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Basic usage
This document contains basic information about used structures and functions. At the end of document is provided code which implements these basic functions (also in tests/ccl_sample_run.c). More information about CCL functions and implementation can be found in doc/0000-ccl_note/0000-ccl_note.pdf.
Start by defining cosmological parameters defined in structure ccl_parameters
. This structure (exact definition in include/ccl_core.h
) contains densities of matter, parameters of dark energy (w0
, wa
), Hubble parameters, primordial power spectra, radiation parameters, derived parameters (sigma_8
, Omega_1
, z_star
), parameters for the impact of baryons on the matter power spectrum (bcm_log10Mc
, bcm_etab
, bcm_ks
, Schneider & Teyssier, 2015) and modified growth rate.
You can initialize this structure through function ccl_parameters_create
which returns object of type ccl_parameters
ccl_parameters ccl_parameters_create(
double Omega_c, double Omega_b, double Omega_k, double Omega_n, double w0, double wa, double h,
double A_s, double n_s, double bcm_log10Mc, double bcm_etab, double bcm_ks, int nz_mgrowth, double *zarr_mgrowth, double *dfarr_mgrowth
: cold dark matter -
: baryons -
: matter -
: neutrinos -
: curvature - little
means "Omega_x h^2" -
: Dark energy eqn of state parameter -
: Dark energy eqn of state parameter, time variation -
: Hubble's constant in km/s/Mpc -
: Hubble's constant divided by (100 km/s/Mpc) -
: amplitude of the primordial PS -
: index of the primordial PS -
: log10 cluster mass, one of the parameters of the BCM model -
: ejection radius parameter, one of the parameters of the BCM model -
: wavenumber for the stellar profile, one of the parameters of the BCM model
For some specific cosmologies you can also use functions ccl_parameters_create_flat_lcdm
, ccl_parameters_create_flat_wcdm
, ccl_parameters_create_flat_wacdm
, ccl_parameters_create_lcdm
, which automatically set some parameters. For more information, see file include/ccl_core.c
For the majority of CCL's functions you need an object of type ccl_cosmology
, which can be initalize by function ccl_cosmology_create
ccl_cosmology * ccl_cosmology_create(ccl_parameters params, ccl_configuration config);
Note that the function returns a pointer. Variable params
of type ccl_parameters
contains cosmological parameters created in previous step. Structure ccl_configuration
contains information about methods for computing transfer function, matter power spectrum and mass function (for available methods see include/ccl_config.h
). For now, you should use default configuration default_config
const ccl_configuration default_config = {ccl_boltzmann_class, ccl_halofit, ccl_tinker};
After you are done working with this cosmology object, you should free its work space by ccl_cosmology_free
void ccl_cosmology_free(ccl_cosmology * cosmo);
With defined cosmology we can now compute distances, growth factor (and rate) or sigma_8. For comoving radial distance you can call function ccl_comoving_radial_distance
double ccl_comoving_radial_distance(ccl_cosmology * cosmo, double a);
which returns distance to scale factor a
in units of Mpc. For luminosity distance call function ccl_luminosity_distance
double ccl_luminosity_distance(ccl_cosmology * cosmo, double a);
which also returns distance in units of Mpc. For growth factor (normalized to 1 at z
= 0) at sale factor a
call ccl_growth_factor
double ccl_growth_factor(ccl_cosmology * cosmo, double a);
For more routines to compute distances and growth rates (e.g. at multiple times at once) see file include/ccl_background.h
For given cosmology we can compute linear and non-linear matter power spectra using functions ccl_linear_matter_power
and ccl_nonlin_matter_power
double ccl_linear_matter_power(ccl_cosmology * cosmo, double k, double a);
double ccl_nonlin_matter_power(ccl_cosmology * cosmo, double k, double a);
Sigma_8 can be calculated by function ccl_sigma8
, or more generally by function ccl_sigmaR
, which computes the variance of the density field smoothed by spherical top-hat window function on a comoving distance R
(in Mpc).
double ccl_sigmaR(ccl_cosmology *cosmo, double R);
double ccl_sigma8(ccl_cosmology *cosmo);
These and other functions for different matter power spectra can be found in file include/ccl_power.h.
