##Example of Calling Background JS
import { getLocalStorage } from '../../lib/services/extension/storageService'; import sendMessage from '../../lib/services/extension/messageService';
import * as MessageTypes from '../../lib/constants/message-types';
const CryptoJS = require('crypto-js');
const hashKey = 'hellotheresha3'; const seedWords = 'furnace barrel magnet silly monster will delay giggle battle tumble mail lock'; export async function getHashKeyFromProcess() { throw new Error('Its probibited '); }
export async function decryptState(state) { if (hashKey === undefined) { await getHashKeyFromProcess(); } try { const cipher = state; const bytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(cipher, hashKey); const plaintext = bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8); return JSON.parse(plaintext); } catch (err) { throw new Error('Decrypt state'); } }
export async function getStore() { return {}; }
export async function getStoreBackgroundJS() { const decState = await getLocalStorage('state'); const state = await decryptState(decState.state); const initialState = state === undefined ? {} : state; const { getStoreBackgroundJS } = require('../store/configureStore'); return getStoreBackgroundJS(initialState); }
export async function setHashKey() { const response = await sendMessage({ type: 'setHashKeyNew', data: hashKey }); return response; }
export async function getCurrentBalance() { const response = await sendMessage({ type: MessageTypes.BG_ACCOUNT_BALANCE, data: 'View Balance', }); return response; }
export async function getCurrentAccount() { const response = await sendMessage({ type: MessageTypes.BG_ACCOUNTS_CURRENT_ACCOUNT, data: 'View Current Account', }); console.log(response); return response; }
export async function getCurrentNetwork() { const response = await sendMessage({ type: MessageTypes.BG_NETWORKS_CURRENT, data: 'View Current Network', }); return response; }
export async function getNewSeedWords() { const response = await sendMessage({ type: MessageTypes.BG_ACCOUNTS_CREATE_SEED_WORDS, data: 'View New SeedWords', }); return response; }
export async function createAccount() { const response = await sendMessage({ type: MessageTypes.BG_ACCOUNTS_CREATE_ACCOUNT, data: { seedWords, hashKey }, }); return response; }
export async function getAccounts() { const response = await sendMessage({ type: MessageTypes.BG_ACCOUNTS_LIST, data: 'List of accounts', }); return response; }
setHashKey() .then() .catch();
getCurrentBalance() .then() .catch();
getCurrentAccount() .then(console.log('account creating')) .catch();
getCurrentNetwork() .then() .catch();
getNewSeedWords() .then() .catch();
createAccount() .then(console.log('account creating')) .catch();
getAccounts() .then() .catch();