An application that helps people work using the pomodoro technique written in C++.
In order to run the application, simply clone this repository, navigate to the directory containing these files, and execute the pomodoro file.
One way to do this is to navigate to the pomodoro-timer directory and type:
in a bash terminal to run the application.
While it is unlikely, the pomodoro file may not be executable. To resolve this, simply type
chmod +x pomodoro
into a bash terminal window.
Note: The fact that you cannot pause the timer is done on purpose. Getting up and eating or using the restroom counts as an extended break. I felt that adding a pause functionality would make it easy for people to ignore the timer.
In the future, I will look to add some type of mechanism to alert the user when the time is up, I have not decided if it will be a sound, pop-up window, or something else.