.. autoclass:: github.Auth.Login
.. autoclass:: github.Auth.Token
.. autoclass:: github.Auth.JWT
.. autoclass:: github.Auth.AppAuth
.. autoclass:: github.Auth.AppAuthToken
.. autoclass:: github.Auth.AppInstallationAuth
.. autoclass:: github.Auth.AppUserAuth
.. autoclass:: github.Auth.NetrcAuth
.. autofunction:: github.enable_console_debug_logging
.. automodule:: github.GithubException
:const:`github.NotSet` is a special value for arguments you don't want to provide. You should not have to manipulate it directly, because it's the default value of all parameters accepting it. Just note that it is different from :const:`None`, which is an allowed value for some parameters.
.. autoclass:: github.PaginatedList.PaginatedList()
.. autoclass:: github.InputFileContent.InputFileContent
.. autoclass:: github.InputGitAuthor.InputGitAuthor
.. autoclass:: github.InputGitTreeElement.InputGitTreeElement
If you need to make requests to APIs not yet supported by PyGithub, you can use the :class:`.Requester` object directly, available as :attr:`object.requester` on most PyGithub objects.
.. autoclass:: github.Requester.Requester :members: