emqttd Redis Plugin
Add the plugin as submodule of emqttd project.
If the submodules exist:
git submodule update --remote plugins/emqttd_plugin_redis
git submodule add https://github.com/emqtt/emqttd_plugin_redis.git plugins/emqttd_plugin_redis
And then build emqttd project.
File: etc/plugin.config
{emqttd_plugin_redis, [
{eredis_pool, [
%% ecpool options
{pool_size, 8},
{auto_reconnect, 2},
%% eredis options
{host, ""},
{port, 6379},
{database, 0},
{password, ""}
%% Variables: %u = username, %c = clientid
%% HMGET mqtt_user:%u is_superuser
{supercmd, ["HGET", "mqtt_user:%u", "is_superuser"]},
%% HMGET mqtt_user:%u password
{authcmd, ["HGET", "mqtt_user:%u", "password"]},
%% Password hash algorithm: plain, md5, sha, sha256, pbkdf2?
{password_hash, sha256},
%% SMEMBERS mqtt_acl:%u
{aclcmd, ["SMEMBERS", "mqtt_acl:%u"]},
%% If no rules matched, return...
{acl_nomatch, deny},
%% Load Subscriptions form Redis when client connected.
{subcmd, ["HGETALL", "mqtt_subs:%u"]}
HSET mqtt_user:<username> is_superuser 1
Set a 'user' hash with 'password' field, for example:
HSET mqtt_user:<username> password "passwd"
The plugin uses a redis set to store ACL rules:
SADD mqtt_acl:<username> "publish topic1"
SADD mqtt_acl:<username> "subscribe topic2"
SADD mqtt_acl:<username> "pubsub topic3"
The plugin could store the static subscriptions into a redis Hash:
HSET mqtt_subs:<username> topic1 0
HSET mqtt_subs:<username> topic2 1
HSET mqtt_subs:<username> topic3 2
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emqttd_plugin_redis
Feng Lee [email protected]