A simulator and visualizer of Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF), used in a paper "Iterative Refinement for Realtime MAPF". It is written in C++(17) and tested on OSX 10.15. The visualizer uses openFrameworks.
The implementations include: HCA* and WHCA* [1], PIBT [2], CBS [3], ICBS [4], ECBS [5], PIBT-Complete, and IR.
100 agents in arena, planned by PIBT in 67ms.
1000 agents in brc202d, planned by PIBT-Complete in 84sec. The gif shows a part of an MAPF plan.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
./app -i ../instances/sample.txt -s PIBT -o result.txt -v
IR (the result is saved in result.txt
./app -i ../instances/random-32-32-20_70agents_1.txt -s IR -n 50 -t 3000 -v
You can find details and explanations for all parameters with:
./app --help
Please see instances/sample.txt
for parameters of instances, e.g., filed, number of agents, time limit, etc.
This is an example output of ../instances/sample.txt
Note that coordination denotes (x, y)
(0, 0)
is the left-top point.
(x, 0)
is the location at x
-th column and 1st row.
instance= ../instances/sample.txt
starts=(32,21),(40,4),(20,22),(26,18), [...]
goals=(10,16),(30,21),(11,42),(44,6), [...]
0:(32,21),(40,4),(20,22),(26,18), [...]
1:(31,21),(40,5),(20,23),(27,18), [...]
You need to install openFrameworks beforehand and export OF_ROOT
of your environment.
Build as follows.
git submodule init
git submodule update
sh ./openFrameworks/scripts/osx/download_libs.sh
cd visualizer/
make build
cd ..
chmod +x ./visualize.sh
cd build
../visualize.sh result.txt
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.
- Maps in
are from MAPF benchmarks. When you add a new map, please place it in themaps/
directory. - The font in
is from Google Fonts. - Scripts for the experiments are in
- Silver, D. (2005). Cooperative pathfinding. In AIIDE’05 Proceedings of the First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (pp. 117–122).
- Okumura, K., Machida, M., Défago, X., & Tamura, Y. (2019). Priority Inheritance with Backtracking for Iterative Multi-agent Path Finding. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 535–542).
- Sharon, G., Stern, R., Felner, A., & Sturtevant, N. R. (2015). Conflict-based search for optimal multi-agent pathfinding. Artificial Intelligence, 219, 40–66.
- Boyarski, E., Felner, A., Stern, R., Sharon, G., Tolpin, D., Betzalel, O., & Shimony, E. (2015, June). ICBS: improved conflict-based search algorithm for multi-agent pathfinding. In Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
- Barer, M., Sharon, G., Stern, R., & Felner, A. (2014). Suboptimal Variants of the Conflict-Based Search Algorithm for the Multi-Agent Pathfinding Problem. In Seventh Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search.