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570 lines (445 loc) · 29.4 KB

File metadata and controls

570 lines (445 loc) · 29.4 KB


  • fix problem with vocal conversion becoming slow after running multiple times
  • fix typing of gradio app.load function
    • make pr for gradio fixing it

Project/task management

  • Should find tool for project/task management
  • Tool should support:
    • hierarchical tasks
    • custom labels and or priorities on tasks
    • being able to filter tasks based on those labels
    • being able to close and resolve tasks
    • Being able to integrate with vscode
    • Access for multiple people (in a team)
  • Should migrate the content of this file into tool
  • Potential candidates
    • GitHub projects
      • Does not yet support hierarchical tasks so no
    • Trello
      • Does not seem to support hierarchical tasks either
    • Notion
      • Seems to support hierarchical tasks, but is complicated
    • Todoist
      • seems to support both hierarchical tasks, custom labels, filtering on those labels, multiple users and there are unofficial plugins for vscode.



  • Improve modularization of web code using helper functions defined here

  • Split front-end modules into further sub-modules.

    • Structure of web folder should be:
      • web
        • manage_models
        • manage_audio
        • generate_song_covers
          • one_click_generation
            • accordions
              • ... ?
          • multi_step_generation
            • accordions
              • ...
      • For multi_step_generation/, its potential render function might have to take the set of all "input tracks" in the multi-step generation tab, so these will then have to be defined in multi_step_generation/ Other components passed to multi_step_generation/ might also need to be passed further down to multi_step_generation/
      • For one_click_generation/, its potential render function should render the accordion for the given options and return the components defined in the accordion? Other components passed to one_click_generation/ might also need to be passed further down to one_click_generation/
    • Import components instead of passing them as inputs to render functions (DIFFICULT TO IMPLEMENT)
      • We have had problems before with component ids when components are instantiated outside a Blocks context in a separate module and then import into other modules and rendered in their blocks contexts.
  • Should probably refactor web.main as it is getting too big with all the definitions

    • The same for the number of arguments to the manage models and manage audio tabs render functions
      • we can combine similar input params into lists like we have done with song_dirs before?

Multi-step generation

  • If possible merge two consecutive event listeners using update_cached_songs in the song retrieval accordion.

  • add description describing how to use each accordion and suggestions for workflows

  • add option for adding more input tracks to the mix song step

    • new components should be created dynamically based on a textfield with names and a button for creating new component
    • when creating a new component a new transfer button and dropdown should also be created
    • and the transfer choices for all dropdowns should be updated to also include the new input track
    • we need to consider how to want to handle vertical space
      • should be we make a new row once more than 3 tracks are on one row?
        • yes and there should be also created the new slider on a new row
        • right under the first row (which itself is under the row with song dir dropdown)
  • should also have the possiblity to add more tracks to the pitch shift accordion.

  • add a confirmation box with warning if trying to transfer output track to input track that is not empty.

    • could also have the possibility to ask the user to transfer to create a new input track and transfer the output track to it.
    • this would just be the same pop up confirmation box as before but in addition to yes and cancel options it will also have a "transfer to new input track" option.
    • we need custom javasctip for this.

one click generation

  • make subsections under accorditions under one click generation tab into sub accordions ?
    • applies for voice conversion options and audio mixing options
  • implement a one-click training tab


  • redesign/simplify ui using new side-bar component from gradio

  • redesign/simplify ui using new support for multi-page apps in gradio (gradio-app/gradio#10433)

  • consider using the new search bar functionality for gradio dataframe component instaed of having custom functionality for filtering

  • simplify and extend progress bar functionality by using the new show_progress_on and show_progress paramters on event listeners (gradio-app/gradio#10492)

  • optimize rendering speed using new js=True parameter (gradio-app/gradio#10500)

  • optimize rendering colab notebook

  • utilize new settings link in the gradio app footer (gradio-app/gradio#10254)

  • utilize new gr.success pop up message (gradio-app/gradio#10254)

  • fix problem with audio components restarting if play button is pressed too fast after loading new audio

    • this is a gradio bug so report?
  • fix new problem with hot reload:

    Reloading src.ultimate_rvc.web.main failed with the following exception: 
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users\Jacki\repositories\ultimate-rvc\uv\.venv\Lib\site-packages\gradio\", line 302, in watchfn
        changed_module = _find_module(changed)
      File "C:\Users\Jacki\repositories\ultimate-rvc\uv\.venv\Lib\site-packages\gradio\", line 226, in _find_module
        for s, v in sys.modules.items():
    RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
  • only have custom gradio progress bars for pipeline functions. these should be defined inline in the given function. Then we dont need to have the progress_bar and percentage(s) params for each generation function?

