PLEP-0001 â Purpose and Guidelines for PlasmaPy Enhancement Proposals
| PLEP | 1 |
| author(s) | Nicholas A. Murphy |
| contact email | [email protected] |
| date created | 2017-11-13 |
| date last revised | 2018-09-26 |
| type | process |
| status | accepted |
| DOI | `10.5281/zenodo.1435976 |
| | `__ |
**Pl**\ asmaPy **E**\ nhancement **P**\ roposals (PLEPs) are design
documents that provide information to the PlasmaPy community, describe
decision-making processes, or propose major changes or enhancements to
the code. PLEPs are intended to be the primary mechanism for proposing
major changes to the direction of PlasmaPy, collecting community
feedback, and documenting the reasoning behind major decisions.
Types of PLEPs
There are three primary types of PLEPs:
- A **standard PLEP** introduces and describes a major change to the
PlasmaPy code base. Standard PLEPs may describe a new feature or
subpackage, major changes to an existing package, or a backwards
incompatible change to the application programming interface (API). A
standard PLEP will start out as a proposal and eventually evolve into
a design document if accepted.
- A **process PLEP** describes a new process or change to an existing
process in the management and coordination of PlasmaPy. Examples
include changes to PlasmaPy decision-making processes or management
structure, guidelines, or procedures. A process PLEP will start out
as a proposal and eventually evolve into a document on the governance
of PlasmaPy.
- An **informational PLEP** provides information and does not describe
any changes.
PLEP workflow
A PLEP may come about when a contributor has an idea for how to improve
PlasmaPy, or when a Coordinating Committee member or subpackage
maintainer requests a PLEP to be written before a pull request is
accepted. The following subsections describe the procedure for PLEPs to
be created, submitted, decided upon, amended, and implemented. Anyone
who abides by the code of conduct may submit a PLEP.
Creating a PLEP
Before writing a PLEP, it is generally advisable to bring up your idea
on the PlasmaPy
`Matrix `__/`Gitter `__
channel and with the Coordinating Committee and/or subpackage
maintainers to get initial feedback. PLEPs are not necessary to
propose minor changes, which are often best `submitted as
issues `__ on the
`PlasmaPy GitHub repository `__.
Each PLEP should contain a clear, concise, and well-organized description
of a new idea or proposal. PLEPs should generally focus on a single
topic. PLEPs should be written to be understandable to general members
of the PlasmaPy community rather than just core contributors and
Coordinating Committee members. However, technical details about the
implementation of a proposed change should be included when needed.
Standard PLEPs are generally only needed for major improvements to the
code base such as significant restructuring of the code base or adoption
of a new standard. PLEPs are more likely to be needed for changes that
break backward compatibility, especially for stable subpackages in
development releases and after the release of version ``1.0.0``. PLEPs
are not needed for minor changes.
All new PLEPs should begin with a copy of the PLEP template contained
within the PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy-PLEPs repository. This copy should be
renamed to ``PLEP-nnnn.rst`` where ``nnnn`` should be the lowest PLEP
number preceded by zeros that has not been tentatively or permanently
assigned by the Coordinating Committee. The template contains a
suggested outline that is most appropriate for a standard PLEP. Not
all sections included in the template are required for every PLEP, and
sometimes it is appropriate to create different sections. PLEPs are
written in the `reStructuredText
Amending or superseding a PLEP
PLEPs may be amended or superseded as PlasmaPy grows and changes.
If a topic is already covered by an existing PLEP, then it is often
appropriate to propose an amendment to that PLEP instead of writing a
new PLEP. Amendments should not substantially change the spirit of the
PLEP. Proposed amendments should update the âdate last revisedâ category
in the header. Amendments to PLEPs go through the same process as newly
proposed PLEPs.
When major changes to a PLEP are desired, then it is most appropriate to
propose a new PLEP to supersede the old PLEP. The pull request to
supersede a PLEP should change the âstatusâ category in the header of
the old PLEP to âsuperseded by PLEP Nâ where N is the number of the new
PLEP not preceded by zeros.
When PLEPs are amended or superseded, it is generally helpful to request
reviews from the authors of the original PLEP.
