opened on Sep 27, 2024
The global RNG seed was 0xe480c0899201964c5f050fcb2da78dbd.
Error in testset errorshow:
Test Failed at C:\buildkite-agent\builds\win2k22-amdci6-5\julialang\julia-master\julia-25cbe006f3\share\julia\test\errorshow.jl:783
Expression: occursin("the above 2 lines are repeated 5000 more times", output[7])
Evaluated: occursin("the above 2 lines are repeated 5000 more times", "--- the above 2 lines are repeated 4998 more times ---")
Error in testset errorshow:
Test Failed at C:\buildkite-agent\builds\win2k22-amdci6-5\julialang\julia-master\julia-25cbe006f3\share\julia\test\errorshow.jl:784
Expression: (lstrip(output[8]))[1:7] == "[10003]"
Evaluated: "[9999] " == "[10003]"
This is happening very frequently, but not always. Didn't find the first PR where this showed up. 25cbe00 (#55767) seems to be the first commit on master where this failed, but since this isn't systematic it doesn't necessarily means it's the change which introduced the failure.