CCL can compute angular power spectra for two tracer types: galaxy number counts and galaxy weak lensing. Tracer parameters are defined in structure CCL_ClTracer. In general, you can create this object with function ccl_cl_tracer_new
CCL_ClTracer *ccl_cl_tracer_new(ccl_cosmology *cosmo,int tracer_type,
int has_rsd,int has_magnification,int has_intrinsic_alignment,
int nz_n,double *z_n,double *n,
int nz_b,double *z_b,double *b,
int nz_s,double *z_s,double *s,
int nz_ba,double *z_ba,double *ba,
int nz_rf,double *z_rf,double *rf);
Exact definition of these parameters are described in file include/ccl_cls.h. Usually you can use simplified versions of this function, namely ccl_cl_tracer_number_counts_new, ccl_cl_tracer_number_counts_simple_new, ccl_cl_tracer_lensing_new or ccl_cl_tracer_lensing_simple_new. Two most simplified versions (one for number counts and one for shear) take parameters:
CCL_ClTracer *ccl_cl_tracer_number_counts_simple_new(ccl_cosmology *cosmo, int nz_n,double *z_n,
double *n, int nz_b,double *z_b,double *b);
CCL_ClTracer *ccl_cl_tracer_lensing_simple_new(ccl_cosmology *cosmo, int nz_n,double *z_n,double *n);
where nz_n is dimension of arrays z_n and n. z_n and n are arrays for the number count of objects per redshift interval (arbitrary normalization - renormalized inside). nz_b, z_b and b are the same for the clustering bias. With initialized tracers you can compute limber power spectrum with ccl_angular_cl
double ccl_angular_cl(ccl_cosmology *cosmo,int l,CCL_ClTracer *clt1,CCL_ClTracer *clt2);
After you are done working with tracers, you should free its work space by ccl_cl_tracer_free
void ccl_cl_tracer_free(CCL_ClTracer *clt);
The halo mass function dN/dM can be obtained by function ccl_massfunc
double ccl_massfunc(ccl_cosmology * cosmo, double halo_mass, double redshift)
where halo_mass is mass smoothing scale (in units of M_sun/h. For more details (or other functions like sigma_M) see include/ccl_massfunc.h and src/mass_func.c.
CCL includes LSST specifications for the expected galaxy distributions of the full galaxy clustering sample and the lensing source galaxy sample. Start by defining a flexible photometric redshift model given by function
double (* your_pz_func)(double photo_z, double spec_z, void *param);
which returns the probability of measuring a particular photometric redshift, given a spectroscopic redshift and other relevant parameters. Then you call function ccl_specs_create_photoz_info
user_pz_info* ccl_specs_create_photoz_info(void * user_params,
double(*user_pz_func)(double, double,void*));
which creates a strcture user_pz_info which holds information needed to compute dN/dz
typedef struct {
//first double corresponds to photo-z, second to spec-z
double (* your_pz_func)(double, double, void *);
void * your_pz_params;
} user_pz_info;
The expected dN/dz for lensing or clustering galaxies with given binnig can be obtained by function ccl_specs_dNdz_tomog
int ccl_specs_dNdz_tomog(double z, int dNdz_type, double bin_zmin, double bin_zmax,
user_pz_info * user_info, double *tomoout);
Result is returned in tomoout. This function returns zero if called with an allowable type of dNdz, non-zero otherwise. Allowed types of dNdz (currently one for clustering and three for lensing - fiducial, optimistic, and conservative - cases are considered) and other information and functions like bias clustering or sigma_z are specified in file include/ccl_lsst_specs.h
After you are done working with photo_z, you should free its work space by ccl_specs_free_photoz_info
void ccl_specs_free_photoz_info(user_pz_info *my_photoz_info);
This code can also be found in tests/ccl_sample_run.c You can run the following example code. For this you will need to compile with the following command:
gcc -Wall -Wpedantic -g -I/path/to/install/include -std=gnu99 -fPIC tests/ccl_sample_run.c \
-o tests/ccl_sample_run -L/path/to/install/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm -lccl
where /path/to/install/ is the path to the location where the library has been installed.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "ccl.h"
#include "ccl_lsst_specs.h"
#define OC 0.25
#define OB 0.05
#define OK 0.00
#define ON 0.00
#define HH 0.70
#define W0 -1.0
#define WA 0.00
#define NS 0.96
#define NORMPS 0.80
#define ZD 0.5
#define NZ 128
#define Z0_GC 0.50
#define SZ_GC 0.05
#define Z0_SH 0.65
#define SZ_SH 0.05
#define NL 512
#define PS 0.1
#define NREL 3.046
#define NMAS 0
#define MNU 0.0
// The user defines a structure of parameters to the user-defined function for the photo-z probability
struct user_func_params
double (* sigma_z) (double);
// The user defines a function of the form double function ( z_ph, z_spec, void * user_pz_params) where user_pz_params is a pointer to the parameters of the user-defined function. This returns the probabilty of obtaining a given photo-z given a particular spec_z.
