With a very large (over 35000 variables/fields) and complex project (bilingual setup with lots of HTML commands and Spanish characters in the field descriptions and answer alternatives), I ran into the
Error in inherits(ds, "data.frame") : object 'ds' not found
error. I assumed that it had to do with non-ascii characters like in other issues and tried to isolate the error. I was not successful as the root of the error already lies in the first step using httr::POST
(the command executes successfully but results in NA
instead of comma-separated text.
I experimented a bit and realized that I could successfully download the metadata when using format = json
instead of format = csv
. I have implemented an option to choose json
as the download format in redcap_metadata_read()
in a fork of your repository: januz@518925c
Just wanted to let you know in case you would like to include this option in your package as well. Thanks for all your great work with this package!