version: 0.2 env: secrets-manager: TOKEN: $TOKEN_SECRET_ARN variables: NODE_OPTIONS: --max_old_space_size=8192 phases: install: commands: # CodeBuild always runs as root, allow npm to operate as such - npm config set unsafe-perm true - mkdir ${HOME}/aws-cdk && cd ${HOME}/aws-cdk # Configure git and git credentials - git config --global "${COMMIT_EMAIL}" - git config --global "${COMMIT_USERNAME}" - echo "Retrieving gh token from secretsmanager" - git clone https://[email protected]/aws/aws-cdk -b feat/repo-restructure . - git checkout ${CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION} # Install yarn if it wasn't already present in the image - yarn --version || npm -g install yarn - yarn install --frozen-lockfile - /sbin/sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=2251954 build: commands: - cd ${HOME}/aws-cdk - npx lerna run build --scope @aws-cdk/remodel --include-dependencies - npx remodel ${PWD} --tmp-dir ${HOME}/remodel --no-clean --dry-run post_build: commands: - cd ${HOME}/remodel - git add -A - git commit -m "Execute remodel" - git remote add aws-cdk https://[email protected]/aws/aws-cdk - git fetch aws-cdk - git push aws-cdk +feat/repo-restructure:feat/remodel artifacts: files: - "**/*" base-directory: ${HOME}/remodel