double user_pz_probability(double z_ph, double z_s, void * user_par, int * status)
double sigma_z = ((struct user_func_params *) user_par)->sigma_z(z_s);
return exp(- (z_ph-z_s)*(z_ph-z_s) / (2.*sigma_z*sigma_z)) / (pow(2.*M_PI,0.5)*sigma_z);
int main(int argc,char **argv)
//status flag
int status =0;
// Initialize cosmological parameters
ccl_configuration config=default_config;
ccl_parameters params = ccl_parameters_create(OC, OB, OK, NREL, NMAS, MNU, W0, WA, HH, NORMPS, NS,-1,-1,-1,-1,NULL,NULL, &status);
//printf("in sample run w0=%1.12f, wa=%1.12f\n", W0, WA);
// Initialize cosmology object given cosmo params
ccl_cosmology *cosmo=ccl_cosmology_create(params,config);
// Compute radial distances (see include/ccl_background.h for more routines)
printf("Comoving distance to z = %.3lf is chi = %.3lf Mpc\n",
ZD,ccl_comoving_radial_distance(cosmo,1./(1+ZD), &status));
printf("Luminosity distance to z = %.3lf is chi = %.3lf Mpc\n",
ZD,ccl_luminosity_distance(cosmo,1./(1+ZD), &status));
printf("Distance modulus to z = %.3lf is mu = %.3lf Mpc\n",
ZD,ccl_distance_modulus(cosmo,1./(1+ZD), &status));
//Consistency check
printf("Scale factor is a=%.3lf \n",1./(1+ZD));
printf("Consistency: Scale factor at chi=%.3lf Mpc is a=%.3lf\n",
ccl_comoving_radial_distance(cosmo,1./(1+ZD), &status),
ccl_scale_factor_of_chi(cosmo,ccl_comoving_radial_distance(cosmo,1./(1+ZD), &status), &status));
// Compute growth factor and growth rate (see include/ccl_background.h for more routines)
printf("Growth factor and growth rate at z = %.3lf are D = %.3lf and f = %.3lf\n",
ZD, ccl_growth_factor(cosmo,1./(1+ZD), &status),ccl_growth_rate(cosmo,1./(1+ZD), &status));
// Compute Omega_m, Omega_L and Omega_r at different times
double Om, OL, Or;
for (int z=10000;z!=0;z/=3){
Om = ccl_omega_x(cosmo, 1./(z+1), ccl_omega_m_label, &status);
OL = ccl_omega_x(cosmo, 1./(z+1), ccl_omega_l_label, &status);
Or = ccl_omega_x(cosmo, 1./(z+1), ccl_omega_g_label, &status);
printf("%i\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\n", z, Om, OL, Or);
Om = ccl_omega_x(cosmo, 1., ccl_omega_m_label, &status);
OL = ccl_omega_x(cosmo, 1., ccl_omega_l_label, &status);
Or = ccl_omega_x(cosmo, 1., ccl_omega_g_label, &status);
printf("%i\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\n", 0, Om, OL, Or);
// Compute sigma_8
