// DeepNonLinearity.swift
// AIToolbox
// Created by Kevin Coble on 4/13/17.
// Copyright © 2017 Kevin Coble. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Accelerate
final public class DeepNonLinearity : DeepNetworkOperator
public var activation : NeuralActivationFunction
var lastOutputs : [Float]
var resultSize : DeepChannelSize
public init(activation : NeuralActivationFunction)
self.activation = activation
self.resultSize = DeepChannelSize(dimensionCount: 0, dimensionValues: [])
lastOutputs = []
public init?(fromDictionary: [String: AnyObject])
lastOutputs = []
resultSize = DeepChannelSize(dimensionCount: 0, dimensionValues: [])
// Get the activation type
let activationTypeValue = fromDictionary["activation"] as? NSInteger
if activationTypeValue == nil { return nil }
let tempActivationType = NeuralActivationFunction(rawValue: activationTypeValue!)
if (tempActivationType == nil) { return nil }
activation = tempActivationType!
public func getType() -> DeepNetworkOperatorType
return .nonLinearityOperation
public func getDetails() -> String
return activation.getString()
public func getResultingSize(_ inputSize: DeepChannelSize) -> DeepChannelSize
return inputSize
public func initializeParameters()
// No parameters
public func feedForward(_ inputs: [Float], inputSize: DeepChannelSize) -> [Float]
// Allocate an output array
resultSize = inputSize
lastOutputs = [Float](repeating: 0.0, count: inputSize.totalSize)
// Perform the non-linearity
switch (activation) {
case .none:
lastOutputs = inputs
case .hyperbolicTangent:
lastOutputs = inputs.map({ tanh($0) })
case .sigmoidWithCrossEntropy:
case .sigmoid:
lastOutputs = inputs.map( { 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-$0)) } )
case .rectifiedLinear:
lastOutputs = inputs.map( { $0 < 0 ? 0.0 : $0 } )
case .softSign:
lastOutputs = inputs.map( { $0 / (1.0 + exp($0)) } )
case .softMax:
lastOutputs = inputs.map( { exp($0) } )
return lastOutputs
public func getResults() -> [Float]
return lastOutputs
public func getResultSize() -> DeepChannelSize
return resultSize
public func getResultRange() ->(minimum: Float, maximum: Float)
if activation == .hyperbolicTangent {
return (minimum: -1.0, maximum: 1.0)
return (minimum: 0.0, maximum: 1.0)
public func startBatch()
// No parameters
// ðE/ðo comes in, ðE/ði goes out
public func backPropogateGradient(_ upStreamGradient: [Float]) -> [Float]
// Forward equation is o = fn(i) for each element of the input, where fn is the activation function
// The ðE/ðo comes in, we need to calculate ðE/ði
// ðE/ði = ðE/ðo â
// = upStreamGradient â
// Allocate the downstream gradient array
var downStreamGradient = upStreamGradient
// Get ðE/ði for each element
switch (activation) {
case .none:
case .hyperbolicTangent:
for index in 0..