    • we could also just remove the custom percentages for those components that justh ave one percetnage. in that case we might get the automatic progress bar from gradio for free
  • it is possible to have several parallel event listeners for a component:

    • like if we have click_event = then we can have several click.then event listeners.
    • knowing this, simplify event listener code in the web package.
  • add something like an agreement to the top of the readme that says that the user agrees to the terms and conditions

    • something like: "This software is open source under the MIT license. The author does not have any control over the software. Users who use the software and distribute the sounds exported by the software are solely responsible.If you do not agree with this clause, you cannot use or reference any codes and files within the software package. See the root directory Agreement-LICENSE.txt for details."
  • save default values for options for song generation in an SongCoverOptionDefault enum.

    • then reference this enum across the two tabs
    • and also use list[SongCoverOptionDefault] as input to reset settings click event listener in single click generation tab.
  • Persist state of app (currently selected settings etc.) across re-renders

    • This includes:
      • refreshing a browser windows
      • Opening app in new browser window
      • Maybe it should also include when app is started anew?
    • Possible solutions
      • use gr.browserstate to allow state to be preserved acrross page loads.

      • Save any changes to components to a session dictionary and load from it upon refresh

        • See here
        • Problem is that this solution might not work with accordions or other types of blocks * should use .expand() and .collapse() event listeners on accordions to programmatically reset the state of accordions to what they were before after user has refreshed the page
      • Use localstorage

      • Whenever the state of a component is changed save the new state to a custom JSON file.

        • Then whenever the app is refreshed load the current state of components from the JSON file
        • This solution should probably work for Block types that are not components
  • fix gradio problem where last field components on a row are not aligned (DIFFICULT TO IMPLEMENT)

    • current solution with manual <br> padding is way too hacky.
    • this is a gradio bug so report?
  • Fix that gradio removes special symbols from audio paths when loaded into audio components (DIFFICULT TO IMPLEMENT)

    • includes parenthesis, question marks, etc.
    • its a gradio bug so report?
  • Add button for cancelling any currently running jobs (DIFFICULT TO IMPLEMENT)

    • Not supported by Gradio natively
    • Also difficult to implement manually as Gradio seems to be running called backend functions in thread environments
  • dont show error upon missing confirmation (DIFFICULT TO IMPLEMENT)

    • can return gr.update()instead of raising an error in relevant event listener function
    • but problem is that subsequent steps will still be executed in this case
  • clearing temporary files with the delete_cache parameter only seems to work if all windows are closed before closing the app process (DIFFICULT TO IMPLEMENT)

    • this is a gradio bug so report?

Online hosting optimization

  • make concurrency_id and concurrency limit on components be dependent on whether gpu is used or not
    • if only cpu then there should be no limit
  • increase value of default_concurrency_limit in Block.queue so that the same event listener can be called multiple times concurrently
  • use Block.launch() with max_file_size to prevent too large uploads
  • define as many functions with async as possible to increase responsiveness of app
    • and then use Block.launch() with max_threadsset to an appropriate value representing the number of concurrent threads that can be run on the server (default is 40)
  • consider setting max_size in Block.queue() to explicitly limit the number of people that can be in the queue at the same time
  • clearing of temporary files should happen after a user logs in and out
    • and in this case it should only be temporary files for the active user that are cleared
      • Is that even possible to control?
  • enable server side rendering (requires installing node and setting ssr_mode = true in .launch)



  • should remove input validation from modules from core package

    • typer handles this on the cli part
    • for gradio we should make a wrapper functio nthat provides the needed validation
      • just checking whether value is provided or not
  • lazy_import function also does not seem to work with static_ffmpeg and yt_dlp. If we instead delay import them manually, then we can get the CLI startup time down to 0.5 sec from 1.1 sec.

