These days I'm pushing a few changes to slightly improve performance of the conversions, and others will come in the next days ;-)
In addition, there is a one-line change that can boost performance: enabling multi-threading
diff --git a/src/SkyCoords.jl b/src/SkyCoords.jl
index 5aa77d2..a092321 100644
--- a/src/SkyCoords.jl
+++ b/src/SkyCoords.jl
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ function convert{T<:AbstractSkyCoords, n, S<:AbstractSkyCoords}(
::Type{Array{T,n}}, c::Array{S, n})
m = Matrix33{_eltype(S)}(rotmat(T, S))
result = similar(c, T)
- for i in 1:length(c)
+ Threads.@threads for i in 1:length(c)
r = m * coords2cart(c[i])
lon, lat = cart2coords(r)
result[i] = T(lon, lat)
Running the benchmark script at I get this new plot by using 4 threads:
With 1 million coordinates SkyCoords.jl
is still one order of magnitude faster than Astropy :-) The change was applied on top of current master, so there is still room for some minor improvement.
The problem of multi-threading in Julia is that it's still experimental. However, when running Julia with just one thread there is zero overhead and no issues. Thus, the change I propose should be safe enough (doesn't break single-thread systems) and we would only need to warn people that multi-threading may not work.