COMMAND find ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} -name *.gcda -delete WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ) endif() # CMake to build documentation ## Sphinx set(SPHINX_DIR "docs/sphinx" CACHE PATH "Path to sphinx root directory") set(SPHINX_BUILD_DIR "_build" CACHE PATH "Path to sphinx build directory") set(SPHINX_BUILD_TYPE "html" CACHE STRING "Sphinx build type") set(SPHINX_EXTRA_ARGS "" CACHE STRING "Extra arguments for Sphinx build") set( SPHINX_ARGS -T -b ${SPHINX_BUILD_TYPE} -d ${SPHINX_BUILD_DIR}/doctrees -D language=en ${SPHINX_EXTRA_ARGS} ) add_custom_target( sphinx_docs COMMAND pip3 install -r requirements.txt COMMAND python3 -m sphinx ${SPHINX_ARGS} . ${SPHINX_BUILD_DIR}/${SPHINX_BUILD_TYPE} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/${SPHINX_DIR} ) ## Doxygen set(DOXYGEN_DIR "docs/doxygen" CACHE PATH "Path to doxygen root directory") ### Any other doxygen arguments can go here find_package(Doxygen) if (DOXYGEN_FOUND) add_custom_target( doxygen_docs Doxygen::doxygen Doxyfile WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/${DOXYGEN_DIR} ) endif() ## All docs phony target add_custom_target(docs DEPENDS sphinx_docs) if (DOXYGEN_FOUND) add_dependencies(docs doxygen_docs) endif()