  • for those packages that dont work with lazy_import function make wrapper functions (similar to get audio_separator and get_voice_converter) that do the import and return an object

  • we should fix static_ffmpeg and static_sox so that the weak parameter works.

    • otherwise we will keep adding values to environment variables each time their add_paths()function is called
    • we should also add a remove_paths() function to remove the paths from the environment variables
  • instead of having custom embedder models, just allow users to upload new embedder models which will be shown in the main embedder models dropdown (and perhaps also saved in the main embedder models dir?)

Song cover generation

Audio separation

  • use the new autocast parameter to speed up separation process.
  • support using multiple models in parallel and combining results
    • median, mean, min, maxx
  • expand back-end function(s) so that they are parametrized by both model type as well as model settings
    • Need to decide whether we only want to support common model settings or also settings that are unique to each model
      • It will probably be the latter, which will then require some extra checks.
    • Need to decide which models supported by audio_separator that we want to support
      • Not all of them seem to work
      • Probably MDX models and MDXC models
      • Maybe also VR and demucs?
    • Revisit online guide for optimal models and settings
  • In multi-step generation tab
    • Expand audio-separation accordion so that model can be selected and appropriate settings for that model can then be selected.
      • Model specific settings should expand based on selected model
  • In one-click generation
    • Should have an "vocal extration" option accordion
      • Should be able to choose which audio separation steps to include in pipeline
        • possible steps
          • step 1: separating audio form instrumentals
          • step 2: separating main vocals from background vocals:
          • step 3: de-reverbing vocals
        • Should pick steps from dropdown?
        • For each selected step a new sub-accordion with options for that step will then appear
          • Each accordion should include general settings
          • We should decide whether model specific settings should also be supported
          • We Should also decide whether sub-accordion should setting for choosing a model and if so render specific settings based the chosen model
      • Alternative layout:
        • have option to choose number of separation steps
        • then dynamically render sub accordions for each of the selected number of steps
          • In this case it should be possible to choose models for each accordion
            • this field should be iniitally empty
          • Other setttings should probably have sensible defaults that are the same
        • It might also be a good idea to then have an "examples" pane with recommended combinations of extractions steps
        • When one of these is selected, then the selected number of accordions with the preset settings should be filled out
    • optimize pre-processing
    • Alternatives to audio-separator package:

Voice conversion

  • application of different f0 extraction methods should also be done in parallel.

  • Add more pitch extraction methods

    • pm

    • harvest

    • dio

    • rvmpe+

    • add harvest, pm, dio f0 methods back in?

  • support arbitrary combination of pitch extraction algorithms

    • use different method than median for combining extracted f0 values?
      • mean, min, max
  • formant shifting currently does not make a difference because

    • under the hood tftPitchShift.shiftpitch is called to pitch shift input audio with quefrency multiplied by 1e-3 which makes it almost equal to 0. that might be too a value to have any effect
  • potentially use another library for formant shifting. for example praatio or parselmouth

  • f0-curve file do not really work

    • fix the algorithm that uses custom f0 curve files
  • add support for extracting f0 curve file from audio track

    • must look in applio repo not rvc-cli repo
    • with f0 curves files can then test the custom f0 curve file parameter for voice conversion
  • Implement multi-gpu Inference

Audio post-processing

  • move all post processing from vocal conversion step to postprocessing step

    • this includes all the post-processing pedal effects from pedalboard but also the autotune effect that is implemented as part of vocal converson currently
  • Some effects from the pedalboard pakcage to support.

    • Guitar-style effects: Chorus, Distortion, Phaser, Clipping
    • Loudness and dynamic range effects: Compressor, Gain, Limiter
    • Equalizers and filters: HighpassFilter, LadderFilter, LowpassFilter
    • Spatial effects: Convolution, Delay, Reverb
    • Pitch effects: PitchShift
    • Lossy compression: GSMFullRateCompressor, MP3Compressor
    • Quality reduction: Resample, Bitcrush
    • NoiseGate
    • PeakFilter

Pitch shifting

  • The two pitch shifts operations that are currently executed sequentially should be executed in parallel because they are done on cpu

Audio Mixing

  • Add main gain loudness slider?

