For the P20 semester at UTBM, we had to create a multi-game program with Unity through the LP2B course.
Here is a little README file to understand how our project works.
To play Flappy Bird, you only need one key of your keyboard : the up arrow to make the bird jump. When you die, it automatically returns to the main menu.
For the brick breaker, you have to press space to start playing. If the ball falls off the screen, you can press start again to keep playing your level. When you've finished it, It automatically goes to the level 2. (The game has 5 levels) You also can press Escape to go back to main menu.
As it is written in the game, you can press any case to start playing. The game has neither levels nor lives, so you will play to the infinity. Here too, you can press Escape to go back to main menu.
In the main menu, you have two possibilities : you can either click on the buttons to start playing a game or press Escape and leave the application.
Note : There is a .exe file in the Build folder which allows you to play without having to start Unity Editor.