Нou can convert files from one format to another.
You need to create the xml configuration file.
# first line contains information about xml, for exmample:
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
# next you need to create some root tag and close this in the end, for example:
# (Required) path to the file to convert from
<m_sFileFrom> </m_sFileFrom>
# (Required) path to the file to convert to
<m_sFileTo> </m_sFileTo>
# (Required, if no extension in filename) the to convert from
<m_nFormatFrom> </m_nFormatFrom>
# (Required, if no extension in filename) the to convert to
<m_nFormatTo> </m_nFormatTo>
Information about formats you can find here.
# configuration for .csv files
<m_nCsvTxtEncoding> </m_nCsvTxtEncoding>
<m_nCsvDelimiter> </m_nCsvDelimiter>
<m_sCsvDelimiterChar> </m_sCsvDelimiterChar>
# save additional information about conversion or not
<m_bDontSaveAdditional> </m_bDontSaveAdditional>
# path to AllFonts.js file
<m_sAllFontsPath> </m_sAllFontsPath>
# path to fonts (usually uses with CApplicationFontsWorker)
<m_sFontDir> </m_sFontDir>
# config for image formats
# format of image
<format> </format>
# Aspect of image
<aspect> </aspect>
# only first page or not
<first> </first>
# zip images or not
<zip> </zip>
# width of image
<width> </width>
# height of image
<height> </height>
# additional JSON params
<m_sJsonParams> </m_sJsonParams>
Just run x2t with 1 arg - path to created xml configuration file.