  • add more equalization options

    • using pydub.effects and pydub.scipy_effects?
  • Add option to equalize output audio with respect to input audio

    • i.e. song cover gain (and possibly also more general dynamics) should be the same as those for source song.
    • check to see if pydub has functionality for this
    • otherwise a simple solution would be computing the RMS of the difference between the loudness of the input and output track
      rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(signal)))
      dB  = 20*np.log10(rms)
      #add db to output file in mixing function (using pydub)
    • When this option is selected the option to set main gain of ouput should be disabled?


  • fix error saying that selected edge tts voice is not in list (occurs sporadically ?)

  • support more input files for tts than just .txt

  • support other initial tts models than just edge tts

    • coqui tts


  • extend caching of training feature extraction so that a separate filelist.txt file is generated for each set of hyperparameters (f0 method, rvc version, embedder model and sample rate). This then also requires giving a specific "filelist" file as input when calling the training method/command.

  • add fcpe method for training

  • have a option to enhance training audio

    • using resemble enhance
  • support custom learning rate?

  • Support a loss/training graph

  • optimize training pipeline steps for speed

    • dataset preprocessing and feature extraction is 10 sec faster for applio
    • training startup is 30 sec slower
  • training does evaluation on training data and not an unbiased test set, which should be fixed perhaps

    • also perhaps we should use another metric than the loss function for evaluation
  • add to ui feature for extracting specific weigth from specific epoch of training

    • wrapper around run_model_extract_script
  • need to fix issue with ports when using training: """ torch.distributed.DistNetworkError: The server socket has failed to listen on any local network address. The server socket has failed to bind to [Christians-Desktop]:50376 (system error: 10013 - An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.). The server socket has failed to bind to Christians-Desktop:50376 (system error: 10013 - An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.).

    • other port when error occurs: 49865 """
    • seems to be due to us choosing a port that is protected by windows when using torch.distributed for training. should figure out which port it is
  • fix error on exiting server on linux after interrupting training: "/usr/lib/python3.12/multiprocessing/ UserWarning: resource_tracker: There appear to be 210 leaked semaphore objects to clean up at shutdown" warnings.warn('resource_tracker: There appear to be %d '

Model management

  • use the validate_model_exists for functions defined in manage.models

  • also define a validate_model_not_exists to use for functions defined in manage.models

  • Voice blending

    • for fusion also have weights for each model -- so that the combination is weighted by cusotm values (default 0.5 and 0.5)
      • or can have custom fusion methods
      • add weight sum
      • add difference
  • use pandas.read_json to load public models table (DIFFICULT TO IMPLEMENT)

Download models

  • Support batch downloading multiple models

    • requires a tabular request form where both a link column and a name column has to be filled out
    • we can allow selecting multiple items from public models table and then copying them over
  • support quering online database for models matching a given search string like what is done in applio app

    • specifically supbase
    • first n rows of online database should be shown by default in public models table
      • more rows should be retrieved by scrolling down or clicking a button
    • user search string should filter/narrow returned number of rows in public models table
    • When clicking a set of rows they should then be copied over for downloading in the "download" table
  • support a column with preview sample in public models table

    • Only possible if voice snippets are also returned when querying the online database
  • Otherwise we can always support voice snippets for voice models that have already been downloaded

    • run model on sample text ("quick brown fox runs over the lazy") after it is downloaded
    • save the results in a audio/model_preview folder
    • Preview can then be loaded into a preview audio component when selecting a model from a dropdown
    • or if we replace the dropdown with a table with two columns we can have the audio track displayed in the second column

Model analysis

  • we could provide a new tab to analyze an existing model like what is done in applio

    • or this tab could be consolidated with the delete model tab?
  • we could also provide extra model information after model is downloaded

    • potentialy in dropdown to expand?
  • add feature for comparing two models using their cosine similarity or other metric?