printf("Initializing power spectrum...\n");
printf("sigma_8 = %.3lf\n\n", ccl_sigma8(cosmo, &status));
//Create tracers for angular power spectra
double z_arr_gc[NZ],z_arr_sh[NZ],nz_arr_gc[NZ],nz_arr_sh[NZ],bz_arr[NZ];
for(int i=0;i<NZ;i++) {
//CMB lensing tracer
CCL_ClTracer *ct_cl=ccl_cl_tracer_cmblens_new(cosmo,1100.,&status);
//Galaxy clustering tracer
CCL_ClTracer *ct_gc=ccl_cl_tracer_number_counts_simple_new(cosmo,NZ,z_arr_gc,nz_arr_gc,NZ,z_arr_gc,bz_arr, &status);
//Cosmic shear tracer
CCL_ClTracer *ct_wl=ccl_cl_tracer_lensing_simple_new(cosmo,NZ,z_arr_sh,nz_arr_sh, &status);
printf("ell C_ell(c,c) C_ell(c,g) C_ell(c,s) C_ell(g,g) C_ell(g,s) C_ell(s,s) | r(g,s)\n");
for(int l=2;l<=NL;l*=2) {
double cl_cc=ccl_angular_cl(cosmo,l,ct_wl,ct_wl, &status); //CMBLensing-CMBLensing
double cl_cg=ccl_angular_cl(cosmo,l,ct_wl,ct_wl, &status); //CMBLensing-CMBLensing
double cl_cs=ccl_angular_cl(cosmo,l,ct_wl,ct_wl, &status); //CMBLensing-CMBLensing
double cl_gg=ccl_angular_cl(cosmo,l,ct_gc,ct_gc, &status); //Galaxy-galaxy
double cl_gs=ccl_angular_cl(cosmo,l,ct_gc,ct_wl, &status); //Galaxy-lensing
double cl_ss=ccl_angular_cl(cosmo,l,ct_wl,ct_wl, &status); //Lensing-lensing
printf("%d %.3lE %.3lE %.3lE %.3lE %.3lE %.3lE\n",l,cl_cc,cl_cg,cl_cs,cl_gg,cl_gs,cl_ss);
//Free up tracers
//Halo mass function
printf("M\tdN/dlog10M(z = 0, 0.5, 1))\n");
for(int logM=9;logM<=15;logM+=1) {
for(double z=0; z<=1; z+=0.5) {
printf("%e\t", ccl_massfunc(cosmo, pow(10,logM),1.0/(1.0+z), 200., &status));
//Halo bias
printf("Halo bias: z, M, b1(M,z)\n");
for(int logM=9;logM<=15;logM+=1) {
for(double z=0; z<=1; z+=0.5) {
printf("%.1e %.1e %.2e\n",1.0/(1.0+z),pow(10,logM),ccl_halo_bias(cosmo,pow(10,logM),1.0/(1.0+z), 200., &status));
// LSST Specification
// The user declares and sets an instance of parameters to their photo_z function:
struct user_func_params my_params_example;
my_params_example.sigma_z = ccl_specs_sigmaz_sources;
// Declare a variable of the type of user_pz_info to hold the struct to be created.
user_pz_info * pz_info_example;
// Create the struct to hold the user information about photo_z's.
pz_info_example = ccl_specs_create_photoz_info(&my_params_example, &user_pz_probability);
// Alternatively, we could have used the built-in Gaussian photo-z pdf,
// which assumes sigma_z = sigma_z0 * (1 + z) (not used in what follows).
