Restricted Maximum Likelihood or Maximum Likelihood for estimating parameters in mixed effect model using MAST? #157
Dear MAST team,
I would like to ask you a question..
I am using MAST for modelling gene expression in a snRNAseq data, with a random intercept for subjects identity. I am wondering if in this case, the parameters are still estimated with LM ( as mentioned in the paper) or does it automatically switch to RELM?
I would like to use ML as I want to select the best model based on the deviance of the residuals.
My formula is the following
zlmCond<-MAST::zlm(~condition + cenegeneson + test_var1 + test_var2 + test_varx + (1|donor_id), data, method=´glmer´,ebayes=FALSE)
Thanks for your help!
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