When I was doing research on Wrocław's API, I've stumbled upon this repository, and it's incredible! It gives a good example of enterprise-grade API that works on production and uses modern infrastructure. I especially appreciate clear documentation of every detail (not omitting even the costs!) that makes understanding how does it work frictionless! Furthermore, the project doesn't limit only to a server, but also powers beautiful app! I wish I would have iOS to check it out. 😄 I hope this repository is going to have more stars, so it's easier to discover. Besides that, it seems to be perfect project to be put into portfolio! 👏
I work on a related project, poland-public-transport-api, and I was wondering if your API (/api/v1/lines;stops;vehicles
) could be integrated into my middleware. It would leverage Cloudflare's Cache, so usage would be limited to minimum. Hopefully, your project could gain popularity and use among programmers! Of course, if it's something you wouldn't like, let me know, and I will just leave link to this repo in my project!