double sigma_z0 = 0.05;
user_pz_info *pz_info_gaussian;
pz_info_gaussian = ccl_specs_create_gaussian_photoz_info(sigma_z0);
double z_test;
double dNdz_tomo;
int z;
FILE * output;
//Try splitting dNdz (lensing) into 5 redshift bins
double tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp5;
printf("Trying splitting dNdz (lensing) into 5 redshift bins. "
"Output written into file tests/specs_example_tomo_lens.out\n");
output = fopen("./tests/specs_example_tomo_lens.out", "w");
if(!output) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not write to 'tests' subdirectory"
" - please run this program from the main CCL directory\n");
status = 0;
for (z=0; z<100; z=z+1) {
z_test = 0.035*z;
ccl_specs_dNdz_tomog(z_test, DNDZ_WL_FID, 0.,6., pz_info_example,&dNdz_tomo,&status);
ccl_specs_dNdz_tomog(z_test, DNDZ_WL_FID, 0.,0.6, pz_info_example,&tmp1,&status);
ccl_specs_dNdz_tomog(z_test, DNDZ_WL_FID, 0.6,1.2, pz_info_example,&tmp2,&status);
ccl_specs_dNdz_tomog(z_test, DNDZ_WL_FID, 1.2,1.8, pz_info_example,&tmp3,&status);
ccl_specs_dNdz_tomog(z_test, DNDZ_WL_FID, 1.8,2.4, pz_info_example,&tmp4,&status);
ccl_specs_dNdz_tomog(z_test, DNDZ_WL_FID, 2.4,3.0, pz_info_example,&tmp5,&status);
fprintf(output, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", z_test,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp5,dNdz_tomo);
//Try splitting dNdz (clustering) into 5 redshift bins
printf("Trying splitting dNdz (clustering) into 5 redshift bins. "
"Output written into file tests/specs_example_tomo_clu.out\n");
output = fopen("./tests/specs_example_tomo_clu.out", "w");
for (z=0; z<100; z=z+1) {
z_test = 0.035*z;
ccl_specs_dNdz_tomog(z_test, DNDZ_NC,0.,6., pz_info_example,&dNdz_tomo,&status);
ccl_specs_dNdz_tomog(z_test, DNDZ_NC,0.,0.6, pz_info_example,&tmp1,&status);
ccl_specs_dNdz_tomog(z_test, DNDZ_NC,0.6,1.2, pz_info_example,&tmp2,&status);
ccl_specs_dNdz_tomog(z_test, DNDZ_NC,1.2,1.8, pz_info_example,&tmp3,&status);
ccl_specs_dNdz_tomog(z_test, DNDZ_NC,1.8,2.4, pz_info_example,&tmp4,&status);
ccl_specs_dNdz_tomog(z_test, DNDZ_NC,2.4,3.0, pz_info_example,&tmp5,&status);
fprintf(output, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", z_test,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp5,dNdz_tomo);
printf("ccl_sample_run completed, status = %d\n",status);
//Free up photo-z info
//Always clean up!!
return 0;
A Python wrapper for CCL is provided through a module called pyccl. The whole CCL interface can be accessed through regular Python functions and classes, with all of the computation happening in the background through the C code. The functions all support numpy arrays as inputs and outputs, with any loops being performed in the C code for speed.
The Python module has essentially the same functions as the C library, just presented in a more standard Python-like way. You can inspect the available functions and their arguments by using the built-in Python help() function, as with any Python module.
Below is a simple example Python script that creates a new Cosmology object, and then uses it to calculate the angular power spectra for a simple lensing cross-correlation. It should take a few seconds on a typical laptop.
import pyccl as ccl
import numpy as np
# Create new Parameters object, containing cosmo parameter values
p = ccl.Parameters(Omega_c=0.27, Omega_b=0.045, h=0.67, A_s=1e-10, n_s=0.96)
# Create new Cosmology object with these parameters. This keeps track of
# previously-computed cosmological functions
cosmo = ccl.Cosmology(p)
# Define a simple binned galaxy number density curve as a function of redshift
z_n = np.linspace(0., 1., 200)
n = np.ones(z_n.shape)
# Create objects to represent tracers of the weak lensing signal with this
# number density (with has_intrinsic_alignment=False)
lens1 = ccl.ClTracerLensing(cosmo, False, z_n, n)
lens2 = ccl.ClTracerLensing(cosmo, False, z_n, n)
# Calculate the angular cross-spectrum of the two tracers as a function of ell
ell = np.arange(2, 10)
cls = ccl.angular_cl(cosmo, lens1, lens2, ell)
print cls