This is a helper script which contains functions for building, testing and cloning modules. This expects to run on a jenkins instance with IFEM as the 'origin' remote.
It will build and test IFEM. It can be used both for post-merge builds of the master branch and for a github pull request builder job. Optionally you it can build all downstreams and execute their tests.
Important environment variables (jenkins conventions):
WORKSPACE - Root of source tree.
ghprbCommentBody - Trigger as used on github.
GH_CREDENTIALS - Github credentials to use in the form user:password.
CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILES - A space separated list of toolchain files specifying cmake parameters for a configuration.
BTYPES - A space separated list of build configuration names.
A typically local run building the current content of IFEM and all downstreams;
GH_CREDENTIALS=user:pwd ghprbCommentBody="jenkins build this with downstreams please" jenkins/