[flake8] docstring-convention=google # 120 characters for Python Black compatibility. max-line-length=120 count = True ignore= # https://www.flake8rules.com/ (E,F,W,C) # whitespace before ':' -- this conflicts with annotations E203 # line too long -- enforced via black E501 # line break occurred before a binary operator -- prefix operator notation is more readable W503 # http://www.pydocstyle.org/en/stable/error_codes.html (D) # Missing docstring in public module -- often docs handled within classes D100 # Missing docstring in public package -- often docs handled within files not __init__.py D104 # No blank lines allowed after function docstring D202 # First line should end with a period, question mark, or exclamation point -- eh? nah. D415 select=E,F,W,C,D