Minor changes to a PLEP that do not affect its meaning or intent (e.g.,
formatting changes, fixes to typos, updates to links, minor rewording to
improve clarity, and reversing cosmic ray bit flips) do not need to go
through the full review process, but do require approval by the
Coordinating Committee.
Submitting a PLEP
All new PLEPs and amendments to PLEPs should be submitted as pull
requests into the PlasmaPy-PLEP repository. The pull request should be
created while the PLEP is being written to allow for greater
transparency and community input during the writing process. In this
case, the sponsor should comment on the pull request and inform the
Coordinating Committee when the proposed PLEP is ready for review.
Review process
When a new PLEP or an amendment to a PLEP is submitted, the Coordinating
Committee should appoint one of its members to be the PLEPâs editor. The
editor is responsible for aiding the sponsor by making sure that the
PLEP follows the accepted standard and facilitating communication
between the sponsor and the Coordinating Committee. The editor and
sponsor may be the same person.
When the sponsor and editor decide that the proposal is ready for
broader discussion, then they should email the PlasmaPy list to
introduce the PLEP and request community feedback. The status of the
PLEP should be changed to âDiscussionâ at this time. Community
discussion should take place through normal communication channels
such as the Matrix/Gitter channel, on the pull request on GitHub, and
community meetings. Concerns that are raised should be constructive
and made in accordance with the PlasmaPy code of conduct. Important
points and relevant meeting minutes should be recorded as comments on
the GitHub pull request so that the community discussion may be
archived. During the discussion phase, the sponsor should revise the
PLEP in order to address concerns raised by the community. Others may
propose changes as well. The discussion should continue until a
general consensus among the PlasmaPy community has been reached.
The Coordinating Committee is tasked with making the final decision on
the PLEP. A PLEP shall be accepted when at least two-thirds of the
Coordinating Committee votes in favor of the PLEP. The vote may be
taken in the discussion of the pull request on GitHub, over email, or
at a Coordinating Committee meeting where voting is recorded in the
PLEP status
The status of a standard or process PLEP may be any of the following:
- **In preparation**: The PLEP is currently being written. Community
input is welcome during this phase so that concerns may be addressed
earlier rather than later.
- **Discussion**: The PLEP is currently being considered and getting
community feedback before a decision has been made. This is the
default status for informational PLEPs that have been completed.
- **Accepted**: The PLEP has been accepted and it will be assigned a
number and merged into the PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy-PLEPs repository. A
decision rationale for standard PLEPs should be drafted and added
to the PLEP by the sponsor of the PLEP or by someone appointed by
the Coordinating Committee. Features proposed in standard PLEPs may
now be implemented. Process PLEPs come into effect when accepted.
- **Implemented**: The feature discussed in a standard PLEP has been
fully implemented and merged into the main repository. At least half
of the Coordinating Committee must agree that the implementation
(including documentation and tests) is complete. A summary of the
implementation process should be added to the PLEP when this status
is reached. This summary should include links to the issues and pull
requests associated with this PLEP that were created after the PLEP
was accepted.
- **Declined**: The community and Coordinating Committee decided
against a proposed PLEP. A decision rationale should be provided by
the sponsor, editor, and/or Coordinating Committee. The PLEP should
still be assigned a number and merged into the main repository. A
future PLEP may supersede this decision.
- **Superseded**: THe PLEP is no longer in effect and has been replaced
by another PLEP.
Informational PLEPs that are being written should have a status of **in
preparation**, and **informational** when it is sufficiently complete.
Informational PLEPs may also have a status of **outdated** when the some
of the information is out-of-date and needs updating, or **obsolete**
when the PLEP is no longer relevant.
Archiving PLEPs
When a PLEP has been decided upon and merged into the repository, the
Coordinating Committee will upload the PLEP to `Zenodo
`__ for permanent archiving and so that the PLEP
may get a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and therefore be
citable. The PLEP should be included as part of the `PlasmaPy
Community on Zenodo `__. The
title should be of the form âPlasmaPy Enhancement Proposal *number*:
*title*â. All PLEPs on Zenodo should be versioned to allow for
eventual amendments and revisions.