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Starred repositories
Save time and cost when using GitHub Actions
⚙️ Convert HTML to Markdown. Even works with entire websites and can be extended through rules.
Type less, code more: Cody is an AI code assistant that uses advanced search and codebase context to help you write and fix code.
Adaptors between compression crates and Rust's async IO types
JuiceFS is a distributed POSIX file system built on top of Redis and S3.
The modern API client that lives in your terminal.
Ergonomic and precise error handling provided by error sets. Inspired by Zig's error set type.
✔ Free and serverless uptime monitoring / status page on Cloudflare Workers, with Geo-specific checks
🌀 Ridiculously fast, fully asynchronous, sharded hashmap for Rust.
Empowering everyone to host fast and efficient Minecraft servers.
CLI/GUI for managing the battery charging status for Apple silicon (M1, M32, M3) Macs
Move files and directories to the trash
Unofficial Grass (GetGrass) and grass-node Docker images for easy deployment and management. With multiarch support (x86_64, arm64,...) and auto-updates.
Mysterium Network Node - official implementation of distributed VPN network (dVPN) protocol
A PostgreSQL metric exporter for Prometheus