Audio management


  • Support audio information tool like in applio?
    • A new tab where you can upload a song to analyze?
  • more elaborate solution:
    • tab where where you
      • can select any song directory
      • select any step in the audio generation pipeline
      • then select any intermediate audio file generated in that step
      • Then have the possibility to
        • Listen to the song
        • see a table with its metadata (based on its associated .json file)
          • add timestamp to json files so they can be sorted in table according to creation date
        • And other statistics in a separate component (graph etc.)
    • Could have delete buttons both at the level of song_directory, step, and for each song?
    • Also consider splitting intermediate audio tracks for each step in to subfolder (0,1,2,3...)

Other settings

  • rework other settings tab
    • this should also contain other settings such as the ability to change the theme of the app
    • there should be a button to apply settings which will reload the app with the new settings



  • fix problem with not being able to rename default "Options" panel in typer
    • the panel where "help" and other built in options are put

Add remaining CLI interfaces

  • Interface for core.manage_models
  • Interface for core.manage_audio
  • Interfaces for individual pipeline functions defined in core.generate_song_covers

python package management

  • add support for python 3.13.

  • update numpy to latest

  • need to wait for uv to make it easy to install package with torch dependency

    • also it is still necessary to install pytorch first as it is not on pypi index
  • need to make project version (in pyproject.toml) dynamic so that it is updated automatically when a new release is made

  • figure out way of making ./urvc commands execute faster

    • when ultimate rvc is downloaded as a pypi package the exposed commands are much faster so investigate this



  • linting with Ruff
  • typechecking with Pyright
  • running all tests
  • automatic building and publishing of project to pypi
    • includes automatic update of project version number
  • or use pre-commit?


  • Fill out TBA sections in README
  • Add note about not using with VPN?
  • Add different emblems/badges in header
    • like test coverage, build status, etc. (look at other projects for inspiration)
  • spice up text with emojis (look at tiango's projects for inspiration)
  • move documentation on how to use webui from readme to dedicated website (like github based?)
    • also make youtube tutorials?


  • Make regular releases like done for Applio

    • Will be an .exe file that when run unzips contents into application folder, where ./urvc run can then be executed.
    • Could it be possible to have .exe file just start webapp when clicked?
  • Could also include pypi package as a release?

  • use pyinstaller to install app into executable that also includes sox and ffmpeg as dependencies (DLLs)


Custom UI

  • Experiment with new themes including Building new ones
    • first of all make new theme that is like the default gradio 4 theme in terms of using semi transparent orange as the main color and semi-transparent grey for secondary color. The new gradio 5 theme is good apart from using solid colors so maybe use that as base theme.
    • Support both dark and light theme in app?
    • Add Support for changing theme in app?
    • Use Applio theme as inspiration for default theme?
  • Experiment with using custom CSS
    • Pass css = {css_string} to gr.Blocks and use elem_classes and elem_id to have components target the styles define in the CSS string.
  • Experiment with custom DataFrame styling
  • Experiment with custom Javascript
  • Look for opportunities for defining new useful custom components

Real-time vocal conversion

AI assistant mode

  • similar to vocal conversion streaming but instead of converting your voice on the fly, it should:
    • take your voice,
    • do some language modelling (with an LLM or something)
    • then produce an appropriate verbal response
  • We already have Kyutais moshi
    • Maybe that model can be finetuned to reply with a voice
    • i.e. your favorite singer, actor, best friend, family member.

Ultimate RVC bot for discord

  • maybe also make a forum on discord?

Make app production ready

  • have a "report a bug" tab like in applio?

  • should have separate accounts for users when hosting online

    • use gr.LoginButton and gr.LogoutButton?
  • deploy using docker

  • Host on own web-server with Nginx

  • Consider having concurrency limit be dynamic, i.e. instead of always being 1 for jobs using gpu consider having it depend upon what resources are available.

    • We can app set the GPU_CONCURRENCY limit to be os.envrion["GPU_CONCURRENCY_LIMIT] or 1 and then pass GPU_CONCURRENCY as input to places where event listeners are defined


  • Add example audio files to use for testing
    • Should be located in audio/examples
    • could have sub-folders input and output
      • in output folder we have output_audio.ext files each with a corresponding input_audio.json file containing metadata explaining arguments used to generate output
      • We can then test that actual output is close enough to expected output using audio similarity metric.
  • Setup unit testing framework using pytest
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